Why is a pediatrician asking about guns?

My kids' pediatrician wore a button on his white coat lapel every day that was a gun with a red circle and slash through it. Like this:


I guess he didn't like Berettas. [smile] But, the subject never came up with us or the kids. It is clear that the AMA and the pediatric professional societies are anti and irrational on this subject.

dcmdon is absolutely correct that the risks of harm for children lie with the pools and the poisons.

"But, if we can just save one child...." [puke]

Wow, and you still used that pediatrician? You know you can change doctors, yes?

Never mind, just saw that you're oldest is well past pediatrician stage. Though, with Obama care, your youngest is probably still considered a child.
Wow, and you still used that pediatrician? You know you can change doctors, yes?

Never mind, just saw that you're oldest is well past pediatrician stage. Though, with Obama care, your youngest is probably still considered a child.

He was a good doctor and fixed the kids up every time. He's entitled to his opinion about firearms, as misguided as that may be (freedom of speech, remember?). As long as he didn't pry into my personal business relating to firearms or other things where's the problem?

I thought about getting into it with him, but he never brought it up. I decided not to make waves.
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When the line of questioning drift from medical issues into crap like "do you wear a seat belt" or "do you have guns in the house", I respond with:

"These questions have no clinical value, so we'll just move on to the next topic."

Once in a while they look like they bit a bug, but move on, generally without any argument.
When the line of questioning drift from medical issues into crap like "do you wear a seat belt" or "do you have guns in the house", I respond with:

"These questions have no clinical value, so we'll just move on to the next topic."

Once in a while they look like they bit a bug, but move on, generally without any argument.

I have this image of you sitting in your doctor's office with your avatar perched on your shoulder saying just that...
Need a megathread for this one.

One of my docs asked the same question. I said many and he asked if I had any M1 Carbine parts. Gave him two unopened USGI bags with springs and shit. He was all smiles.
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Need a megathread for this one.

One of my docs asked the same question. I said many and he asked if I had any M1 Carbine parts. Gave him two unopened USGI bags with springs and shit. He was all smiles.

does he accept gun parts for payment instead of insurance? lol
I'm still waiting for a doc to make the mistake of asking me that question.
Got an appointment with a new doc tomorrow. Wish me luck! [devil2]

It's a pediatrician thing, I believe. My kids Doc showed me the checklist and said it's intended to prompt education about keeping guns where kids couldn't get their curious little hands on them.

My own Doc asked me about gun carrying habits a couple times, but it was in the context of persistent back pain. (He recommended a better holster and belt.)
Ask her about her sex life. It's as much business as yours as her knowing about your guns.

My kid was getting a check up, not too long ago, and the same question came up.

Doc: are there any guns in the house?
Me: are there any dildos in your house?
Doc: excuse me???
Me: exactly. none of my business, and none of yours, as neither have anything to do with the health of either of us or our children. Any questions?

The rest of the checkup went very quickly.
It's a pediatrician thing, I believe. My kids Doc showed me the checklist and said it's intended to prompt education about keeping guns where kids couldn't get their curious little hands on them.

My own Doc asked me about gun carrying habits a couple times, but it was in the context of persistent back pain. (He recommended a better holster and belt.)

I seem to recall a dermatologist asking me this waaaay back. Well before I got involved with guns and woke up to see big brother staring over my shoulder.
My kid was getting a check up, not too long ago, and the same question came up.

Doc: are there any guns in the house?
Me: are there any dildos in your house?
Doc: excuse me???
Me: exactly. none of my business, and none of yours, as neither have anything to do with the health of either of us or our children. Any questions?

The rest of the checkup went very quickly.

Excellent!!!! [laugh2]
They probably ask these questions for insurance purposes so that they can label my family as a high risk and increase my premiums. It's always about money. Even when it's "for the children" it's really about money.

These days nothing is done for safety. It's just lawsuit prevention masquerading as safety. It all started when that woman ordered hot coffee, spilled the hot coffee in her own dumbass lap, then sued McDs because the hot coffee was hot and won some ridiculous 7 figure settlement because it didn't say 'hot' on the cup.
In MA they have to get blood tests for lead every year while they are in school anyway.

The mistake was letting them question your children wihtout yoru active participation. Its an easy mistake to make. One I could see any of us making.

One other response might be.

"why areen't you asking about swimming pools? did you know that TEN TIMES (60 vs 600) kids die every year in swimming pool accidents?

Why aren't you asking about the chemicals under my kitchen sink? Did you know that THIRTY TIMES (1700 vs 60) as many kids die of accidental poisoning?

gun accidents - 60
Swimming pool accidents - 600
accidental poisoning - 1700


Right on bro!
I always say no. My wife, without instruction even says no.

Where does that info go? My guess is the national department of health and inhumane services
my wife took the twins in, the nurse asked, she said yes... i went in with our daughter, the nurse asked, i said no......

gotta keep 'em guessing.....

if my wife was smart, she wouldn't have married me ;)
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Thank god my family pcp is the same that delivered me and doesn't ask any dumba$$ invasive questions...

I have instructed the wife that we don't have any GUNS in the home if anyone asks...
To those that think that is not a big deal, Maybe not now, But with way that Communist Racist Bastard and his Thugs from HHS and ATF are maneuvering with the regulations it could very well be a big deal. They make one of their regulations for "Child Safety" and declare you unfit as a parent because you are gun owner, Then what? This is the tact they are now using with current trend on Firearms regulations.

This, as well as other things .gov could do with a "list" of your guns. Think about it. The government is now in the healthcare business, and has unlimited access to all your medical records. They have failed, so far, to get national registration, but now they'll have a start.

This info is entered into your records.

The only correct answer to the question is, "no". Any of the wise-crack answers some of you have come up with will be construed as a yes, or worse, recorded as a hostile response. Have any of you really said any of these things to your kid's doctor???
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