Did anyone attend the meeting last night? I was wondering if it was a full house like the December meeting.
Or if there were any updates on the completion of the air handlers.
It was jammed. About 70 people up there and it was warm.
They are still waiting on the air handling system for the range. Evidently, the items were special order. There is no update on when they will arrive but the HVAC installer has committed to instlalling them as soon as they arrive. This is the big item they are waiting for. The board members seem to be sharing in this frustration. I get the sense that this is just typical construction BS and NOT people dragging feet.
Outdoor range holidays were defined. It was a ridiculous 30 minute debate to get to the conclusion that Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving Day are the "Holidays" referred to in the range rules that state we cannot shoot until noon on "Holidays".
Indoor range rules were voted on as well. Proposed changes were minor. For instance, we can now shoot (when the range is done) during meetings. Caliber restrictions were only on JHP OVER 44 Mag. Otherwise, still no centerfire rifle, shotgun, or 22 magnum rifles indoors. The contentious part came with regards to the rule on drawing from a holster indoors (Quickdraw).
Someone asked about it and was told it was for safety. Then it was for property protection. Then we said "But we have cameras now". I asked what would happen if I practiced from a draw when I was alone inside the range without causing damage and got called out on it on camera. The answer was that I would be brought before the e-board and have to explain my case. I was not happy with this answer. I made a motion to amend the rule to say that quickdraw on the indoor range is prohibited unless you are alone on the first floor of the building. After a LOT of hand wringing and straw man arguments, the motion passed for now. Thankfully, there were a lot of IDPA shooters there last night.