17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

If you want some good googling of Al Gore, go look up videos of when Dee Snider was testifying to congress and Dee Snider made Gore look like a fool and said that Gore’s wife was clearly looking for S&M.

If we've learned nothing about Dee Snyder, it's that he's not gonna take it.
Hah watching the defense talk about a left handed rifle I'm reminded of the time that I took a friend shooting and I was showing her how to handle and shoot an AR15 and I completely forgot about ejecting shells and stood on her right side. On the 3rd round or so a shell went flying out of the rifle and went right down the front my shirt and lodged into my bra. I never experienced hot brass and it only took that one time to never stand immediately to the right of someone shooting.
Pics or it didn't happen [wink]
Pics or it didn't happen [wink]

... the time that I took a friend shooting and ... On the 3rd round or so a shell ... went right down the front my shirt and lodged into my bra. I never experienced hot brass and it only took that one time to never stand immediately to the right of someone shooting.

(Word is Hollywood has an armorer fitter
call out "Cold Bras" and "Hot Bras" on location shoots).

I hope you're proud of yourself, making me Google that despite knowing with every fiber of my being that couldn't possibly be true.

I missed that one. Multi tasking a bit at the moment with this as background noise.
Hard to say. People are stupid and can be swayed by stupid things. I think that anyone with intelligence would see through this crap.
It ain't over till its over.
they are going to pull out ALL STOPS to get SOMETHING to stick!
If things were applied equally then the prosecutor should be charged with attempted mass murder with an extra killy black rifle

Seriously though....this guy has to be one of the most ignorant prosecutors in history
Sadly, I think he’s only ignorant about gun stuff. For all his other lies and unethical behavior, I think he’s just super sleazy.
If you’ve been paying attention, you’d know we live in a post truth reality where facts and evidence and laws don’t matter. Feelings and opinions trump. And chances are, you’ve got jurors on this trial operating exactly that way. You cannot rule out him being convicted. I think there’s a very good chance he will be. The entire process is ducked.
Binger was making a big deal over the fact that Kyle used FMJ ammo rather than hollowpoints, yet I found myself wishing that someone would point out to this clown that some states, like NJ, will not allow the unwashed to have extra killy hollowpoint ammo, only FMJ. These people are clowns.
Hah watching the defense talk about a left handed rifle I'm reminded of the time that I took a friend shooting and I was showing her how to handle and shoot an AR15 and I completely forgot about ejecting shells and stood on her right side. On the 3rd round or so a shell went flying out of the rifle and went right down the front my shirt and lodged into my bra. I never experienced hot brass and it only took that one time to never stand immediately to the right of someone shooting.



Binger was making a big deal over the fact that Kyle used FMJ ammo rather than hollowpoints, yet I found myself wishing that someone would point out to this clown that some states, like NJ, will not allow the unwashed to have extra killy hollowpoint ammo, only FMJ. These people are clowns.
What about the fact that the military cant use them.
"Don't talk about the case" the judge repeats this. I don't know how you couldn't talk about it. Another juror
"Boy what a beautiful day," me "yes, a good day to put some fmj down range "

The last trial I was on I brought up that I was a concealed carry holder and one woman on the jury said 'well if someone gave me a gun I would do this and some other stuff' I don't want to get into the details on here about what she said. I reminded her that she would have committed 3 felonies by her own actions with about 20 years in prison. She completely shut up for the rest of the day and never said anything.
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