Why is a pediatrician asking about guns?

In MA they have to get blood tests for lead every year while they are in school anyway.

The mistake was letting them question your children wihtout yoru active participation. Its an easy mistake to make. One I could see any of us making.

One other response might be.

"why areen't you asking about swimming pools? did you know that TEN TIMES (60 vs 600) kids die every year in swimming pool accidents?

Why aren't you asking about the chemicals under my kitchen sink? Did you know that THIRTY TIMES (1700 vs 60) as many kids die of accidental poisoning?

gun accidents - 60
Swimming pool accidents - 600
accidental poisoning - 1700

Great points.
This! how many vibrators? what color? texture? size?

Should of asked her breast size, and how many guys shes been with

PRICELESS! This gets to the heart of it right quick.

In MA they have to get blood tests for lead every year while they are in school anyway.

The mistake was letting them question your children wihtout yoru active participation. Its an easy mistake to make. One I could see any of us making.

One other response might be.

"why areen't you asking about swimming pools? did you know that TEN TIMES (60 vs 600) kids die every year in swimming pool accidents?

Why aren't you asking about the chemicals under my kitchen sink? Did you know that THIRTY TIMES (1700 vs 60) as many kids die of accidental poisoning?

gun accidents - 60
Swimming pool accidents - 600
accidental poisoning - 1700

Good points on the swimming pool info. I don't know if my kids have EVER been tested for lead. Is that a blood test? I don't think they've EVER had any blood test, period.
Wow now we've moved on to requesting inventory.
No to worry though, all your medical info is confidential.
I have some ocean front property you might like in AZ. If you buy that.

Trust me i'm from the government.
Reply " I have no idea how many I lost count. I generally leave them where I had my last drink, so when will the kid be ready to help me do reloads?"
Say you are always packing the love gun and give her a wink.

You win.

Her - "Are there any guns in the house".

Me - "Just one, and I always keep it with me, if you know what I mean. <grabs crotch> <winks>

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They do a blood draw when they do their physical. I've watched it done to two of my kids. I've also filled out the forms for school.

I've always requested blood test for lead anyway. But I have a hard time with having to tell the Government about it.

I understand the desire for vaccination info. My kid's vaccination status affects the safety of OTHER KIDS.
But my kids lead level affects only her. And thats my god damned responsibility, not the governments.
Im seriously ignorant on this subject...

Can someone explain to me what the issue is when a pediatrician asks this question? What am I missing?

I'm failing to see a big deal. My kids pediatrician asked us if my kids wear helmets when they ride their bikes, if they wear life jackets in our boat, if we had a pool, hot tub or sauna too. She also asked the firearm question to which I answered yes and that they were secure. Yes she was being nosey but it was directed at everything not just firearms. I am extremely safety oriented and once I answered the questions she asked she moved on.

I really want to be educated here as to why this is wrong, I'm the first to admit I'm not always correct...thanks for the info.
Sneaky Bolshevik way to get you to confirm you have guns. Very tricky.

I'm 100% certain that was not her intent. I live in an area where gun ownership is very normal, very common, and well accepted. It's also an area where people are likely to either bristle at that question, or laugh because there are probably very few people in the area that DON'T have guns in the house.

It was a ways to check the box that she had asked and not check the box that 'guns are kept in children's cribs, parents explained blah blah stud about guns and children' (I'm paraphrasing, I don't remember exactly what it said) - without being offensive or directly asking a question that she was aware was none of her business.

TL;DR: Question intentionally phrased so it was easy to answer without saying whether or not there were firearms in the home.
Im seriously ignorant on this subject...

Can someone explain to me what the issue is when a pediatrician asks this question? What am I missing?

I'm failing to see a big deal. My kids pediatrician asked us if my kids wear helmets when they ride their bikes, if they wear life jackets in our boat, if we had a pool, hot tub or sauna too. She also asked the firearm question to which I answered yes and that they were secure. Yes she was being nosey but it was directed at everything not just firearms. I am extremely safety oriented and once I answered the questions she asked she moved on.

I really want to be educated here as to why this is wrong, I'm the first to admit I'm not always correct...thanks for the info.

The big deal is all of this is none of their business.

It may just be used for statistics or it could be used in a court to take your parental rights away.
"Do you store them safely?" Sure! "What kind guns and how many?" Excuse me, what?
"What kind guns and how many?"
Sounds to me like she was looking for some advice or a possible buy. [wink] Maybe you should have asked about her collection. [grin]

None of your business = YES. Always say NO! They tried it with our pedi visits and my wife and I always say no.
Yep. This. No need to sour the relationship (unless you already consider it done and over with anyway).
They never ask me that because I have that "face". I have been told I look like I am in the "family" (don't want to use the "M" word, NSA and all). [wink]

They take on look at me and move on to "So, how are you feeling today". Probably just check the "yes" box on me. [smile]
Wow, the "what kind and how many" is a new one.

Should have asked who suggested, or why she felt the need to, ask that specific question.

Yeah I never heard that one before. Seems way over the top. As far as the normal guns question, there is nothing ominous about it. The Dr just wants to see if have them locked up and understand that kids are curious and accidents happen.

Agree or disagree with the question, but that's what it's for. It's a gun not a kiddie porn stash. No reason to be ashamed or hide the fact that you own it
You asked too much bitch.

I'm guessing you don't have children? Seriously, not attacking you personally.

My children are grown, but I've just been reminded of a lot of the early years as my daughter has a newborn. You're really not looking for an antagonistic relationship with your pediatrician; you're looking for the best provider of care you can find for the most precious thing in your life.

So, in a case like this, you don't call the dr a "bitch", you either defuse, or you find another pediatrician.

Just saying...
Wow, the "what kind and how many" is a new one.

Should have asked who suggested, or why she felt the need to, ask that specific question.

They're going to keep pushing the envelope until they get shut down. That's the way the progressives have been able to open the gaping wound of division they've inflicted on America...a teeny bit at a time.
I've always told my daughter to just answer "I don't know", or "I don't think so" if she is ever asked directly by ANYONE, be it doctor, school official, police, whatever. This is acceptable because my wife doesn't even want her knowing I own any (another story), and she is covering my ass by not confirming ownership, and even better "safe storage" since she is unaware of whether they exist in our home.[wink]
Ask the doctor if they know what a boundary violation is.
Also ask them what qualifications they have to discuss firearms.
My kid was asked if she had access to any firearms n the home. Now you all have me thinking. Did the wife previously reveal there are firearms in the home? It just seems to me that you would ask that question of a child if they already knew firearms were there.....maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight today. Just a thought though.


Ok..just checked with the wife. She got the question when we moved to this new pediatrician. She answered no. She said they used to ask directly now they are going at it in a round about way. Everyone is instructed to answer no...so I am good.
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My kids' pediatrician wore a button on his white coat lapel every day that was a gun with a red circle and slash through it. Like this:


I guess he didn't like Berettas. [smile] But, the subject never came up with us or the kids. It is clear that the AMA and the pediatric professional societies are anti and irrational on this subject.

dcmdon is absolutely correct that the risks of harm for children lie with the pools and the poisons.

"But, if we can just save one child...." [puke]
It came up with my pediatrician - we both said no, rather emphatically. Was glad - this was on the intake/new patient thing - they had pamphlets in their hand to "educate" us on each topic, ie lead paint, fluoride in the water (we don't), pets, and of course, guns.
They are just looking for statistics. The use the numbers against us anyway. The majority of injuries and deaths related to a gun belong to those who are using them for illegal purposes. But they will never admit that. So tell them no any chance you get.
To those that think that is not a big deal, Maybe not now, But with way that Communist Racist Bastard and his Thugs from HHS and ATF are maneuvering with the regulations it could very well be a big deal. They make one of their regulations for "Child Safety" and declare unfit as a parent because you are gun owner, Then what? This is the tact they are now using with current trend on Firearms regulations.

Exactly. Some may scoff and shout "tinfoil", and that's fine, but one can't get in any trouble for information NOT shared. The bottom line is that they are looking out for the well being of the patients under their care, in this case children, and guns not properly secured can be a HUGE safety risk to children, so their asking doesn't offend me at all, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to be honest, or spill my guts about stuff that I feel isn't their business. As JWP pointed out, today it's just gathering information, tomorrow it may be...
My kids' pediatrician wore a button on his white coat lapel every day that was a gun with a red circle and slash through it. Like this:


I guess he didn't like Berettas. [smile] But, the subject never came up with us or the kids. It is clear that the AMA and the pediatric professional societies are anti and irrational on this subject.

dcmdon is absolutely correct that the risks of harm for children lie with the pools and the poisons.

"But, if we can just save one child...." [puke]
The AMA wants to classify gun ownership has a disease. If you own guns, you are sick, defective. If you are sick/defective you should not own guns.

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Took my 6mo old daughter to the pediatrician today for a checkup. They ask a few medical questions, then all of a sudden switches to what felt like an interrigation.
"Do you have any Guns in the home?"
stupid me I said Yes without thinking about it.
"Do you store them safely?" Sure! "What kind guns and how many?" Excuse me, what?
"What kind guns and how many?"
I shut it down right there. told her these questions have nothing to do with pediatrics and I won't be answering any more of them.
The look on her face was priceless.
But serously though WTF?
What's next, the grocery store?

Maybe he/she just wanted to go shooting with you? [rofl]

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My kids' pediatrician wore a button on his white coat lapel every day that was a gun with a red circle and slash through it. Like this:


I guess he didn't like Berettas. [smile] But, the subject never came up with us or the kids. It is clear that the AMA and the pediatric professional societies are anti and irrational on this subject.

dcmdon is absolutely correct that the risks of harm for children lie with the pools and the poisons.

"But, if we can just save one child...." [puke]

You say "wore" in the past tense, do you no longer go to the pediatrician or is the button no longer worn?
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