With Another Nasty Election Looming, Prepping Goes Mainstream


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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”…14.9 million Americans had 31 days or more of at-home preparedness in 2020. Ultra-Highly Resilient Citizens (97 days or more of preparedness) jumped from four million people in 2017 to 6.7 million in 202

…resilient citizens were 75.1 percent white, 6.5 percent black, 1.4 percent Asian, 1.9 percent American Indian or Alaska Native, 1.9 percent Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 5.6 percent Hispanic. Urban dwellers made up 62.8 percent of resilient citizens, with 12 percent being small town/rural in the surveyed group.”

Those “urban dwellers” won’t keep their preps long when the thronging masses start busting down doors, looking for food & water.

”…14.9 million Americans had 31 days or more of at-home preparedness in 2020. Ultra-Highly Resilient Citizens (97 days or more of preparedness) jumped from four million people in 2017 to 6.7 million in 202

…resilient citizens were 75.1 percent white, 6.5 percent black, 1.4 percent Asian, 1.9 percent American Indian or Alaska Native, 1.9 percent Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 5.6 percent Hispanic. Urban dwellers made up 62.8 percent of resilient citizens, with 12 percent being small town/rural in the surveyed group.”

Those “urban dwellers” won’t keep their preps long when the thronging masses start busting down doors, looking for food & water.

Those of us out in the sicks probably won't either.
We have a segment in our Republican Town Committee meetings where we discuss these topics. We’ve all bought GMRS radios, gotten licenses, I hold LTC classes with a guest instructor, one of our number has a Harvest Right freeze dryer
We have a segment in our Republican Town Committee meetings where we discuss these topics. We’ve all bought GMRS radios, gotten licenses, I hold LTC classes with a guest instructor, one of our number has a Harvest Right freeze dryer
And one person with a 25-50 watt GMRS radio in a high vantage point location could and most likely will jam you all off the air.
And one person with a 25-50 watt GMRS radio in a high vantage point location could and most likely will jam you all off the air.
We have those too. We’ve also started construction of a large antenna at the highest point in town. One of our members owns it.
We’re Republicans not Democrats. We’ve been doing a ton of research.

”…14.9 million Americans had 31 days or more of at-home preparedness in 2020. Ultra-Highly Resilient Citizens (97 days or more of preparedness) jumped from four million people in 2017 to 6.7 million in 202
There's gotta be a better acronym than that! :)
We have those too. We’ve also started construction of a large antenna at the highest point in town. One of our members owns it.
We’re Republicans not Democrats. We’ve been doing a ton of research.
I had a friend who is long since deceased who told me of a guy who had a beef with some repeater owner. That guy put a low powered transmitter in the brake light circuit of a municipal bus. The transmitter was just enough power to key up the repeater owner's repeater, every time the bus driver stepped on the brakes of the bus. This went on for years and the repeater owner never found the source of the "kerchunker".

Don't ever think that you can outwit the efforts of a determined jammer. There are dozens of ways to intercept and jam commo on any level.
And one person with a 25-50 watt GMRS radio in a high vantage point location could and most likely will jam you all off the air.
Can "one" person with "a" radio jam all the GRMS freqs all the time?

How easy would it to be to DF that radio and then "follow up"?
There's gotta be a better acronym than that! :)
There is.....it's called "Delusional".

Anyone who thinks they're going to survive an urban environment in a complete SHTF meltdown without a Bradley or Abrahms Tank is whistling past the graveyard.
Can "one" person with "a" radio jam all the GRMS freqs all the time?

How easy would it to be to DF that radio and then "follow up"?
One radio can make a big dent. GMRS radios are cheap enough these days that several can be acquired and utilized for short money.

A broadband jammer could be made cheaply to cover the entire spectrum. Government does it all the time in various applications.
FHSS FTW. A bit pricy for outfitting your entire local CERT group, but moots the average jammer.
And one person with a 25-50 watt GMRS radio in a high vantage point location could and most likely will jam you all off the air.
Just takes two of us with directional antennas and a map to triangulate that "high vantage point" PDQ.
How easy would it to be to DF that radio and then "follow up"?
Like playing the old "foxhunting" ham game, but for keepsies.

Wouldn't even have to walk up on the transmitter site, just stake it out until the operator comes in to swap batteries.
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FHSS FTW. A bit pricy for outfitting your entire local CERT group, but moots the average jammer.

Just takes two of us with directional antennas and a map to triangulate that "high vantage point" PDQ.

Like playing the old "foxhunting" ham game, but for keepsies.

Wouldn't even have to walk up on the transmitter site, just stake it out until the operator comes in to swap batteries.
That avoids the permiter alarms and boobytraps also.
I had a friend who is long since deceased who told me of a guy who had a beef with some repeater owner. That guy put a low powered transmitter in the brake light circuit of a municipal bus. The transmitter was just enough power to key up the repeater owner's repeater, every time the bus driver stepped on the brakes of the bus. This went on for years and the repeater owner never found the source of the "kerchunker".

Don't ever think that you can outwit the efforts of a determined jammer. There are dozens of ways to intercept and jam commo on any level
We get that but this is simply one aspect of preparedness that we’re engaging in as a group. The most important thing about the commo project is the team building and espirit de corps that it’s engendered.
The other thing that all of this illustrates is the fact that everyone is involved and engaged. I fully expected to lose half the audience, which is why I put it at the end of the evening. Since we began, we’ve increased our numbers. People are townies from every type of profession.

I half jokingly began with “the more of you that prepare now, the fewer we might have to shoot on our doorstep looking for food after SHTF.”
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