WTB dueling tree

Would like to buy a dueling tree , if anyone has one that they'd like to get rid of , I'm a buyer.
You can make your own quite reasonably, I made a few of these and one for an NES member.........
I just bought one of these, planning on setting it up this weekend.
I have one that I don't use. It has (6) 3 1/2" plates. It's mounted on a table saw base. It's fine for handguns but I think a rifle would break it and I don't think a 22 would be powerful enough to push the plates.
I have one that I don't use. It has (6) 3 1/2" plates. It's mounted on a table saw base. It's fine for handguns but I think a rifle would break it and I don't think a 22 would be powerful enough to push the plates.
Just looking to use it with hand guns. I looked up some , but they were around $500 and I wasn't looking to spend that much on it. I have a whole set up of ar 500 plates hanging from an old swing set , was looking for this to bring to a club I'm a member at , they have a range but nothing good for targets , or stands.
I just bought one of these, planning on setting it up this weekend.
Tried this out over the weekend. Legs are made using 1" EMT electrical conduit. Took a 10' piece cut into 4 2.5' legs. A little low, instructions call for 40" legs, going to change out to 40" legs.
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