Worcester Pistol and Rifle Club

The membership cap conversation comes up often. Its worth noting that the response to every membership cap question has been "Have you ever had to wait to shoot because it was full?" The board's philosophy was that if the membership size wasn't harming existing members then a cap is just turning away money. That philosophy built that new clubhouse without having to visit a bank. To all of you who are itchy to cap membership, I urge you to question why. If its because you always have to wait for a lane, fine. If its because new members are destroying the club, fine. Just don't freak out about a number on paper.

Remember, a lot of those members are guys who shoot a few times a year or only shoot on the pistol team, or only shoot on weekdays, etc. But that money all goes to the same place and does things like building indoor ranges. I've only been a member for two years now and am going on my third. I only get out there about once a month lately but I had been going nearly every week for my first year. Never once have I had to wait for a lane (membership was at just about 600 when I joined) to shoot. Never once have I had to turn around and go home because there were too many shooters there.
TWommers is absolutely "spot on"!

When I joined Braintree R&P back in 1999 I was shocked that they had 2600 members and asked the gentleman showing me around if you had to take a number to get a lane. His answer was nope, most never show up and the money lets us do what we need to do without relying on volunteers! Yup, on a Monday night we voted to put red flashing ceasefire lights in the clubroom . . . and on Wednesday night I was shocked to see that it had been done! We now have >4500 members and a big fat bank account. Just spent $30K cleaning out lead in the indoor range ductwork and ~$80K upgrading the air system (to HEPA) on the "old" indoor range. The club is well-managed, the work gets done and only when events are scheduled does it get overcrowded on a range for a few hours.

Contrast that to my other club (Mansfield F&G) where money is somewhat tight, they had a 300 (IIRC) cap when I joined and they were almost there . . . I tried to get them to drop the cap but only succeeded on getting it raised to 1000. For 20 years they talked about an indoor range and nothing was done until 50 BMG was elected president and got the ball rolling. Likewise, we voted to replace tables and 6 months later nothing had been done . . . shortly after being elected president I drove up to see 50 BMG unloading new tables into the clubhouse. Even now the reconstruction of the clubhouse has dragged on far longer than it should have, partially because of well-meaning volunteers as opposed to just giving a contract to a professional to handle the whole thing (in partial justification, the structure we chose is vastly different/superior to what collapsed and thus more expensive to build so insurance won't cover some of it if professionals did all the work). Having a large base of membership gives you financial freedom to do what you must to keep going in a positive way without worrying where the next dollar is coming from to pay for it!

Good luck to WP&RC!
The only time I've seen it over crowded to the point where I have to wait is when a member brings a bunch of guests. The rule is that members have the right away over guests. Don't be shy about asking everyone on the lanes if they are members or not. And if they are guests ask then to kindly step aside. If you bring guest(s), be sure to inform them of this rule

Sent from the john using Tapatalk
In 3 years I have only waited once indoors and it wasn't long. I try to go when it would be most likely no one will be there, like after 8PM on a week night. The only time I had an issue outdoors was when there was an event going on, my bad for not looking at the calendar. This is pretty good considering I shoot at least once a week.
Like NTOMSW I live like 5 minutes away. I like the fact the rules are simple and clear and it is not a social event type of place. I go there to shoot. Sometime you get into a conversation with another shooter but that is not why I go although I enjoy talking about guns with other members.
Its been far too long since i've gone shooting, but I don't recall ever having to wait. There were two times I had to leave because of events that I was not aware of (which sucks, I am over 30 minutes away!). My overall experiences at WPRC have been positive...a few idiots here and there, but that is to be expected. I look forward to the opening of the indoor range and hope it doesn't get too packed!
Has anyone heard yet on indoor rules (e.g. calibers)?

I don't expect that the calibers will change. I know that there will no longer be ANY gun handling permitted outside of the firing line. This is due to the upstairs space hanging over the area behind the firing line. They mentioned the rules would be developed when they were setting up the range.
I wonder how long it will take someone to send one straight up into the ceiling...some of the ones in the vents above the shooting lanes left me scratching my head.
Something about having a meeting room directly above where people are shooting doesn't seem right to me. [smile]

Old rules said:
. Use of the following is PROHIBITED:• Jacketed hollow point center fire ammunition
• Shotguns
• Center fire rifles.
• Fully automatic guns.
• .22 rim fire magnum rifles.
• Pellet guns & BB guns (because of ricochets)
The range is 50ft long. I'm sure the prohibition on hollowpoint bullets will be removed. The prohibition was was created to increase the life of the old rubber mats.

The meeting room is set back above the bathrooms and ready room. The ceiling above the firing line has a steel plate installed and going forward, it is well baffled.
Do you require a sponsor there and any ideas on the fees for next year.

I was a member at the north grafton fish bird and game. anyone want to sponsor me for membership at the next available time. I had a member who said he would sponsor me however he has cancer and has his good and bad days and I don't want to make him feel like he has to go to the meeting on the day they are taking new members if he is under the weather from chemo.
I am in no way a rookie around firearms and am a safety nut, I would not do anything to shine a bad light on anyone who vouches for me.
You are correct sir. No sponsor is needed, I know I didn't have one. But you have to show up at the meeting and if one member protests you joining, you're out for life. That's never happened but that's the rule.

Sent from the john using Tapatalk
Ya know, I didn't poke my head in...but I will be back tomorrow. If there is no construction taking place I can snap a pic of the progress, otherwise I will stay outside.
Okay, target retrieval system going in now. Will be done Tuesday. We're waiting on the air handling system which contains special order parts. This is now the hang up. Stay tuned.
Did anyone attend the meeting last night? I was wondering if it was a full house like the December meeting.
Or if there were any updates on the completion of the air handlers.
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Did anyone attend the meeting last night? I was wondering if it was a full house like the December meeting.
Or if there were any updates on the completion of the air handlers.

It was jammed. About 70 people up there and it was warm.

They are still waiting on the air handling system for the range. Evidently, the items were special order. There is no update on when they will arrive but the HVAC installer has committed to instlalling them as soon as they arrive. This is the big item they are waiting for. The board members seem to be sharing in this frustration. I get the sense that this is just typical construction BS and NOT people dragging feet.

Outdoor range holidays were defined. It was a ridiculous 30 minute debate to get to the conclusion that Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving Day are the "Holidays" referred to in the range rules that state we cannot shoot until noon on "Holidays".

Indoor range rules were voted on as well. Proposed changes were minor. For instance, we can now shoot (when the range is done) during meetings. Caliber restrictions were only on JHP OVER 44 Mag. Otherwise, still no centerfire rifle, shotgun, or 22 magnum rifles indoors. The contentious part came with regards to the rule on drawing from a holster indoors (Quickdraw).

Someone asked about it and was told it was for safety. Then it was for property protection. Then we said "But we have cameras now". I asked what would happen if I practiced from a draw when I was alone inside the range without causing damage and got called out on it on camera. The answer was that I would be brought before the e-board and have to explain my case. I was not happy with this answer. I made a motion to amend the rule to say that quickdraw on the indoor range is prohibited unless you are alone on the first floor of the building. After a LOT of hand wringing and straw man arguments, the motion passed for now. Thankfully, there were a lot of IDPA shooters there last night.
Tom gave an excellent re-cap of last night. +1 to him for making a motion to ammend the indoor rules to allow drawing from the holster during certain conditions.
The E-Board is very frustrated with the delays but completion is very close. This board has done an amazing job at bringing the Club to the next level while keeping costs under control and IMO should be congratulated for a job well done!
Tom gave an excellent re-cap of last night. +1 to him for making a motion to ammend the indoor rules to allow drawing from the holster during certain conditions.
The E-Board is very frustrated with the delays but completion is very close. This board has done an amazing job at bringing the Club to the next level while keeping costs under control and IMO should be congratulated for a job well done!

Agreed, Jon. I'm as frustrated as anyone with the delays but this was a HUGE project with nothing but volunteer resources with full time jobs running it.

And those planning to come to the meeting in February, bring your Smart cars and carpool. We're expecting up to 120 new members at that meeting in addition to the 30-70 regular members that usually show.
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