Workplace shooting in Manchester, Connecticut

Curious. What does that have to do with it? If anything, recent history has shown that an educational institution is exactly where you are likely to need a gun....

I believe not following company policy would just get you fired. Carrying in an educational facility will get you arrested.
I believe not following company policy would just get you fired. Carrying in an educational facility will get you arrested.

Ah - if you're caught. Never thought about that - brain fart. I guess in the end, it's easy for me to MMQB, but my gut thought is that no matter where I worked, (and was not subjected to search), that I'd carry anyway. I guess I'd rather have a shot at being alive, then... well...shot....
Ah - if you're caught. Never thought about that - brain fart. I guess in the end, it's easy for me to MMQB, but my gut thought is that no matter where I worked, (and was not subjected to search), that I'd carry anyway. I guess I'd rather have a shot at being alive, then... well...shot....

Unfortunatly as you stated it is one of the places where it would be best to have a gun but if caught the person would be called all kinds of things and made to look very bad in the MSM and most likely would spend a long time in jail.
Also some of those in our corupt govt. and the anti-groups would be yelling that we need more laws to make it even more illegal to carry a gun. They would never let such an oppurtunity pass without harrassing the innocent more.
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I drove within a block of this scene (at 07:15) today, as I do everyday on my way to work. Got all the news from locals as they came in to office this AM. My prayers and thoughts go out to all those effected, including the family of the troubled man that comitted this act.
It's not that simple for some. Random vehicle searches. Random person searches. Automatic termination if discovered. Some have to weight the risk of carrying vs maintaining our livelyhood.

I think it is time you found a new employer.

I believe not following company policy would just get you fired. Carrying in an educational facility will get you arrested.

Not entirely true. Carrying in a K-12 school will get you arrested. Carrying at a college will not get you arrested depending on state laws. In NH you can't be arrested, but you will be asked to leave the college property. If you refuse to leave you will be arrested for trespassing (IANAL, that is my interpretation of NH law with regard to colleges).
It's not that simple for some. Random vehicle searches. Random person searches. Automatic termination if discovered. Some have to weight the risk of carrying vs maintaining our livelyhood.

That must be one friggin' HELL of a salary you're pulling to put up with that. I'd probably put up with it too, as it would mean I'd squirrel away the surplus for a year or two and then retire for life and live off the interest.
Well and here's the thing - again, me being in "simplistic mode". Say I work at 'Dumbass University' as a professor, or 'Nutkick High School' as a science teacher. I decide that my 2nd Amendment rights trump all and that I will not sell these rights for a job, so I take a CCW class and really learn the secrets to carrying concealed. Whether it be a Seecamp in my wallet, a 642 on my ankle, or a 1911 IWB, I go through my daily life with no one noticing that I actually am good at CCW, (I didn't fall asleep in CCW class). I'm unsure, unless I get to a point when I need to use my weapon, (i.e.: Virginia Tech) where this discovery will come from? At that point, with a gunman in school shooting up folks, I'm not sure that I'm going to be too worried about being arrested...If I am driving 95 down 95 I am clearly breaking the law, but unless I am discovered, be it by a trooper with a laser, or hitting a bridge divider - I don't see what the downside is....
I think it is time you found a new employer.

Not entirely true. Carrying in a K-12 school will get you arrested. Carrying at a college will not get you arrested depending on state laws. In NH you can't be arrested, but you will be asked to leave the college property. If you refuse to leave you will be arrested for trespassing (IANAL, that is my interpretation of NH law with regard to colleges).

Yes, you are correct. Also if you have permission from the head of the school you can carry but I was just answering MassMarks question since the person he was replying to most likely works at a K-12 facility.
I personally think that if any person shot and killed in a no gun zone is a permit holder, their family should be able to sue the company for recklessly endangering that person by not allowing them to defend themselves.

Louis "Sandy" Javelle, one of the victims in the Edgewater Tech shooting in 2000, had an NH P/R license but did not have an MA license, probably due to the fact that even back then it was a pain in the ass to get one here. He died trying to stop the BG.... one can only think things would have been different had he been able to carry a gun that day. I also heard somewhere (but had been unable to verify this) that he had applied for an MA license at one point but his app was rejected or somesuch... would not surprise me. (Back in the early 2000s the state had a habit of simply rejecting apps that didn't "show sufficient need" - these weren't denials, they were just a punt-back of the application. )

The thing that pisses me off more than anything about the gun control f**ktards is that they don't want to talk about the people who have died BECAUSE of gun control. [angry]

is the shooter the same guy who was caught selling drugs on his route a little while back?
you cant store a gun in our car while at work? wtf?

No, what he's talking about is a law which forces employers to respect vehicles as the property of an employee and not the property of the company just because the vehicle is on their lot or whatever. EG- a law barring employers from firing someone because they have a gun lawfully stored in their vehicle.

At my work we can be subject to random pat downs and searches of our workspaces, but not our cars. I work for a defense contractor and they're trying to stop people from stealing designs or products, but I'm sure if they found a gun you'd be fired. They have a clearly-stated 'no weapons' policy in the company handbook.
Thornton shot a number of people and then shot himself with a .223 caliber semiautomatic rifle as police approached and is dead,

Oh great... here we go again.... [thinking] I can hear the sheep bleating and pounding on their little drum already....

It's too bad that every one of these POSes gets the order wrong... they need to all start with themselves and go in the other

Nine people are dead in a workplace shooting at a family-owned beer and wine wholesaler, police said.

Two people were shot outside the building and five were shot inside, police sources said.

The quotes are from the story.

However, if 2 people were shot outside the building and 5 shot inside, that equals 7 people shot, not 9. If we assume that the shooter wasn't included in the 2+5 figure, we still only get 8 people dead with his addition. Where was the final person shot if neither inside, nor outside the building?
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People should just carry....I know I make it sound simplistic, I know that companies have no gun policies, I know folks are afraid of pissing off the man, but if done properly, CCW means no one knows you have the goddamned gun in the first place...

You're right, if everyone did it there is nothing they could do. Can't fire everyone.
Curious. What does that have to do with it? If anything, recent history has shown that an educational institution is exactly where you are likely to need a gun....

Because unlike a simple company rule, it's illegal for me to carry without the written permission of our President, whom would never in a million years sign off on that. And a gun locked up in my car across campus isn't exactly accessible in an emergency. Working at a liberal arts institution (note the word liberal), if even once I slipped up and someone saw it you can bet I'd be canned and locked up before I could dial Cohen's number.

I have one co-worker I took a flyer on that I've now gotten into shooting, but I have to close my office door if firearms becomes the topic of conversation. Just the mention of firearms might get me called into my boss' office.

Back on topic, that's horrible to hear. These folks always shoot the wrong person first.
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The quotes are from the story.

However, if 2 people were shot outside the building and 5 shot inside, that equals 7 people shot, not 9. If we assume that the shooter wasn't included in the 2+5 figure, we still only get 8 people dead with his addition. Where was the final person shot if neither inside, nor outside the building?

Number nine most likely died in ICU @ the trauma center.

Do we know for sure if in fact it was a "Gun Free Zone"?

With a first name "Omar" it makes me wonder what the press is not telling us.

Prayers for the families of the victims.

An other reason why we carry!
With a first name "Omar" it makes me wonder what the press is not telling us.

i dunno... his last name? let's not jump to any kind of conclusions before the actual facts are reported.

I'm not so sure what the significance of the name "Omar" is... I know white, black, spanish and arabic guys with that name...

No apparent significance to the name Omar. He was African American and according to his former girl friend filed harrassment claims which were allegedly ignored. From the AP story:

"Joanne Hannah told the Hartford Courant her daughter Kristi had dated Thornton for eight years. Thornton, who is black, had complained about being racially harassed at work, Hannah said. Thornton complained to his superiors, who did nothing about it, she said her daughter told her."
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If you have to keep your gun in your car,you might as well leave it at home.if I was working at a place where a mass killing was taking place and I made it safely to my car,I am going to burn rubber on my way out of the parking lot.
If you have to keep your gun in your car,you might as well leave it at home.if I was working at a place where a mass killing was taking place and I made it safely to my car,I am going to burn rubber on my way out of the parking lot.

To get to your field of grass! People who make statements like this make me realize how alone we realy are.
If you have to keep your gun in your car,you might as well leave it at home.if I was working at a place where a mass killing was taking place and I made it safely to my car,I am going to burn rubber on my way out of the parking lot.

Not me. I like the people I work with.
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