Workplace shooting in Manchester, Connecticut

Let's look at some facts:

- Employee was present for a scheduled disciplinary hearing which he presumably knew was, in fact, disciplinary in nature

- Employer is planning on terminating individual for theft - so they already know they are dealing with a criminal

- Employer does not even consider the possibility the criminal they are dealing with will react violently or irrationally

It would seem to me that it would be a reasonable precaution to have some armed muscle present just in case - either hire a detail cop for the termination or have a few employees who did not work closely with the individual armed and strategically placed. Of course, they probably never thought of that since there is no doubt a formal or de-facto "no guns" policy. Maybe they just forgot to hang the No Guns sign where the subject would see if before entering the premises :)

We have a winner. Gross negligence to go around in spades.

Agree, not only are they dealing with assumed theft of company merchandise, but why didn't the company have a LE there to arrest him if they have it on tape, one way to send a message to the rest of the company about stealing by having the guy arrested as he walks out, again we are in difficult economic times and people are going to great lengths to gain additional income. The company is going to bear great responsibility in the way it handled his termination with regard to safety of the workforce, a tough lesson learned. One thing I do know is that the union is predominately white and is very hard to get a job with so the racial harassment charge more than likely holds lots of water.
I just hope this doesn't spark a race war in Hartford area, tensions have always been high.
Union and management are both saying he never made a complaint. Anybody else getting tired of the gap-tooth woman making excuses for him on every channel?

Agree, not only are they dealing with assumed theft of company merchandise, but why didn't the company have a LE there to arrest him if they have it on tape, one way to send a message to the rest of the company about stealing by having the guy arrested as he walks out, again we are in difficult economic times and people are going to great lengths to gain additional income. The company is going to bear great responsibility in the way it handled his termination with regard to safety of the workforce, a tough lesson learned. One thing I do know is that the union is predominately white and is very hard to get a job with so the racial harassment charge more than likely holds lots of water.
I just hope this doesn't spark a race war in Hartford area, tensions have always been high.

-- and it would've been a lot harder to get a sight picture with cuffs on.

My condolences are with the families today.
Food for the thought, the sniper(s) had a green light to shoot the perp, if some of you who would've been carrying engaged the guy, there's a slight chance you might be the one in the crosshairs. I'd probably still engage him anyway...

I don't get this.... By the time "the snipers" show up, the whole thing is over minutes ago and your gun is back concealed in its holster, so I don't really see how you would get shot, unless you fail to stop the guy and there is some sort of weird standoff going on.

Until they invent teleportation devices for police, this is mostly a non-problem unless the police are already there at the point the encounter occurs.

Mike, Exactly my thought, this guy had committed his carnage and was on his way to hell before the first cops were on location, never mind target acquisition by a snipe.
This is why society has to make a choice, either we live with guns and allow concealed and OC in workplace and just everyday environments or we completely ban everything from everybody ( not ). If a few coworkers were in possession of their guns it might have only been 1 or 2 down, not 8.
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So much for that .223..He used a 9mm Ruger....You do not need a license to own a handgun in also don't need to register guns except machine guns and ct defined "AW"......
Union and management are both saying he never made a complaint. Anybody else getting tired of the gap-tooth woman making excuses for him on every channel?

Like they don't have tens of millions of good reasons to brush that under the rug. I highly doubt the mother is lying about the phone call, which means he at the very least perceived his issues were racially motivated. Whether or not he stole is a second issue, but the first issue clearly lies in what he perceived as racial bias and how, when and how often those issues were reported. If they were reported and no one acted on them, then you can bet every person so much as grazed by a bullet is sitting on a payday.
Bacck when I was working security one of the special details we'd get contracted for frequently was to stand by when a company was going through layoffs or firing someone.

Its pretty standard practice at the big companies... looks like they might have benefited from it here.
Bullseye said "If a few coworkers were in possession of their guns it might have only been 1 or 2 down, not 8."

Yes, in fact he may not have even tried this if he knew he would face others that were armed.
Police have named the nine people killed and two wounded in a shooting rampage at a Connecticut beer distributor. All except the gunman were age 50 or older, including a 77-year-old man was wounded.

Manchester police say those who died in Tuesday's shootings at Hartford Distributors were 57-year-old Francis Fazio Jr., 56-year-old Douglas Scruton, 49-year-old Edwin Kennison, 51-year-old William Ackerman, 51-year-old Bryan Cirigliano, 60-year-old Craig Pepin, 50-year-old Louis Felder Jr. and 61-year-old Victor James.
Its pretty standard practice at the big companies... looks like they might have benefited from it here.

The standard at most big companies is to have unarmed security present or readily available at layoffs.
If a company is unwilling to protect it's employees by using armed and fully trained security guards then they should allow the employees to protect themselves. Too many innocent people have died because of these foolish no gun policies. A gun can not only take a life, it can also save a life, and that life could be yours.
The standard at most big companies is to have unarmed security present or readily available at layoffs.

yes, most of the time we were unarmed. When they had problem children type terminations we'd sometimes be out of sight and armed.

And alot of times we'd be hired to stay in the parking lots overnight to keep an eye on the facility.

Most companies view having security around as a transference of liability. Which is why most of the time we're contractors and not direct employees.
See video below.

A "gentle soul" and a "very good individual". I see. If not for his evil, white overseers he would never have done such a thing. Tell me, lady, where are these pictures from the bathroom wall? Where are the "papers" you claim to have seen that prove that a complaint of racism was filed? Where are the complaints from other minorities who work for this company? Where are the witnesses to these allegations of racism?

Rather than recognize that none of these things exist and that your son was a morally bankrupt murderous thief and a liar (behavior for which you are largely accountable) instead you claim victimhood alongside the families of 8 people who were murdered; crimes in which you share responsibility. What a filthy pig this woman is.

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Why didn't the dippy interviewer ask why Omar was stealing beer from his employer? And if "mom" received any of the stolen goods?

Why didn't she ask about the possibility that Omar was the one who put the noose there to take the picture and "frame" the company (similar to Tawana Brawley)?
Why didn't she ask about the possibility that Omar was the one who put the noose there to take the picture and "frame" the company (similar to Tawana Brawley)?

I hear you, but before we even ask that question, where is the photo? He took a photo for evidence of workplace discrimination and it mysteriously disappeared, along with any evidence that he filed any grivence, as well as any witnesses? Why aren't we asking those questions before we lend any credibility to an allegation of racism? As many as there are on a daily basis, this is one of the most outrageous examples of media bias I have seen in a long time.
Reporters Sprayed With Bug Spray Outside Court

This story just gets better and better...

Two journalists from Fox CT were assaulted with bug spray outside court on Tuesday morning while covering a story connected to Omar Thornton's alleged beer theft from Hartford Distributors.

Christy Quail, 33, of Enfield, was in Superior Court in Enfield on Tuesday, accused of buying stolen beer from Thornton. As she left her court appearance on Tuesday, her husband, Sean Quail, 33, sprayed the journalists with a can of some chemical, police said.

Why didn't she ask about the possibility that Omar was the one who put the noose there to take the picture and "frame" the company (similar to Tawana Brawley)?

I hate to say it, but I think the man's shooting spree worked. Instead of questioning these things, the media is ignoring them and accepting the shooter's grievences as fact. Even after people were arrested for receiving the stolen beer, there is still more in the news about the alleged racism, presented as though it's fact.
I hate to say it, but I think the man's shooting spree worked. Instead of questioning these things, the media is ignoring them and accepting the shooter's grievences as fact. Even after people were arrested for receiving the stolen beer, there is still more in the news about the alleged racism, presented as though it's fact.

It is sickening. There has to be a point of diminishing returns, when the argument just doesn't work anymore. I'd like to think that in the not too distant future someone, somewhere will try to justify something even more outrageous using the excuse of racism, and people just won't buy it anymore. Omar's example, however, does not give me hope that that day will come in my lifetime.
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It appears as if this is a sizable company. I assume there is other employees who are African American or some other race. What are they saying about how the company treats them. They probably had very good treatment because they were not stealing and where good employees. Regardless of race if your a bad employee people notice and treat you accordingly.

We had a person who was fired and screamed discrimination. Only problem half of the supervisors are African American. Hell one just recently got his citizenship after being here in college and working for i cant remember how many years he said it took. Side note he hates all this illegal immigration shit. He says if he had to go through it the right way everyone one should.
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