Winning: Rep. Ben Cline Introduces Legislation to Remove Suppressors from NFA Purview


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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On Wednesday, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA) introduced legislation to remove firearm suppressors from the purview of the National Firearms Act (NFA).

The legislation is H.R. 404, the Hearing Protection Act.

Currently, under NFA rules, the acquisition of a suppressor requires the purchaser to be fingerprinted, photographed, and to undergo an extensive background check. The purchaser must then pay a $200 tax to the federal government and the suppressor is registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). This is the same cumbersome process required for purchasing a machine gun, short-barreled rifle, and/or short-barreled shotgun.

Hope this moves forward and passes. That being said, I highly doubt it will. Mostly because too many of the people involved are complete idiots when it comes to pretty much anything related to firearms. They THINK that a silencer will make gun shots completely silent. It's in the name after all. 🤪 Never mind how it doesn't do that at all. At most, SOME configurations are very quiet under certain conditions/configurations.

The fact that using a silencer would be a boon for hunters won't even factor into the opponents thoughts. Or how it will protect the hearing of a LOT of people. Without the extra $200 spend, plus the time it takes to get AFT approval, it would open up the market to more people. Which, in turn, would mean more sales. Which could then make silencers cheaper due to volume of sales. Again, all GOOD things. Which is why it will never happen. Too many in the gov hate the fact that the common people can be armed as it stands.
Also reduces nuisance to those living near shooting ranges or popular hunting land.
In 2015, Camp Hinds in Raymond, Maine became the first Scout camp in nation to use suppressors to quiet "the sounds of the guns and be a better neighbor for those enjoying Panther Pond".

Sorry, I don't know their current status.

Boy Scout camp to adopt sound suppressors for shooting programs - By Michelle Libby
If it even starts to gain some tread, they will wind up some wacko and give him "silencers" to shoot a bunch of people. Then wail about how they could have responded sooner and saved lives if only he wasn't using an evil silencer.
Suppressors pretty much all vanished already since form 4 approvals went down to mere days. Look at SilencerShop's inventory lol. NOTHING.
Same f***ing shit..
I did read today on somebody either suppressor shop or whatever the hell it is or somebody who’s pushing them claims that in Massachusetts, if you get a relics license, you can petition the state and buy machine guns and suppressors for display purpose only you can’t shoot them… it wasn’t worded very well. Would these be post band machine guns or not but I found the suppressor thing interesting…. I almost believe it, but I also blew the state. Would try to go f*** yourself if you didn’t know somebody.

No, why would you want a suppressor you can’t use? My theory is you’d use it anyway, but what I would do is get it for display only file the form with the ATF and shoot other states.

There’s no way Massachusetts was smart enough to figure out. That’s what I would do with it yet but now that I said it on nes shooters I bet they’re gonna evaluate it.

If I ever hear back from this place, I’ll let you know what he says so I can actually research it
Hope this moves forward and passes. That being said, I highly doubt it will. Mostly because too many of the people involved are complete idiots when it comes to pretty much anything related to firearms. They THINK that a silencer will make gun shots completely silent. It's in the name after all. 🤪 Never mind how it doesn't do that at all. At most, SOME configurations are very quiet under certain conditions/configurations.

The fact that using a silencer would be a boon for hunters won't even factor into the opponents thoughts. Or how it will protect the hearing of a LOT of people. Without the extra $200 spend, plus the time it takes to get AFT approval, it would open up the market to more people. Which, in turn, would mean more sales. Which could then make silencers cheaper due to volume of sales. Again, all GOOD things. Which is why it will never happen. Too many in the gov hate the fact that the common people can be armed as it stands.

but then people will lose a way to shit on the poors!
Hope this moves forward and passes. That being said, I highly doubt it will.
It won’t get out of committee. Republicans have not a razor thin majority and Luigi Manicotti gunning down the UHC CEO with a suppressor on his gun didn’t help us.
On Wednesday, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA) introduced legislation to remove firearm suppressors from the purview of the National Firearms Act (NFA).

The legislation is H.R. 404, the Hearing Protection Act.

Currently, under NFA rules, the acquisition of a suppressor requires the purchaser to be fingerprinted, photographed, and to undergo an extensive background check. The purchaser must then pay a $200 tax to the federal government and the suppressor is registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). This is the same cumbersome process required for purchasing a machine gun, short-barreled rifle, and/or short-barreled shotgun.

It truly isn’t that cumbersome or expensive. Comparing to a $3200 set of hearing aids..
Let’s be honest if we all got in a room we wouldn’t be whispering to each other. That’s for sure.

I can’t wait to see how great these things will be in six years. These ones are pretty advanced.
But I’d rather be able to hear… and wear a set of iPods when I feel like it. I’ve been wearing these for I think maybe two months now and it’s life-changing, but you don’t realize how f***ed you are until you take them out.

I’m going in for glasses at the end of the month too
There’s pretty much only one part of my body that works

Edit I quoted the wrong post sorry reptile
I’m seeing a cataract surgeon in a couple weeks. 👩‍🦯
When I get angry or start yelling, it looks like I’m about to cry. Also, at times my eyes turned bright red as one coworker described it. “what’s wrong with your eyes it looks like the devil’s a**h***“
I think it’s called chronic conjunctivitis.

When you read paperwork, you can’t just zoom in like on your phone.

I needed reading glasses when i was 11… i’m wondering how my distance vision is. If I’m looking far away I’m looking through a scope.
we all know the silencer thing is stupid and it’s nice to have a post to remind us of that but getting any hopes up that we’re gonna get suppressors out of NFA or any kind of reasonable national carries just a pipe dream… reparations may pass. We’re already pretty much there.
I can’t wait to see how great these things will be in six years. These ones are pretty advanced.
But I’d rather be able to hear… and wear a set of iPods when I feel like it.

Look into the new AirPods, I don’t know much about it but heard that the new gen has hearing aid technology as well.
Look into the new AirPods, I don’t know much about it but heard that the new gen has hearing aid technology as well.
I haven’t looked into them or tried them. I have seen them. I feel like the microphone on them may or may not be better than hearing aids.. give it time though it’s a very positive thing. I’m not sure what the new AirPods cost… but I think it’s pretty unlikely to the point now where without custom programming for your hearing loss it will compare to legitimate hearing aids, but what the hell do I know I’ve only been wearing them two months.

You definitely don’t want rechargeable hearing aids they last 18 hours depending on how you use them the ones with replaceable after (mine) you open the battery you have to let it be exposed to air for a few minutes and extends the battery life by at least a day. I didn’t believe it at first.

I wanted to stab in the air with a tube or something to let out all the fluids I’ve been leaking out of the ears for like two years like it’s crying out. My right one would like block and clear… turns out I guess that’s what like relatively severe (I’m full of shit. I can’t even function without him unless I’m around a bunch of other deaf people) feels/sounds like.

Obviously overtime you damage your hearing, but for some reason, this kind of seem like sudden onset…
Or I’ve just never been around so just a bunch of soft spoken pussies. after getting back in the workforce.
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suppressors do have a cool factor, but the practical application for it is far better your not annoying everybody around you and not blow out your hearing.
They’re cheap and easily obtainable as long as you don’t live in a state that has no respect for you
Hope this moves forward and passes. That being said, I highly doubt it will. Mostly because too many of the people involved are complete idiots when it comes to pretty much anything related to firearms. They THINK that a silencer will make gun shots completely silent. It's in the name after all. 🤪 Never mind how it doesn't do that at all. At most, SOME configurations are very quiet under certain conditions/configurations.

The fact that using a silencer would be a boon for hunters won't even factor into the opponents thoughts. Or how it will protect the hearing of a LOT of people. Without the extra $200 spend, plus the time it takes to get AFT approval, it would open up the market to more people. Which, in turn, would mean more sales. Which could then make silencers cheaper due to volume of sales. Again, all GOOD things. Which is why it will never happen. Too many in the gov hate the fact that the common people can be armed as it stands.

I think the military using them should demystify them over time. Even soldiers may not realize how loud suppressed weapons are, thanks to movies and COD.
Here's a couple of uses that haven't been mentioned.
1. It makes it easier to hear instructions on the firing line if you don't have to wear earplugs/muffs
2. When you do something stupid and a bullet goes whining through the tree branches, you can hear it if you're not wearing hearing protection.
Suppressors pretty much all vanished already since form 4 approvals went down to mere days. Look at SilencerShop's inventory lol. NOTHING.

They’re all over the shelves around here in NC at the good dealers. Was a little thin late spring but that’s passed.
Suppressors pretty much all vanished already since form 4 approvals went down to mere days. Look at SilencerShop's inventory lol. NOTHING.

I just bought two cans at White Birch last week. They had no shortage of cans, even decently priced Surefire and KAC cans. I bought another Omega 45k and a Spectre 9. SilencerShop inventory tracking is garbage. They can’t keep up.

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