Would this work?

Nov 16, 2014
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I'm listening to a series about the patty hearst kidnapping and i guess her abductors dipped their bullets in cyanide?

Curious if that would do anything
I dipped all of my bullets in goats blood and chanted “Hat for Bat” and it didn’t work. Never thought about cyanide. Hmmm…
Poison ivy oil is also a thought. Now you've got an itchy wound. Not fatal but really annoying and I can't imagine scratching a bullet hole is a good idea
I'm listening to a series about the patty hearst kidnapping and i guess her abductors dipped their bullets in cyanide?

I never heard that one, but I have heard of filling the cavity in a hollow point with mercury and sealing it in with hard wax.
Poison ivy oil is also a thought. Now you've got an itchy wound. Not fatal but really annoying and I can't imagine scratching a bullet hole is a good idea
I always thought Poison Ivy Oil would be better in Pepper Spray or in a Smoker. What's worse, in your eyes or in your lungs.
I always thought Poison Ivy Oil would be better in Pepper Spray or in a Smoker. What's worse, in your eyes or in your lungs.
I’ve been told people have died from ignorantly burning poison ivy and breathing the smoke. Don’t know if true. I like the idea of putting it in home brew OC however. Really drive home the point of not messing with people.

As to the cyanide? I seriously doubt it would be enough to matter. Also, you would need a pulse to push the poison through your body. If you still have one of those, the shooter needs more training.
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