Why the 2nd Amendment is safe under President Obama—for now


NES Member
Jan 26, 2008
inside the 495 Belt
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for those of us who are sitting out this buying panic, here is a good article from Reason magazine my favorite Libertarian read....

Why the 2nd Amendment is safe under President Obama—for now

Politically savvy gun owners have long distrusted President Barack Obama, and for perfectly fair reasons—even (or perhaps especially) after he went out of his way to tell them that lawful gun owners have nothing to fear from his administration.

Perhaps, Obama seemed to be gently suggesting, they could cool it with the spike in gun purchases since he won the election. December showed a 24 percent rise in FBI instant background checks for gun purchases from the previous December, and there was a 49 percent such hike the week of his election.

Obama’s famous gaffe about “bitter” people who “cling” to guns merely brought this existing tension to wide public attention. Despite his insistence that he respects the doctrine settled by the Supreme Court in June’s Heller decision—that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms—Obama has a far narrower vision of what that means than, say, your average National Rifle Association (NRA) member.

During his political career, Obama has supported Chicago’s handgun ban (as well as D.C.’s ban, overturned in Heller, a decision he later claimed to agree with) and voted for, or expressed public support for, such gun restrictions as banning concealed public carrying of weapons and barring gun sales within five miles of schools or parks.

Furthermore, a statement on Obama's gun intentions that had disappeared from his campaign site has now reappeared on the White House website. These details in particular raised hackles in the gun rights community:

Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade…. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.

And his attorney general designate Eric Holder is a straight-up foe of gun rights. He was a principal in the Clinton administration’s perceived attacks on gun owners’ rights; he’s for registration and licensing, mandatory waiting periods, and gun purchase limits. Holder also signed on to an amicus brief on D.C.’s side in Heller, and clearly does not agree with the case’s Second Amendment-affirming decision. He’s been a magnet of discontent for the gun rights community, though in a contentious move, the NRA has chosen not to openly testify against him or count votes for him against congressmen or senators in their NRA scorecards.

Moreover, as certain alarmed folks in the gun rights community will note, there’s plenty that Holder will be able to do as the head of the Department of Justice, including the harassment of gun dealers by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. There are also fears that Obama may issue executive orders restricting the importation of certain kinds of weapons or ammunition.

I don’t doubt that Obama and Holder have little respect for gun rights. Obama’s pandering during the campaign was almost certainly insincere. But what is politically important is not whether he meant it; it’s that he thought he had to do it in the first place. He even had to run ads in such potential swing states as Ohio and Pennsylvania aimed at countering NRA ads that tagged him as an enemy of gun owners.

That indicates what Obama—and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel—has at the front of his mind: the Democratic Party’s institutional memory of its own personal gun-related tragedies of 1994 and 2000 (and maybe even 2004). Gun control fever was running high in the early 1990s, with the Brady Bill and the original “assault weapon” ban passing in ’93 and ’94.

Then came the Republican takeover of both houses of Congress in 1994, blamed by no less savvy a politico than then-President Bill Clinton on the Democrats’ rousing of the gun rights movement. Al Gore’s 2000 losses in such states as Tennessee and West Virginia, and thus the White House, are also widely attributed to the wrath of the NRA and its allies.

Irwin Nowick, a hyper-detailed watcher and chronicler of gun issues on the California and national level, had a cogent argument for why even some of the things Obama explicitly says he wants on the gun control front are apt to go nowhere:

Federally, Obama and….Emanuel [do] not want to cause problems for Labor or “swing voters” which include persons who own guns. Emanuel remembers Clinton and he understands how tenuous Democratic control of the House in fact is…. In addition, what people do not understand is that the type of Democrats who controlled the House during the first two years of the Clinton regime is not there any more. They were wiped out in 1994 and by the movement of House seats from the Northeast and Midwest to the South and West. Those seats that did exist in the Rust Belt were sliced and diced in redistricting in 2001. Indeed, in this cycle—as in 2006—you had the growth of NRA Democrats.

…People can forget about a new “assault weapon” ban—that one is not getting any traction—Labor is opposed and Rahm Emanuel is not putting his boss or a Democratic majority at risk.... The 1994 crime bill which included “the ban” passed because Republicans voted for it. Many of those Republicans are gone and because of the movement of seats because of the 2000 census and resulting redistricting, many of the Democratic seats where the members voted for it are gone as well.

So far, there is no sign of incipient serious gun action on the Hill, or out of the White House. Two new bills that have generated much gun community chatter are sitting mostly sponsorless for now in the Judiciary Committee. Second Amendment enthusiasts are excited about Florida Republican Rep. Cliff Stearns’s National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2009 (H.R. 197) (co-sponsored by Virginia Democrat Rick Boucher), which would create cross-state reciprocity for states that issue concealed carry permits, allowing a gun owner who has one in his home state to essentially use it in other states. (Stearns has authored essentially similar bills in the past, which got nowhere.)

And they are alarmed by Illinois Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush’s bill, a “Firearms Licensing and Record of Sale Act,” which would pretty much do what the title implies. It too is currently sitting in committee, with zero co-sponsors. Radical pro- or anti-gun action is just not much on Congress’ mind right now.

Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation is still quite wary of Obama and nervous about what the next four years will mean for gun rights, though he granted in an interview this week that “we don’t see any legislation on the immediate horizon whatsoever; the few bills introduced, I don’t believe will go anywhere. [Rush’s bill] is asking too much; it’s never gonna happen.”

Still, Gottlieb is concerned about how a Holder-run DOJ might behave in any future lawsuit intended to extend gun rights in which the federal government is a party. He's also worried about how Holder’s BATFE could use existing laws to stymie gun and ammunition dealers. And he fears that any effective new gun control will come without warning from Congress. “Something bad could appear and head to hearings quickly and not be telegraphed months in advance,” seriously harming the gun rights community’s ability to man up and stop it.

But as far as actual action to restrict gun rights on the federal level, not much is imminent or moving. Congress and the new president are very, very busy spending the U.S. further into hyperinflation or bankruptcy and figuring out exit strategies (or not) from Bush-era foreign policy entanglements. While Justice Department's focus on enforcing existing gun laws may well increase, we're unlikely to see any significant new federal efforts that infringe on the Heller-certified constitutional right to own common weapons for self-defense in the home.

The gun rights community, in other words, is most likely wrong about the extent to which the Obama administration will try to restrict gun rights. (Not that, even in a post-Heller age, they don’t have reason to be worried; short of D.C.-style total gun bans, lower courts so far seem sure that any other gun regulations go under the ruling.) The political irony is that being mistaken about the magnitude of the threat can guarantee they achieve their goals—being wrong, especially convincing the gun rights rank and file to grossly overestimate the Obama threat, will help ensure that the threat never becomes real—even if it never would have.

In the face of an administration that undoubtedly only respects gun rights to the extent that its supporters have the political power to harm it, gun rights forces do need to keep their powder dry; perhaps even excessively stocked. Paranoids may not always have real and effective enemies, but in politics, as in life, paranoia can keep you safe.

Senior Editor Brian Doherty is author of Radicals for Capitalism (PublicAffairs) and Gun Control on Trial (Cato Institute).
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"Not that, even in a post-Heller age, they don’t have reason to be worried" -Gun grabber Apologist

Did you/he read the opinion that was issued?

1. It was only 5:4
2. It still called for "reasonable limitations" on your eligibility for 2nd amendment protection and what you could own...
3. Did I mention it was 5:4?

Further, we have seen in this state (MA) what an evangelical AG can do - constructively eliminate rights without check or balance (or even the law on his side)...

The mere threat of action is enough to stop a great deal of trade and drive prices out of most people's hands...

This is one area I'd like to see attacked in MA and Federally - the harm done to consumers of guns WRT to price and monopoly power... We have to use the courts against them as they are using them against us...
1. It was only 5:4

About 20% of the SCOUTS decisions are 5-4, and in 2007 the rate was about 30% of ALL cases were decided by 5-4. There is another landmark case that was passed in the 60's that was only a 5-4 ruling. This case was actually in essence that slapped the wrist of the government. To this very day NO ONE has tried to overturn it. If your not sure what famous case this is read up on Miranda v. Arizona.

And if you think even a 9-0 or 8-1 ruling is 'secure' read up on Buck v. Bell, an 8-1 ruling that has NOT been over turned. The case is unrelated but if you look at it from the single point that what is argued in the case IS legal AND constitutional.

Even if Heller was affirmed 9-0 or 8-1 that Brady and Co. would have packed up and given up is absurd. Brady and those other groups do not care what SCOTUS or the Constitution say and its just an 'inconvenience' for them to have to deal with it. So please do not belittle such a landmark case just because it was 5-4.
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It won't be safe for long.

And the Liberal Extremists will be smarter this go-around.

They got their asses handed to them in 1994 mid-terms so they know what *not* to do.
About 20% of the SCOUTS decisions are 5-4, and in 2007 the rate was about 30% of ALL cases were decided by 5-4. There is another landmark case that was passed in the 60's that was only a 5-4 ruling.
Yes, everyone likes to point this out - but the reality is that it only takes one retired or deceased member of that 5 in the next 4 years to turn it the other direction...

I am not saying that distinguishes it from any of the other 5:4 decisions - I am pointing out the threat posed by a D-D-D government with no check and balance on judicial appointments...
Nice creative fairy tale they wrote.

Quite simply, Obama, his chief of staff, attorney general, treasury secretary, housing, and state department picks as minimum have plans.

Will be four years of even looser journalism.

The only thing I can say is, it is ultimately going to come down to the individual owner...and thinker.

The Constitution is being "sidestepped" on a daily basis. There are always "workarounds"....for the people who are looking for them. Our current judicial system, for the most part, will happily comply.....when they're not too busy making laws on their own. [wink]

If push comes to shove, and a person, or group, of LE personnel...of ANY type, comes to your door and says, "We have a warrant for your guns." What will YOU as an individual citizen do? Think about it.

I AM assuming you are a normal, law-abiding citizen, who happens to be a gun owner.

Think about it....it is NOT out of reality. Think of what happened to many folks during Hurricane Katrina. The storm was an excuse. Guns WERE confiscated. Would you give them up? Again, stop and really think. [wink]
Good article, and I sort of agree. I have not gotten in on this "gun buying" craze, because no matter what, things take time. If I've learned anything, this whole site jumps on any negative news or even just rumors of bad news, so I'm sure that we'll see anything coming. The vigilance I see on here is excellent, and I think that is key to making informed decision. While I would love to get more firearms, in this economy I am not ready to do it based on unfounded fears, and I definitely don't want to pay increased prices due to the unfounded rise in demand... As far as I can see, at the moment I should be more concerned with the economy than guns, and I'm sure Obama feels the same way. If the economy improves and the man seems bored, I might change my tune.

This site gives me the information I need to be the best judge of what to do and when. Keep it up.
Good article, and I sort of agree. I have not gotten in on this "gun buying" craze, because no matter what, things take time. If I've learned anything, this whole site jumps on any negative news or even just rumors of bad news, so I'm sure that we'll see anything coming. The vigilance I see on here is excellent, and I think that is key to making informed decision. While I would love to get more firearms, in this economy I am not ready to do it based on unfounded fears, and I definitely don't want to pay increased prices due to the unfounded rise in demand... As far as I can see, at the moment I should be more concerned with the economy than guns, and I'm sure Obama feels the same way. If the economy improves and the man seems bored, I might change my tune.

This site gives me the information I need to be the best judge of what to do and when. Keep it up.

Yup, Obama is very concerned with the economy...and with guns. Keep a close eye on the man, listen....really listen to his words....and think. What is going to be the end result of all the "giveaways" and "pork". Create jobs? Not on your life!

Grin, tell you what...take whatever firearms and ammo you have....put about 50% aside...to be given to folks who have less firearms/ammo than you. Not fair?....so what? People have less, you have more. Its only right you should be willing to give up your firearms and ammo to those who want such things and just don't have them. Its called "spreading it around".

Don't think its right? Damn, I guess you don't like Socialism then. Shame on you. Our current President thinks its the wave of the future, and the way things should be.

Hey, you have more ammo than me? C'mon, spread it around. You don't need all of it. [wink] [wink] [wink]
Grin, tell you what...take whatever firearms and ammo you have....put about 50% aside...to be given to folks who have less firearms/ammo than you. Not fair?....so what? People have less, you have more. Its only right you should be willing to give up your firearms and ammo to those who want such things and just don't have them. Its called "spreading it around".

Don't think its right? Damn, I guess you don't like Socialism then. Shame on you. Our current President thinks its the wave of the future, and the way things should be.

Hey, you have more ammo than me? C'mon, spread it around. You don't need all of it. [wink] [wink] [wink]

I have no problem with sharing.

But it has to be voluntary!

Government mandated redistribution is theft.

If I can't lawfully go into your house, take your wallet, remove the big bills, then neither can they!
Words whisper, actions shout.

I don't care what the Usurper said during the campaign; I look at what he's done. And what he's done regarding every anti-gun law that's come down the pike is vote for it.

Look, this guy lied about his eligibility to legally assume the presidency of the United States because he craved the power of that office. His whole presidency is a lie, and he's a fraud.

Watch what he does, not what he says. At his core, he is a consummate liar!
The only thing I can say is, it is ultimately going to come down to the individual owner...and thinker....."

"...If push comes to shove, and a person, or group, of LE personnel...of ANY type, comes to your door and says, "We have a warrant for your guns." What will YOU as an individual citizen do? Think about it.

I AM assuming you are a normal, law-abiding citizen, who happens to be a gun owner.

Think about it....it is NOT out of reality. Think of what happened to many folks during Hurricane Katrina. The storm was an excuse. Guns WERE confiscated. Would you give them up? Again, stop and really think. [wink]

No. I wouldn't give them up. How could I give them up? I lost them all when my row boat sunk after being swamped by a ginormous power boat in the middle of Boston Harbor.
I have no problem with sharing.

But it has to be voluntary!

Government mandated redistribution is theft.

If I can't lawfully go into your house, take your wallet, remove the big bills, then neither can they!

Sharing, as you said is voluntary. A person either does or doesn't. Charity is voluntary...and most folks I know give more than willingly.

Forced "redistribution" is neither voluntary nor charity. It is a grab...plain and simple. It goes under the name of "Socialism" and leads to "Marxism"...which is where we are now headed. Yup, the "State" owns and controls all....all for the benefit of the "citizen"...of course.

Example: Today, or yesterday, our "Messiah" was giving a conference and spoke about corporate salaries, bonuses and benefits. He stated that this was "shamefull" and "something needs to be done about it".

Are you kidding me?

Hell, if anything, I'm the Joe 6-pack....just an ordinary guy. But, what the hell business is it of the POTUS to determine who and what gets how much? Corps. have to answer to a Board of Directors....and shareholders. If they are OK with compensation, who is anyone else to say its wrong? That is a typical "class warfare" ploy.

Want to be a millionaire? Great. Go out and do something and make it. Want to be a CEO with big bucks? No problem....get yourself in that position and go for it. The opportunities are there.

Who the hell is Obama or anyone else to say that what these people are paid is "shameful"? Its none of their friggin business!

If an entity is not being run successfully, it will fail...of course that all depends on current "bailouts". [wink]

If an entity is successful, it will make money. Is that not what people strive for? To get ahead and be successful? To get the rewards for same? Now, this is somehow shameful?

Bullshit. I don't give a crap how much any company or person makes. If they worked for it, used marketing skills, broke no laws, and had the "savvy" for their area....they are entitled to it.

Its called Capitalism....and it works. Want to be a part of it? Go for it....who the hell is stopping you? I'm getting a little sick and tired of the folks who say "What about me? "What can I get?

Go out and work for it a**h***. Use your head, use your skills, use your abilities. You may not be a CEO and make millions....doesn't mean you can't be successful.

Sorry for the rant....guess I'm just tired of all the "woe is me" crap that the Lefties & Socialists promulgate just to ensure their own power....at the expense of the folks who are actual earners and producers. [wink]
Sharing, as you said is voluntary. A person either does or doesn't. Charity is voluntary...and most folks I know give more than willingly.

Forced "redistribution" is neither voluntary nor charity. It is a grab...plain and simple. It goes under the name of "Socialism" and leads to "Marxism"...which is where we are now headed. Yup, the "State" owns and controls all....all for the benefit of the "citizen"...of course.

Example: Today, or yesterday, our "Messiah" was giving a conference and spoke about corporate salaries, bonuses and benefits. He stated that this was "shamefull" and "something needs to be done about it".

Are you kidding me?

Hell, if anything, I'm the Joe 6-pack....just an ordinary guy. But, what the hell business is it of the POTUS to determine who and what gets how much? Corps. have to answer to a Board of Directors....and shareholders. If they are OK with compensation, who is anyone else to say its wrong? That is a typical "class warfare" ploy.

Want to be a millionaire? Great. Go out and do something and make it. Want to be a CEO with big bucks? No problem....get yourself in that position and go for it. The opportunities are there.

Who the hell is Obama or anyone else to say that what these people are paid is "shameful"? Its none of their friggin business!

If an entity is not being run successfully, it will fail...of course that all depends on current "bailouts". [wink]

If an entity is successful, it will make money. Is that not what people strive for? To get ahead and be successful? To get the rewards for same? Now, this is somehow shameful?

Bullshit. I don't give a crap how much any company or person makes. If they worked for it, used marketing skills, broke no laws, and had the "savvy" for their area....they are entitled to it.

Its called Capitalism....and it works. Want to be a part of it? Go for it....who the hell is stopping you? I'm getting a little sick and tired of the folks who say "What about me? "What can I get?

Go out and work for it a**h***. Use your head, use your skills, use your abilities. You may not be a CEO and make millions....doesn't mean you can't be successful.

Sorry for the rant....guess I'm just tired of all the "woe is me" crap that the Lefties & Socialists promulgate just to ensure their own power....at the expense of the folks who are actual earners and producers. [wink]

Objectivist philosophy. Ayn Rand would applaud you if she were alive. So I'll applaud you instead.

Have you read Atlas Shrugged? It seems as though you have. If not, then I highly recommend the book.
Barack Obama in charge of my 2nd Amendment rights, is like putting me in charge of a brewery - never a good idea....Anyone who is relaxed needs to have their head examined...[thinking]


The day I sit back on this and NOT buy every gun I can possibly think of between now and eventual oblivion...is NUTS. Look folks, we all use to talk about the abyss and how it will all end. It was never really that tangible when we all discussed the doomsday scenarios since we had somewhat of a buffer in Congress. Well, that day has come and the inmates are running the asylum. When I step out of my house, the abyss is right outside in my freaking front lawn!

If you have not purchased an AR-15 by now, you will most likely not be able to. Do not forget, they have not chosen the US AG yet. When that happens, expect all hell to break loose with regards to gun control.

And, yea... For those fence sitters... Name me one thing Osama Obama has done in his first two weeks that he has not already telegraphed and stated would be done. This is a Socialist, make no mistake, and they are coming for our gun rights.

Time to expend all resources while we still can on our God given rights.
I have no problem with sharing.

But it has to be voluntary!

Government mandated redistribution is theft.

If I can't lawfully go into your house, take your wallet, remove the big bills, then neither can they!

Doesn't have to be an invasion into your home. It can be done with laws...for the "benefit" of whatever. How about for "the common good"? Now who can argue with that? [wink]
Objectivist philosophy. Ayn Rand would applaud you if she were alive. So I'll applaud you instead.

Have you read Atlas Shrugged? It seems as though you have. If not, then I highly recommend the book.

No, I have not, but I guess I should?
Good rant!

The free market works. Dear Leader thinks more government intervention, more state-derived economic direction and more meandering is going to work this time.

And it won't because it can't.
There is a lot of truth in that article, but it doesn't mean that we shouldn't worry or that we shouldn't be vigilant.

The day I sit back on this and NOT buy every gun I can possibly think of between now and eventual oblivion...is NUTS. Look folks, we all use to talk about the abyss and how it will all end. It was never really that tangible when we all discussed the doomsday scenarios since we had somewhat of a buffer in Congress. Well, that day has come and the inmates are running the asylum. When I step out of my house, the abyss is right outside in my freaking front lawn!

If you have not purchased an AR-15 by now, you will most likely not be able to. Do not forget, they have not chosen the US AG yet. When that happens, expect all hell to break loose with regards to gun control.

And, yea... For those fence sitters... Name me one thing Osama Obama has done in his first two weeks that he has not already telegraphed and stated would be done. This is a Socialist, make no mistake, and they are coming for our gun rights.

Time to expend all resources while we still can on our God given rights.

Nope, guess for the most part I'm a handgun person. Have a few rifles that I love....just none are AR-15. Grin, have an old Nylon 66 (.22) with an Aimpoint 2x on it. It is pristine and have had it since the early 70's. Yes, have taken very good care of it.

Its no assault rifle, but I know I can pick out your eyes with it...or any other part of your body for that matter. [wink] Other than that, and for the most part, just feel very comfortable with .45. .357, 460, 9MM etc.

Different strokes for different folks. [grin]
+1 The day I sit back on this and NOT buy every gun I can possibly think of between now and eventual oblivion...is NUTS. Look folks, we all use to talk about the abyss and how it will all end. It was never really that tangible when we all discussed the doomsday scenarios since we had somewhat of a buffer in Congress. Well, that day has come and the inmates are running the asylum. When I step out of my house, the abyss is right outside in my freaking front lawn! If you have not purchased an AR-15 by now, you will most likely not be able to. Do not forget, they have not chosen the US AG yet. When that happens, expect all hell to break loose with regards to gun control. And, yea... For those fence sitters... Name me one thing Osama Obama has done in his first two weeks that he has not already telegraphed and stated would be done. This is a Socialist, make no mistake, and they are coming for our gun rights. Time to expend all resources while we still can on our God given rights.

But here's the thing and Ray raised a good point. Say you go out and buy every gun in the gun store and say your collection includes a dozen AR-15's and you've got an arsenal of ammunition stored in your basement. You've got yours and you're all stocked up and good to go.

One day you wake up to find that your new socialist government has just passed a federal law banning the private ownership of all firearms and you're required to turn in every gun you own to your local police department where your weapons will be destroyed....for the "common good." If you refuse to obey the new law, you will be fined not less than $10,000. per gun and serve a jail sentence of not less than one year per firearm.

You know that the government has a record of every firearm you own. You know that if you don't turn them in, you will be visited by the new socialist state's local enforcer. You have a job, a home a family to support.

What will you do?

That is the question that every law abiding, freedom loving, gun owner has to answer. And given the current political climate to force this nation and her people into accepting Socialism/Marxism, the above scenario is closer to becoming a reality than ever before in our nation's history.

You have to think about that question today and have an answer, because as I see it, gun owners have only two choices. Either we meekly give up our guns and give up our freedom and thus, bury our Constitution, or we fight; using our guns to defend our rights and save our Constitution for ourselves and for future generations.

Our Founding Father's pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to secure their freedom as well as to secure freedom for every generation to follow. They kept their sacred oath and many of them lost their fortunes and died in poverty. For hundreds of years, our men and women in uniform have given their lives to defend our Constitutional freedoms. How do we answer them?

To quote Patrick Henry: "....It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! "

What will you do?
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