Witnesses say many dead, injured in shooting at New Zealand mosque

This is gonna be One eff'ed up Summer we got coming boys...
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That is absolutely ludicrous and I’m glad I am an American. Rather than smirk at Europe and the shunned offspring in the world down under when they use the term “so American” as a pejorative I will now be shaking my head.
I remember that boat trip. We had to make hard decisions for public safety :cool:

Yes. It was few of us on NES Cruise Ship "Derek II.", we stopped in Vladivostok to pick up Boris and his stash of modified kalashes. Since then the sea bottom was impacted by a global warming so I do not think we can ever find those piles and piles of bad weapons. We do not need them anymore, though, because we have Green New Everything![cheers]
words of wisdom from senator murphy of Connecticut:



The fudds are about to lose their hunting rifles.
Shows how one f***head can screw it for everyone. Hungerford (UK gun owners lost their semiauto rifles and shotguns), Dunblane (UK gun owners lost their handguns), Montreal (Canadian gun owners lost their semiauto rifles and shotguns) and Tasmania (Australian gun owners lost all semiauto long guns plus all pump shotguns). Now this in New Zealand. Even gun-friendly Texas severely restricted the private possession of full-auto weapons in 1933, one year before the National Firearms Act of 1934 was signed into law. Texas gun owners can thank one of their own, Hyman S. Lebman, for that law. He provided custom-made automatic weapons to gangsters, who used them to kill FBI agents and other LEOs. The fact that Lebman did not pull the trigger himself is irrelevant. His negligence help get more anti-gun laws passed at both the state and federal levels.


Welcome to Fuddville.

You need to get one of those rolled up Constitutions they sell down in Philadelphia shoved up your ass.

Plus maybe some intensive reading of cause and effect and how politicians use disasters to put into effect laws they always wanted to put into effect anyway.
smells like propaganda. we've had a few of those douchenozzles here.

had the gun for 31 years?...never too old to cuck, i guess.
Instead of lamb chops from the pastures of NZ we’ll be now importing lolcows for the foreseeable future.
That is absolutely ludicrous and I’m glad I am an American. Rather than smirk at Europe and the shunned offspring in the world down under when they use the term “so American” as a pejorative I will now be shaking my head.

I've had Europeans make comments like that to me and in my presence.

I typically respond with something like : " Yeah - well , America is made up of people who were smart enough to get out of Europe - if this country isn't like Europe - it's for a damn good reason. And there's nothing I've seen during my lifetime out of Europe or that I've read of European history over the last 200 years - that will disabuse me of that notion , so yuck it up Euro-dipshit"

Oh what irony from this Twitter poster Anoush from said 31 year gun owner Kiwi Twitter feed.....#neveragain

I know that hashtag quote from somewhere....hmmm lemme think!
Bizarro-World Media

It’s obvious that the media abides an institutional racial double standard in how mass shootings and terrorist acts are reported. This double standard has the appearance of a coordinated operation, but it needn’t be to achieve the same effect. All you’d require is a media vastly overstaffed with shitlibs who think alike.

Over at Sailer’s, Anonymous[396] calls this Bizarro-World media,

Watching the MSM reaction to the Christchurch Massacre is like watching the Bizarro-World reaction to Islamic Massacres.

1) As soon as it happened everyone started calling the perpetrator a terrorist, which was 100% accurate given his elaborate streaming setup. But a Muslim can hack people to death while shouting Allahu Ackbar and we really need to wait until all the facts are in, preferably until people forget about it.

2) Muslim terrorists are lone wolves who have nothing to do with Islam but any time a white(or even partly-white guy) engages in terrorist behaviour, it’s part of a worldwide movement that somehow combines Islamophobes, White Nationalists, incels and 4chan, no matter how tenuous the links are.

In fact, many Islamic terrorists in the west are the exact equivalent of Breivik and apparently this guy-people who got all their ideas from a specific messed-up corner of the internet but never attended a training camp of any kind or are part of a large network of co-conspirators.

3) MSM gatekeepers are doing their best not to give viewers any information that might cast Islam in a negative light. During a Canadian round-table on the CBC, the talking heads pointed out the unmistakable reference to Alexandre Bissionette on the terrorist’s gun case, while leaving viewers to wonder what “For Rotherham” meant.

I find that the reporting on these mass shootings follows a trend.
If shooter was nonwhite, it’s a news blurb then quickly forgotten.
If the shooter was white, it’s a few days of “diversity & inclusion” sanctimony and goodwhite virtue signaling, plus candlelight vigils, but no in-depth, exploratory reporting of motives.
The media isn’t keen for normies to know too much about what motivates White vengeance shooters.

(In the case of the NZ shooter, he was motivated in part to avenge the death of a Swedish girl who was cut in half by a truck driven by a moslem terrorist. Steve Sailer thinks the shooting may have been blowback from the illegal Kosovo War from 20 years ago.)

The media DOES NOT WANT anyone to know that the Whites who died at the hands of moslem terrorists is what motivated the NZ shooter. That muddies the anti-White narrative more than a bit, because it calls attention to a fundamental question: If there wasn’t so much moslem terrorism, there wouldn’t be an occasional White backlash.

Likewise, if there weren’t so much diversity forcibly imposed on Whites in their own nations, there might not be so much intertribal violence.

Normal Whites might begin to reasonably wonder about this whole forced diversity project. Just think how many lives would be saved if White nations were left to be homogeneous.

more at the link..................
More excellent points from the above article:

Mass media is the enemy of White people.

Polling over may years clearly shows that a significant minority to an outright majority of moslems all over the world say in surveys that they support the actions of islamic terrorists who target infidels.

In stark contrast, there is barely a tiny fraction of a percent of Whites who support the actions of lone wolf White terrorists.

Islamic terrorism feeds off a vast network of social support and leaders who will excuse their violent foot soldiers. Many islamic terror operations are the result of coordinated operations involving multiple family and clan members and even state level support, occurring within a social context that tolerates violent extremists when not outright arming them up and encouraging them to attack westerners.

White reactionary terrorism enjoys none of that. They are almost entirely lone wolf attacks with no support from kin or clan, and no supportive social structure or tacit state encouragement to energize them.

Therefore, it’s far more accurate and truthful to blame islamic terrorism on the moslem collective than it is to blame White reactionary terrorism on the White collective.

But shitlibs do the opposite, because it’s not about accuracy or truth, it’s about scapegoating Whites for the dysfunction of nonWhites.
You are spot on, gun confiscation is a spoke in the major plan to communise the USA .

I heard this guy that Tucker Carlson called a moron in this interview.

He also was on npr radio talking about how to exploit and create a crisis to achieve a political shift by controlling social media ,the news and the school system. This guy is dangerous and an enemy of the USA.

Tucker has him pegged.

I can’t find that radio piece, but here he is calling for a 90% tax rate in America.

Watch Tucker Carlson Tell a Guest to 'Go f*** Yourself' in a Wild Leaked Segment
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