Why the 2nd Amendment is safe under President Obama—for now

No. I wouldn't give them up. How could I give them up? I lost them all when my row boat sunk after being swamped by a ginormous power boat in the middle of Boston Harbor.

Unbelievable! How could these calamaties happen? All of mine were swallowed by a sinkhole that appeared out of nowhere in my backyard! Tried to get prized possessions out of the house, and all got lost in that damn hole. The most frustrating part was when it all filled itself in after it sucked up all this stuff. Jeez! What a freak of nature ! [wink] [wink]
No, I have not, but I guess I should?

Oh yeah. You definitely should. I can guarantee you that after reading it, you're life will be changed forever.

After you've finished reading it, you can tell me who John Galt is. [wink]

Ayn Rand's, Atlas Shrugged.

Considering what's happening to our country today, every American should be reading it.
But here's the thing and Ray raised a good point. Say you go out and buy every gun in the gun store and say your collection includes a dozen AR-15's and you've got an arsenal of ammunition stored in your basement. You've got yours and you're all stocked up and good to go.

One day you wake up to find that your new socialist government has just passed a federal law banning the private ownership of all firearms and you're required to turn in every gun you own to your local police department where your weapons will be destroyed....for the "common good." If you refuse to obey the new law, you will be fined not less than $10,000. per gun and serve a jail sentence of not less than one year per firearm.

You know that the government has a record of every firearm you own. You know that if you don't turn them in, you will be visited by the new socialist state's local enforcer. You have a job, a home a family to support.

What will you do?

That is the question that every law abiding, freedom loving, gun owner has to answer. And given the current political climate to force this nation and her people into accepting Socialism/Marxism, the above scenario is closer to becoming a reality than ever before in our nation's history.

You have to think about that question today and have an answer, because as I see it, gun owners have only two choices. Either we meekly give up our guns and give up our freedom and thus, bury our Constitution, or we fight; using our guns to defend our rights and save our Constitution for ourselves and for future generations.

Our Founding Father's pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to secure their freedom as well as to secure freedom for every generation to follow. They kept their sacred oath and many of them lost their fortunes and died in poverty. For hundreds of years, our men and women in uniform have given their lives to defend our Constitutional freedoms. How do we answer them?

To quote Patrick Henry: "....It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! "

What will you do?

I bullshit not in the least. Have already thought about it, my wife also. If that knock ever comes on the door, for that purpose, people are going to get "hurt" and most likely my wife and I will not be "guests" of the system. No problem, its OK. Would not, do not want to, and will not, live in that environment. What we have is too precious to see it pissed away without an objection. Some objections are stronger than others. [wink]
Oh yeah. You definitely should. I can guarantee you that after reading it, you're life will be changed forever.

After you've finished reading it, you can tell me who John Galt is. [wink]

Ayn Rand's, Atlas Shrugged.

Considering what's happening to our country today, every American should be reading it.

OK, will go to Amazon, and if they have it available...will order. They usually have most all, and if not, can get it.
I bullshit not in the least. Have already thought about it, my wife also. If that knock ever comes on the door, for that purpose, people are going to get "hurt" and most likely my wife and I will not be "guests" of the system. No problem, its OK. Would not, do not want to, and will not, live in that environment. What we have is too precious to see it pissed away without an objection. Some objections are stronger than others. [wink]

That is the same answer as my own. I have given it a LOT of thought. But freedom is ingrained in me. It is part of my hardwiring. I cannot live without it, and I wouldn't want to live without it. My life dear to me, and peace is sweet, but I will never purchase either at the price of chains and slavery.
That is the same answer as my own. I have given it a LOT of thought. But freedom is ingrained in me. It is part of my hardwiring. I cannot live without it, and I wouldn't want to live without it. My life dear to me, and peace is sweet, but I will never purchase either at the price of chains and slavery.

I really couldn't...and wouldn't want to...say it better!
Ill Mail you a copy.

No, I have not, but I guess I should?

Where you at ray, Ill ship ya mine. Its epic in scope and its a paperback so put your reading glasses on its fine print and over 1,000 pages. But its a good read. I have read it at least 4 times now...

Mr. Galt? He's the man who did nothing... and stopped the world.
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Where you at ray, Ill ship ya mine. Its epic in scope and its a paperback so put your reading glasses on its fine print and over 1,000 pages. But its a good read. I have read it at least 4 times now...

Mr. Galt? He's the man who did nothing... and stopped the world.

Thank you 9000S. Went to Amazon and ordered it. Also, at the same time, ordered Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals".

I figure that if, for the next four years, we have to deal with a POTUS that comes from his school of thought, I should at least know the "rule book" and his way of thinking. Perhaps the "rules/layout" can predict policy and impetus? Will be interesting to see how closely all follows the script.[grin]
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