Zimmerman in custody...

I'll bet his attorneys in the Trayvon Martin case still have not been paid a dime. And things are not looking up for them to monetize their kindness to him.

Surely they got a ton of great publicity. But Zimmerman's actions show he is completely ungrateful to what was done on his behalf.

And he is dumb as a rock. WTF would he do anything that will put him in jail with many black criminals who would love to even the score over Trayvon Martin.

He should have gone out to Hollywood, sold the rights to the story and lived happily ever after.

This man is a complete and utter fool.

This 100% There is no way in hell I would have even stayed in Florida for more than a week after that trial. The sad thing is that EVERYONE is automatically calling him a dumbass and other stuff without knowing for sure that he actually did anything wrong in this case. With the Treyvon thing it was obvious that he shot someone, and it was just a question of proving whether or not he was justified. This time some bitch accuses him of pulling a shotgun on her and he's automatically considered guilty. He is a seriously easy target at this point for ANY firearm related accusations. If he really did do it though, then I concur that he is the dumbest **** of them all!
This 100% There is no way in hell I would have even stayed in Florida for more than a week after that trial. The sad thing is that EVERYONE is automatically calling him a dumbass and other stuff without knowing for sure that he actually did anything wrong in this case. With the Treyvon thing it was obvious that he shot someone, and it was just a question of proving whether or not he was justified. This time some bitch accuses him of pulling a shotgun on her and he's automatically considered guilty. He is a seriously easy target at this point for ANY firearm related accusations. If he really did do it though, then I concur that he is the dumbest **** of them all!

I agree that we don't really know what happened behind closed doors and he's one 911 call away from disaster.

But a guy who is that infamous should realize he needs to completely avoid any and all controversy, confrontations, arguments and more. As my Mom used to say, he needs to mind his p's and q's for a while. He's an easy target. The girlfriend starts going off on him he turns and walks away to save his freedom.

That's why I think he's a freaking moron. He didn't diffuse the situation to save himself.
I'll bet his attorneys in the Trayvon Martin case still have not been paid a dime. And things are not looking up for them to monetize their kindness to him.

Surely they got a ton of great publicity. But Zimmerman's actions show he is completely ungrateful to what was done on his behalf.

And he is dumb as a rock. WTF would he do anything that will put him in jail with many black criminals who would love to even the score over Trayvon Martin.

He should have gone out to Hollywood, sold the rights to the story and lived happily ever after.

This man is a complete and utter fool.

They got money from his defense fund. I'm sure the lawyers and experts, etc are still owed money but they got some of what is coming to them. Zimmerman is also suing NBC for editing the 911 tapes, he'll get paid there and I'm sure the lawyers have a lien on that future judgement. And how well his lawyers took apart the prosecution case, that was basically an infomercial for their practices. They'll make money off future cases and O'Mara will be a legal analyst on one of the news shows or cable tv at some point.

Who knows what happened here but Zimmerman does put himself in some bad situations. He was completely innocent in the saint trayvon case but he was foolish to get out of the car. He had the legal right to, etc. but I have the legal right to walk through a dangerous neighborhood in Miami. That doesn't mean one should or that it's a good idea.

Instead of having affairs and now another girlfriend. Zimmerman should forget woman for a bit, heck he's only separated from his wife for a few months, and focus on relaxing and rebuilding his life.
This guy is definitely a retard, that's for sure.

He's making it a damn olympic event with how much dumber he can get.


look up 'shithead' on Wikipedia and there's a picture of George waving

re-read thread. Good to see this is the consensus.

This dude seriously needs to **** off. He's grade A DumbAss. It's too bad so many knuckleheaded pro-2A guys support this ball-less nutsack blindly just because "GUNS."
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re-read thread. Good to see this is the consensus.

This dude seriously needs to **** off. He's grade A DumbAss. It's too bad so many knuckleheaded pro-2A guys support this ball-less nutsack blindly just because "GUNS."


white hispanic, lol. 'merica.
re-read thread. Good to see this is the consensus.

This dude seriously needs to **** off. He's grade A DumbAss. It's too bad so many knuckleheaded pro-2A guys support this ball-less nutsack blindly just because "GUNS."


I've been saying since day one that this dude just needed to go away. Hide under a rock or something.

Because even though he was "innocent" according to law, it was painfully obvious he had the same IQ as a jar of mayonnaise and would only cause more trouble later on.

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as a weird coincidence my pudgy male cat who i named after george showed up yesterday after being gone for two weeks. this could be a sign of something, i just dont know
George Z should have enrolled in a Monastery, like the Trappist Brothers. That way he could make jelly and steer clear of jams.

Seriously, this guy is dumb. He should know that he is a marked man and everything he does will be scrutinized. Whether this latest DV call is valid or not, GZ could have avoided the notoriety by just going off into the sunset. Talk about being your own worst enemy...
Best regards.
George Z should have enrolled in a Monastery, like the Trappist Brothers. That way he could make jelly and steer clear of jams.

Seriously, this guy is dumb. He should know that he is a marked man and everything he does will be scrutinized. Whether this latest DV call is valid or not, GZ could have avoided the notoriety by just going off into the sunset. Talk about being your own worst enemy...
Best regards.
he should get his own reality show. it would be better than the kardashian whores or those honey boo boo morons.
he should get his own reality show. it would be better than the kardashian whores or those honey boo boo morons.

Do you want to see the kardashian ho's in a bathing suit or zimmerman? He'll never get a reality show, don't you need a sex tape to get one?
and the crazy women go for him as well it seems...they all seem like a bunch of meatheads. crazy attracts crazy
George Z should have enrolled in a Monastery, like the Trappist Brothers. That way he could make jelly and steer clear of jams.

Seriously, this guy is dumb. He should know that he is a marked man and everything he does will be scrutinized. Whether this latest DV call is valid or not, GZ could have avoided the notoriety by just going off into the sunset. Talk about being your own worst enemy...
Best regards.

This. Any woman he hooks up with and pisses off knows exactly how to make his life worse. It's too easy. He needs to crawl in a hole and stay there. Moron.
The racists have destroyed this guys life. He can't get a job because no one would hire him because of the negative publicity. The hell he went thru before and during his trial takes an affect on people. His wife turned on him because of the pressure. I'm sure he won't last much longer unless he changes his name and moves to Montana. If he really is in that much debt he's already screwed. I'm quite amazed that posters here think a guy who volunteered to help Police his neighborhood is considered an *******.
The racists have destroyed this guys life. He can't get a job because no one would hire him because of the negative publicity. The hell he went thru before and during his trial takes an affect on people. His wife turned on him because of the pressure. I'm sure he won't last much longer unless he changes his name and moves to Montana. If he really is in that much debt he's already screwed. I'm quite amazed that posters here think a guy who volunteered to help Police his neighborhood is considered an *******.

No, the guy is an ******* because he doesn't know when to disappear.
He needs to move to somewhere like North Dakota. I was there this fall and I'm telling you, he couldn't buy himself a drink in any bar in that state. He's practically a hero. If he went there, nobody would hassle him and he'd have no trouble finding a job.

The only problem is there are only 3 things to do in ND. Farm, hunt, and work on oil wells.
Five guns, your name is George Zimmerman, and you only have 100 rounds?

Marone! This ****ing guy!
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