From last night's (3-5-2020) monthly business meeting regarding membership renewal and new member orientation.:
Many existing members attended and paid their yearly membership dues. Some had some "anxiety" issues. As a fellow procrastinator, I can appreciate that, but really, anytime after January or February of every year, feel free to pay your dues and take the stress out.
New member orientation meeting dates/time. New members must attend one before the next monthly business meeting of April 2nd to be voted in.
March 12th at 7:00PM
March 15th at 09:00AM
March 18th at 7:00PM
Plan on showing up at least one hour prior to start time. This will allow for parking (which will be very tight) and checking in. You should have received some type of communication from the Membership Chairman to confirm you application.
Remember, you have to have a valid LTC and be a member of GOAL.
No money is due to attend the orientation. If and when you are voted in as new members is when you will pay your membership dues.
You MUST attend one of the three orientation meetings. Scheduled for a Thursday evening, or a Sunday morning, and a Wednesday evening. Really no reason not to be able to get to one of them.
If you know of someone who would like to join, have them download the application, fill it out, and bring it (early) to one of the orientation meetings, as we still have some room for new members. As everyone else, they must bring their LTC and Goal membership card.
Unofficial, not sanctioned, not paid, WPRC Town Crier. In other words, YMMV, you're on your own.