Winter Warrior 2022-2023 Postal Match for Iron Sight Military Rifles

Next is the 1970 M39...

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M39 Target #1 - 95-1X (2X?)

First 2 shots went high right but I was able to settle in for the rest. Looks like it impacts a bit left.

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M39 Target #2 - 91-1X

A bit more centered. I don't think the M39 liked this load as much as the first....I felt that most of these shots were good pulls, other than the high 8 which I knew was me.

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Great looking rifles and very nice shooting!
I use the 100 yard rear sight notch and aim at the bottom of the black. At my age I'm lucky to see the target.

Here’s the very first time I shot it at 100, so I know I can do better. The others were practice at 25 beforehand. I didn't do anything to the carbine other than disassemble and clean it when I got it. Wasn't very dirty either, save the stock.


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That’s correct m1 carbine shoots that high.
What style rear sight?
It may have never been properly zeroed if it had the original rear 2 leaf flip replaced.
Im not to up on the carbines. Mine I shoot for fun and generally never really target them.
That said IIRC at 100 yards .01” change in front sight height changes the impact 1.5” or so
Remember front sight is opposite,
Taller front sight will bring impacts down. Shorter front sight will bring impacts up
Have the Rock and Wood out for a last entry in the winter warrior . Its been so long since I actually put the carbines on paper. I usually shoot milk jugs and other random junk on the range.


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2nd up The Wood. 0-0X
Grouped about 8” low help 6 Oclock on the black , you can see the group just above the target frame. One thing about the carbine ——the triggers suck. 4A748CB2-B4A0-4471-B2D4-E66BB8C8FF8B.jpeg
What style rear sight?
It may have never been properly zeroed if it had the original rear 2 leaf flip replaced.
Im not to up on the carbines. Mine I shoot for fun and generally never really target them.
That said IIRC at 100 yards .01” change in front sight height changes the impact 1.5” or so
Remember front sight is opposite,
Taller front sight will bring impacts down. Shorter front sight will bring impacts up
It has the adjustable milled sight. I was reading up on it and I guess I will have to change the front sight. That kinda sucks because most the parts match maker and finish but I would rather be able to shoot it accurately
It has the adjustable milled sight. I was reading up on it and I guess I will have to change the front sight. That kinda sucks because most the parts match maker and finish but I would rather be able to shoot it accurately
More often they shoot low. Especially if never zeroed after the rear sight change to the ladder style. Or when pieced to gether by someone.
Shooting high usually from someone shooting cast loads at reduced velocities. Filed down the front sight.

The underwood I have came with a 110gn mold made for the carbine.
I loaded a few dozen just to see how it functioned and shot.
It did just fine. I have enough carbine ammo to not bother casting for it at the moment

add .07” to the front sight and that should get you close.
I will measure my front sights to see what the difference is.
The Rock which shoots to the black with a 6 oclock hold measured .290"
The Wood which shot about 8" low holding 6 oclock on the black was .302"
now by the math

Note any zeroing done should be wit hammo you a lot for. Or get it close with what you got and live with any changes

Sight Radius (carbine iirc I already put them away) Radius 22.5" x correction 8" = 180 Divided by distance in inches 180/ 3600" ( 100 yds) So i need to shave off .05" to get my Wood shooting closer to the black.

Now what I measured my Underwood should be shooting closer to 18" low ? I will have to measure again. Technically your supposed to measure top of blade to bore center.

We should hunt down Millie the front sight grinder
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Posting what might be my last entry for this winter. Below is a mostly NES-source AR service rifle. I bought the stripped "DTOM" Anderson lower via one of the NES group buys. I do not recall exactly, but the Spikes upper receiver may have been via a NES group buy or at least via a NES contact. The rest of the upper including a White Oak barrel comes from a parts pile that I bought from a NESer years ago. I completed the lower, installed a Geissele service rifle trigger, and have used this lower with a scoped Compass Lake upper in high power competition.


Ammo was grab bag leftovers from matches. Lighting at the range (as usual) was pretty terrible. The 100 yard position is buried deep in a berm with high walls on the sides and back, thus it is in dark shade. Without leaves on the trees, the distance to the 100 yard position was a very bright white field of snow. Wind was gusting to 15 mph, which is manageable. Not being able to see sh!t is not so manageable, thus the high degree of vertical stringing and that shot in the 9-ring. I'll take this rifle out with a scope on it sometime for comparison.

Bitching aside, I love going to the range when everything is buried in snow.

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Posting what might be my last entry for this winter. Below is a mostly NES-source AR service rifle. I bought the stripped "DTOM" Anderson lower via one of the NES group buys. I do not recall exactly, but the Spikes upper receiver may have been via a NES group buy or at least via a NES contact. The rest of the upper including a White Oak barrel comes from a parts pile that I bought from a NESer years ago. I completed the lower, installed a Geissele service rifle trigger, and have used this lower with a scoped Compass Lake upper in high power competition.

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Ammo was grab bag leftovers from matches. Lighting at the range (as usual) was pretty terrible. The 100 yard position is buried deep in a berm with high walls on the sides and back, thus it is in dark shade. Without leaves on the trees, the distance to the 100 yard position was a very bright white field of snow. Wind was gusting to 15 mph, which is manageable. Not being able to see sh!t is not so manageable, thus the high degree of vertical stringing and that shot in the 9-ring. I'll take this rifle out with a scope on it sometime for comparison.

Bitching aside, I love going to the range when everything is buried in snow.

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Good shooting!
Anyone still have some frozen junk on the ground at their range? Anyone still seeing temps in the 30's? I'll be wrapping this up soon to tally the official entries, make a random drawing for that Brownells gift card, and announce the winner of bragging rights.

Going, going... but not gone just yet.
Was going to break out the fat lady to sing, but here it is 35 degrees. I'm gonna leave this open until I get around to tallying the results, just in case anyone can a) get out there in 30-something degree weather and b) put some shots on the correct targets.

Hopefully this weekend I'll go through and record each correct (SR-1 @ 100, SR @ 200) target shot as an entry then do a random number drawing for the Brownells $100 gift card. Top score wins bragging rights. [smile]
Obviously doesn’t count, but I shot for my job qualification today.


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Thanks for the bump. Perfect day (rainy) to sit for a moment and go through the entries.

Officially closed - will announce winners sometime today.

Many thanks to all who participated. For sure we did our part to support winter marksmanship with nearly 50 'official' entries on the correct targets.

Highest score of 99-0X goes to @mac1911 shot via a U.S. Govt. issue 513T. For those of you unfamiliar with the 513T, they are trainers built for US forces and feature a trigger designed to simulate the feeling of bones crunching. (those triggers really do suck, LOL) Great shooting and congrats!


MOST ENTRIES (or flexing on the poors with ammo? [laugh] ) AWARD
I count at total of 18 entries from @cjrubes , and lots of damn fine shooting with some great scores even from some rifles that are challenging to shoot so accurately. Besides promoting winter marksmanship, this thread is a way to generate some fun when all the pussies are complaining about the 'bad' weather. Nice work, bro!


I must say I was not expecting this:

Italian Bren project completed by @cetme24 . Where the hell did you find a receiver or 80%-er? Of course if anyone was going to post an unusual and very cool rifle, it was going to be cetme24.

GREAT GROUP, CRAP SCORE aka You Owe Your Club a New Target Frame AWARD
Looks like @mac1911 gets two awards this winter. "Great Group, Crap Score" award goes to @mac1911 with a 0-0 shot via his Underwood M1 Carbine.
Congrats to the lumber company.[devil]

(Don't worry folks - I won't poke fun at anyone I don't know personally...)

(Drum roll...)
The entry that got the random number generator hit to win the Brownells Gift Card was posted by @CulperJr . Congrats! Incidentally, CulperJr. had the 2nd most number of entries and this entry of a 97-2 target was the 2nd highest score. @CulperJr - send me a PM so I can put the prize into your hands.
thanks again for hosting another great postal match. The bren started off as what you could call a -4% receiver. You can do anything with a little internet access a welder and going in with a can’t fail attitude.


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Many thanks to all who participated. For sure we did our part to support winter marksmanship with nearly 50 'official' entries on the correct targets.

Highest score of 99-0X goes to @mac1911 shot via a U.S. Govt. issue 513T. For those of you unfamiliar with the 513T, they are trainers built for US forces and feature a trigger designed to simulate the feeling of bones crunching. (those triggers really do suck, LOL) Great shooting and congrats!


MOST ENTRIES (or flexing on the poors with ammo? [laugh] ) AWARD
I count at total of 18 entries from @cjrubes , and lots of damn fine shooting with some great scores even from some rifles that are challenging to shoot so accurately. Besides promoting winter marksmanship, this thread is a way to generate some fun when all the pussies are complaining about the 'bad' weather. Nice work, bro!


I must say I was not expecting this:

Italian Bren project completed by @cetme24 . Where the hell did you find a receiver or 80%-er? Of course if anyone was going to post an unusual and very cool rifle, it was going to be cetme24.

GREAT GROUP, CRAP SCORE aka You Owe Your Club a New Target Frame AWARD
Looks like @mac1911 gets two awards this winter. "Great Group, Crap Score" award goes to @mac1911 with a 0-0 shot via his Underwood M1 Carbine.
Congrats to the lumber company.[devil]

(Don't worry folks - I won't poke fun at anyone I don't know personally...)

(Drum roll...)
The entry that got the random number generator hit to win the Brownells Gift Card was posted by @CulperJr . Congrats! Incidentally, CulperJr. had the 2nd most number of entries and this entry of a 97-2 target was the 2nd highest score. @CulperJr - send me a PM so I can put the prize into your hands.
Wow! PM incoming. Thanks for organizing, what a cool competition. I’ve never won anything in my life, and my bad luck on scratch tickets defies statistics…

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