Workplace shooting in Manchester, Connecticut

I'm pretty sure my Dad took an oath to defend against enemies foreign and domestic and took a lot of flak for it (literally).
I didn't choose to go in the direction he did but I would hope I'd have the balls to stand my ground and protect a co-worker against the domestic variety if need be. If that meant carrying concealed (where it wasn't a felony to do so) and losing my job in event I had to save someone.. So be it.
Omar's girlfriend's mother was just interviewed by NECN and said that he had a CT license to carry. Not good.

Edit: of course, my primary concern is for the families who lost loved ones. I can't imaging experience such a sudden, tragic loss. I didn't intend to marginalize their suffering by focusing only on the potential consequences for the law abiding firearms community.
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I can hear the special legislative session already being called, these goddamned wingnuts have to take the innocent and then the rest of the state has to put up with the legal bull for years to come. This is the worst news anyone could receive that your loved one went off to work, school, vacation ( substitute any activity ) and is now dead due to an act of violence, my heart goes out to the families and the employer of these deceased individuals. I know some folks that work for Hartford Distributors, (their all safe) and they are a good bunch of folks, anyone that delivers beer usually is, but this one a**h*** has screwed it up, there must have been some clue prior to today, he must of let go of a hint he was about to snap to someone.
Not to sound cold, but so much for repealing the assault weapon ban in CT.
Omar's girlfriend's mother was just interviewed by NECN and said that he had a CT license to carry. Not good.

...and from Fox:

The State Firearms Bureau shows that a man named Omar Thornton purchased two firearms in January, WFSB-TV reported.


ETA: Get ready for some serious knee-jerk in CT, and probably across the country.

Thoughts and prayers to all those affected.

ETA Again:

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Every time I hear of Union workers like this guy going on shooting sprees, it just reinforces in my mind the need for a national ban on Unions in the workplace.
I was very surprised that the MSNBC coverage actually blamed the man and not the gun.... one quote was:

"In a statement, Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell offered condolences to the victims' families and co-workers.

"We are all left asking the same questions: How could someone do this? Why did they do this?" she said."

Imagine that... personal responsibility for ones actions.
I was very surprised that the MSNBC coverage actually blamed the man and not the gun.... one quote was:

"In a statement, Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell offered condolences to the victims' families and co-workers.

"We are all left asking the same questions: How could someone do this? Why did they do this?" she said."

Imagine that... personal responsibility for ones actions.

You mean it wasn't the gun that made him do it?
I was very surprised that the MSNBC coverage actually blamed the man and not the gun.... one quote was:

"In a statement, Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell offered condolences to the victims' families and co-workers.

"We are all left asking the same questions: How could someone do this? Why did they do this?" she said."

Imagine that... personal responsibility for ones actions.

Oh, don't kid yourself. The Brady Bunch, the VPC and the rest of the anti-Constitution morons will be rolling in the victims' blood in no time.
Jodi Rell is def not pro gun by any means...but I have never heard her push for or even talk about gun laws...I don't think this will have any effect on State Gun Laws here..
Oh, don't kid yourself. The Brady Bunch, the VPC and the rest of the anti-Constitution morons will be rolling in the victims' blood in no time.

Not kidding myself or anyone else... just commented that I was surprised by the coverage ;-) We now return you to our regularly scheduled broadcast.
There are/were hopes of challenging the states assault weapon ban, it would be in bad taste to have any movement on this in light of what has happened. Lets just pray for those that have lost and be thankful for all that we have for it could be gone in a blink of an eye.
Hey Bambane2,if you want to hitail it out of a shooting scene and get a gun and run back into it,that's your choice.The chances of you not being killed or charged with a criminal offense in many of our states while playing the Lone Ranger is mighty slim.I have always felt that many others have the same right as me to own guns.If they choose not to,so be it.Good luck.However if I was already armed and in the area of the shooter I most likely would engage him.The biggest risk of going back into the building with a gun in your hand is that LEOS may be starting to arrive.Most likely all they know is that some guy with a gun has been shooting people and then they spot you.JMHO.
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Omar Thornton pulled out a handgun after a meeting in which he was shown video evidence of the thefts and was offered the chance to quit or be fired.

"Then he went out on this rampage," company vice president Steve Hollander told The Associated Press. "He was cool and calm. He didn't yell. He was cold as ice. He didn't protest when we were meeting with him to show him the video of him stealing. He didn't contest it. He didn't complain. He didn't argue. He didn't admit or deny anything. He just agreed to resign. And then he just unexplainably pulled out his gun and started blasting."

Hollander said he thinks Thornton, 34, had guns stashed in his lunch box. The executive said two people standing near him were shot in the head and killed, but he was only grazed in the jaw and the arm.
So this story says handgun, another posted earlier said .223 rifle? WTF? the media sucks...
This hits too close to home. I live about 5 minutes from Hartford Distributors. I am ashamed that this guy was a valid permit holder. 8 people killed all because some stolen beer. What ever happened "you reap what you sow". Sad day in Manchester.

Concealed means Concealed. Period.

I can almost guarantee this would have either been prevented or there would have been a much lower death toll if the employees were allowed to carry.
ETA: Get ready for some serious knee-jerk in CT, and probably across the country.
We in flyover country are not getting ready for anything.

There will be no mass rush to pass gun laws across the country or in DC. In fact, I doubt much about this happens in CT either.

But even if it does, it will NOT affect the south, midwest, northwest, or southwest. We simply are different cultures than NE/New England.
We in flyover country are not getting ready for anything.

There will be no mass rush to pass gun laws across the country or in DC. In fact, I doubt much about this happens in CT either.

But even if it does, it will NOT affect the south, midwest, northwest, or southwest. We simply are different cultures than NE/New England.

Based on today's coverage, I'd say you might be right. The media seems to be much more focused on the racial components (real or imagined) of this event than the murderer's licensed status.
I just heard the guy called his mother and told her he had just killed the 5 racists. I guess he made the call shortly before taking his own life. So I guess there was a real race component.
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Wow this sucks, can't believe this guy did this over some beer and feeling discriminated against. It sounds like he was a fairly normal guy so owning guns shouldn't have been an issue...

Food for the thought, the sniper(s) had a green light to shoot the perp, if some of you who would've been carrying engaged the guy, there's a slight chance you might be the one in the crosshairs. I'd probably still engage him anyway...
Food for the thought, the sniper(s) had a green light to shoot the perp, if some of you who would've been carrying engaged the guy, there's a slight chance you might be the one in the crosshairs. I'd probably still engage him anyway...

I would venture that they had a description of their target. I know that if I was a sniper and they threw me in that position I would be really careful if I had no description of the individual. I would have to read the target to know that I was justified in taking the shot. Snipers aren't stupid, they got to their position because they have good judgment.
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Yeah it was definately racisms fault...and the guns fault....and the beer...but he was just a victim of the ills of society ...seriously cant you just steal goods from your employer anymore.
The media seems to be much more focused on the racial components (real or imagined) of this event than the murderer's licensed status.
I don't think you understand.

This guy's "licensed status" does not matter anywhere else.

There is no such thing as a "licensed gun owner" or a "registered gun" in most of the country. Those concepts are simply alien and your states are clear evidence that such things as licensing and registration fail to prevent massacres.

Most free states have figured this out already which is why the trend in them is to repal and liberalize gun laws.
Let's look at some facts:

- Employee was present for a scheduled disciplinary hearing which he presumably knew was, in fact, disciplinary in nature

- Employer is planning on terminating individual for theft - so they already know they are dealing with a criminal

- Employer does not even consider the possibility the criminal they are dealing with will react violently or irrationally

It would seem to me that it would be a reasonable precaution to have some armed muscle present just in case - either hire a detail cop for the termination or have a few employees who did not work closely with the individual armed and strategically placed. Of course, they probably never thought of that since there is no doubt a formal or de-facto "no guns" policy. Maybe they just forgot to hang the No Guns sign where the subject would see if before entering the premises :)
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