Zimmerman in custody...

Why does everyone have such a hard-on for this guy?

Eh, at this point it's just a semi. Although I wouldn't have done what he did, to a certain extent any of us could have ended up in his position, especially in MA. Given the public outcry to have this guy locked up, with or without supporting evidence, made this case all the more important in terms of rule of law. Hence the celebration when he was acquitted, and the frustration I feel now that this guy isn't exactly doing his best not to step in shit.
Yup and the Fat pig of a wife is no help....Can you imagine poor George having to do that.

Notice that they had to mention TWICE that his soon to be ex wife, the felon, doubted his innocence. Good thing she wasn't on the jury, I guess. Notice that they also reported that he was stopped for speeding twice. Because we all know that's a serious crime that proves that he's a murderer. My son got stopped for speeding twice IN ONE WEEKEND. Once for doing 98 in a 55, once for 95 in a 55. I hope he never gets arrested for anything serious, because that's proof positive that he's a criminal.

I wonder what CNNs coverage of the knock out game is like? Oh wait, there isn't any.

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Why does everyone have such a hard-on for this guy?

Not everyone, just the media. Even the politicians have given up on it. Every story about a self defense shooting mentions "stand your ground laws" even when the shooting, like Zimmerman's case, had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's just a convenient thing for the media to use to hammer firearms and self defense. It's like they are all made up of Marsha Choakley clones or something.
My son got stopped for speeding twice IN ONE WEEKEND. Once for doing 98 in a 55, once for 95 in a 55.
A buddy bought a Porsche 911 and set off for Burlington, VT. He completed his "Trifecta" by getting a speeding ticket in MA, NH and VT on the same trip....

Bit o the dog in George.

"MailOnline has been told by sources close to the couple that Zimmerman struck up a relationship with his former fiancee Veronica Zuazo* after his acquittal

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2419458/Samantha-Scheibe-George-Zimmermans-blonde-babe.html


* Used to be a man.
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Eh, at this point it's just a semi. Although I wouldn't have done what he did, to a certain extent any of us could have ended up in his position, especially in MA. Given the public outcry to have this guy locked up, with or without supporting evidence, made this case all the more important in terms of rule of law. Hence the celebration when he was acquitted, and the frustration I feel now that this guy isn't exactly doing his best not to step in shit.

Not everyone, just the media. Even the politicians have given up on it. Every story about a self defense shooting mentions "stand your ground laws" even when the shooting, like Zimmerman's case, had absolutely nothing to do with it. It's just a convenient thing for the media to use to hammer firearms and self defense. It's like they are all made up of Marsha Choakley clones or something.

I guess I just don't understand the urge to defend the guy. Justice was served, and that's great, move on. I get as annoyed when I hear his name mentioned on the news as I do when I hear someone talking about Kim Kardashian, who gives a shit about these people?
I just hate how this case became a referendum on where you stand on firearms laws and stand your ground laws.

Some people crucify Zimmerman: Why? Do you know him? Do you know Martin personally? You're so completely sure that Martin never threatened his life?

Others support Zimmerman: Why? Do you know him? You don't know a single person in the whole world who is both a ****ing idiot and owns guns, so that you're absolutely POSITIVE he is in the right just by virtue of him owning guns?

It's so stupid. This is what we have a criminal justice system for. It's starting again with the guy in Dearborne who shot some woman through his back door. No one really knows what happened except for two people, and its idiotic to turn it into a political football because one side or the other is going to come out looking bad. In fact, usually EVERYONE comes out looking like an idiot, because they made such a big deal about a case which they really have no insight into whatsoever. Its why we have courts.

I think all this pre-judging on both sides is exactly what drives laws to make things "more illegal". "All those gun nuts think this guy is innocent and we KNOW we don't like what he did, so how can we make what he did illegal at some other point in the process to cover situations like this".

It's not that I have such faith in the criminal justice system, I just think its stupid to start in before there's even a verdict. Some cases, yes, the person is railroaded just by being arrested, but most of them really need to go to trial before becoming such a big deal. In retrospect, was the Zimmerman case really a good one to hang our self defense hat on? No, because he's a ****ing idiot and he calls his judgement into question every chance he gets.
Regardless of what happened the night he shot Martin, this guy is proving time and time again that he is a complete dumbass.

look up 'shithead' on Wikipedia and there's a picture of George waving

Yeah seriously.

Like what is seriously wrong with this guy anyway? He got off when most everyone else around the country, thought he would be found guilty. And since his release, he has found new ways to be a complete ass hat.
I'll bet his attorneys in the Trayvon Martin case still have not been paid a dime. And things are not looking up for them to monetize their kindness to him.

Surely they got a ton of great publicity. But Zimmerman's actions show he is completely ungrateful to what was done on his behalf.

And he is dumb as a rock. WTF would he do anything that will put him in jail with many black criminals who would love to even the score over Trayvon Martin.

He should have gone out to Hollywood, sold the rights to the story and lived happily ever after.

This man is a complete and utter fool.
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