Don't you mean Thursday !
No, they changed it to the first:
Greeting’s Everyone,
This is your reminder of the upcoming Orientation Meeting. Due to extenuating circumstances and a couple of unique problems the Orientation Meeting and the voting in at the February 7 Monthly Meeting has been drastically changed this time and this time only.
First of all the Orientation will be held on Friday night, February 1 at the Boylston Town House (directions to the Boylston Town House are below).
Second you will not be present at the February 7 Monthly Meeting when we vote on your acceptance into the Worcester Pistol & Rifle Club. Everyone who attends the Orientation Meeting on February 1, has all their paperwork and documents correct and in order, and pays all the fees required for a New Member, will be put on a list that will be read at the Monthly Meeting. Everyone on the list that is accepted (no negative vote) will be mailed their Membership Card, their FOB, and the key to the gate the following Monday morning. Absolutely no one will be allowed to show up at the February Monthly Meeting with any paperwork or fees not presented at the Orientation Meeting. Anyone that does show up will not be voted on and will have to wait until a future Meeting to be voted on for Membership into the Club.
Third is the fees; All have to be paid, by check or cash, at the Orientation Meeting. Everyone will owe the $190.00 New Member fee and the $5.00 fee for the FOB, the Worcester Pistol & Rifle Club will pay for the mailings. Also anyone signing up for G.O.A.L. will owe another $30.00. Remember everyone must belong to GOAL in the WPRC.
Fourth is the paperwork. We must have a Application for Membership for everyone. Everyone will have to show their LTC or FID and GOAL card , if they already joined, If you are waiting for your LTC or GOAL that is not a problem just explain it to the Club Rep. you are sitting with.
Fifth are the directions to the Boylston Town House; get off I-290 at Rt.140 north. Go to the set of lights at Rt.70 (about 2 miles). At the lights turn right and go about 1 mile up the road. The Town House is on the left beside the Fire Department. We will have a lot of people there so do not block any of the Fire Departments driveways.
We will start the Orientation Meeting at 7:30 P. M. sharp. Everyone must sit with a Club Rep. for a pre-registration, to go over all your paperwork and collect your money, so get there early. We will be there starting at 6:00 P.M.. We hope to see all of you then.
Brian Frappier
Membership Chairman
Worcester Pistol & Rifle Club