Wilderness Survival Campout

I think all of us could hike in, there are 3 people that are going to show up around 12:00 so I planned on hiking slow and it will only be about a mile it will be a walk more than a hike and if you need a break we can take a break plus if you have a lot of gear we can get that transported in. if you have talkies bring them if you like.

If you need transport in however we will get you in

If we're walking in together, I'll leave the talkies home. -Wasn't sure on how clearly (if at all) trails were marked and/or if the walk group would have someone who knows the area.
Cant' wait!!
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Does any one going need any extra gear? I have a lot of stuff that I could let others borrow if needed. Also it sounds like transportation for gear is all set. I can bring a quad if anyone thinks we will need it. I don't just want to bring it for tooling around on though.
Joe has a polaris ranger along with a trailer and I have a ATV . I rode the trail about 3 hours ago,the brooks are running strong.
Well when you put it that way I don't wanna be the only one with out a quad...

Are we going to do any shooting? What are you all bringing?
We live here thats why we have them, Boghog1 sets the agenda maybe you can PM him I would imagine everyone involved is carrying at least one.
I was contemplating the thought of bringing a small plinker, but not sure I want to deal with bringing it along...
I'm not an expert but after riding the trail today I think the conditions are perfect for your teachings. A lot of deer and moose tracks. some snow but the hilltops on the back hill are bare.
Snowing right now,just a dusting on the ground.Animal tracks should be everywhere.It will be a great outing.Hopefully someone will bring a camera so that those that missed it will be able to see what a good time looks like. Don't feed the Squatches or they will follow you home.
Boghog,Daveyburt,Biily2 and Andyin nh are out in the forest sitting around a fire as I write this. Joe Pustizzi and I visited the camp site where a debris shelter was constructed , bow drills were made and used for practice and much knowledge was share .Boghog was great as a teacher but everyone of the above mentioned brought something to the table. I was happy to be a part of it and I'm sure Boghog can give a better more detailed report when he comes out of the woods. Billy2 gave me an MRE (c-rations in my time) to try and I think a good time was /is had by all. I'll check on them in the morning to make sure the Squatch didn't get them. They don't know it but there was 4 deer not far from them when I was leaving.I hope for a bigger turnout next time.
Some photos
I'll try to upload some video later when I figure it out.




For the record, the ATV's were not used by the campers. They humped their packs themselves and we as support staff just made sure they were OK .Joe and I sat in for some of Boghog1's training and learned some cool stuff. There just wasn't enough time,maybe longer next session.
Thanks to Tim L for the arrangements, Joe for use of the property, and Boghog1 for imparting a large amount of knowledge on us!

It was great to meet Billy2 and davyburt.

Boghog1 explains the finer points of using mullein as the spindle in a bow drill.


Two methods for heating water.


As the sun sets, Tim L watches Boghog1 working a tinder bundle.


davyburt prepares his evening meal.


Heating up a container of water to put in the sleeping bag.


Two fingers after sunrise on Sunday morning.


davyburt gets the fire going on Sunday morning from just the remaining coals.


The gents heading back down to the farm.

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