Wow, this ex-cop has really gone crazy

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Yup. What I find funny is the cops realizing how little public support they have and that everyone knows what they have been up to for the last couple of decades.
This might even serve our 2 A cause to a certain degree. IF the big PDs actually have this "we VS them" mindset, then this lonely shooter will make them think twice if they really want to waiste a thought on house to house confiscations. After all, what he does can be done with a .243 bolt action as well. It's the lonely guy with some determination that will be the biggest problem. Remember, in this case, the cops already know who they are dealing with. In the case of a revolution type scenario, they'd have to first identify the shooter, before they can even think about going after him. Now, take this and multiply it by 20. What do you have? CHAOS. And that's the lesson for the police right there.
Oh, yeah, looks like he'll blend right in....

It is a lot easier to disappear in the US than some seem to think, heck the wrong facebook posting and you can disappear indefinitely.
What i don't get, is that the police, in their current hunt for him, have shot 3 civilians so far, accidentally, according to their police chief.
They're not going to arrest him, they're going to execute him in the street. He violated the TBL and is acting. They can't allow that.

Read this
In 8/07 I reported an officer (Ofcr. Teresa Evans/now a Sergeant), for kicking a suspect (excessive force) during a Use of Force while I was assigned as a patrol officer at LAPD’s Harbor Division. While cuffing the suspect, (Christopher Gettler), Evans kicked the suspect twice in the chest and once in the face. The kick to the face left a visible injury on the left cheek below the eye. Unfortunately after reporting it to supervisors and investigated by PSB (internal affairs investigator Det. Villanueva/Gallegos), nothing was done. I had broken their supposed “Blue Line”.

He broke the rules, they tossed him, he said nuts to that. Now he's gone straight overboard, but the PD is now scared, and will shoot anyone that looks even remotely out of place now. If that doesn't spark off a riot...

How long until the DA calls those "good shoots"?
What's scary is what would happen should someone driving the wrong truck shoot back? This is like a "wrong number no knock warrant" with a possibility of escape. I know in Mass you're not supposed to resist an unlawful arrest, but you still have the right to self defense, which this would be. What happens when the trigger happy cops shoot at the wrong truck, again, and it truly IS the wrong truck to pick on?

This is why only law abiding citizens should have guns, and the cops should follow Britian's example and use whistles.
I'm actually rooting for this guy to continue on his path of police terror, knowing what LAPD is and how they are made up and of what. He is not he lunatic they are making him out to be, he is a patriot of good men in so many ways. Remember, the founders of our country were men that were, in the eyes of the crown, terrorists and lunatics.

I have just begun to read all this and would add it appears one man has found his conscience. I wish him well and would remind him to aim small. This should be a warning to all you corrupt cops. This is just one man and you show what cowards you are. Wait till several thousand or more decide you people must be stopped. Again! When you stand in silence and watch abuses you too are an abuser. Under this premise there are NO good cops.
The evidence will be brought before a grand jury and the officers will be indicted or not based on the standard of evidence on how a regular person in their position would react in a similar situation.

If this was actually what happened when cops made mistakes, Rambo would not be stalking and killing LAPD in the first place.

Next time someone asks why you need a 30-round magazine, show them this picture. Those cops dumped DOZENS of rounds into that truck, and only hit the offending newspaper ladies three times. One of the women only got shot in the finger!

What if that really was Dorner's truck? He'd surely have lived through it to return fire.

The LAPD had a chance to stand for something. One of their own turned and went after innocent people. They could have said that they would stand to protect innocent life at all costs, they would not let fear affect them, they would not lower themselves to panic. Instead, they showed us what they do under pressure: protect their own, undermine their daily activities in order to increase their own safety (at the expense of the safety of the public), and to shoot first with no regard to the value of innocent life. True nature is best revealed in times of stress. The LAPD could not have revealed their true nature more clearly.

That one man lost it in a world of billions is unremarkable. That a public institution dedicated to protect and serve the public safety is acting so cowardly is deserving of contempt. If one man can turn one of America's largest cities to panic, just how brave and dependable can we really expect the police force of that city to be under real stress? Are they protectors or just thugs who only operate effectively when their authority and power is unquestioned? There are innocent people with newly ventilated vehicles and bullets in them that know the answer to this question. All of us know.
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so is masscops on full meltdown/ fr rambo posting yet?

I checked out those day ladies. So aside from the normal hand jobbing of each other and twisted rationale about how their failures really aren't failures because they're following the rules (chodes)...

I didn't see anything on how they'd rear naked this ex-cop and then put two in his brainpan. I'm sure they're keeping that discussion off the public radar.

ETA - love this quote from the article.
chode said:
“We searched all night; we did not discover any additional evidence,” Sheriff McMahon said at a news briefing on Friday morning. “We will continue searching until either we discover that he left the mountain, or we find him.”

“We don’t have any evidence to suggest that he is or is not here,” he added.

We have no evidence, so we will continue doing the same thing until something changes.
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