17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

The laws, as written are sufficient. We don't need more new ones. I don't understand the urge to create new ones. Self defense laws work. Punishments to the court and prosecutors are stupid, plus, guess who would have to pay the fines? Taxpayers, Dummy.
Yeah; get right back to us when you've actually read the actual article.


Well Folks,
Based on some of the videos that were out yesterday about the "protesters", they are no longer hiding that they are communists and want a communist revolution. Yet the members of the so called democrat party are saying nothing about the protesters and in fact many are supporting them.
By now the Donks must be contemplating what congressional hearings
are going to be like after one or two houses of Congress get flipped next year.


Also saw someone on Fox mention "these ARs fire very rapidly”. CNN trying to update their "facts" from FOX reporting?
Cognitive dissonance from over half a century
of being told that no mere mortal can run a bolt-action rifle
from the 6th floor of the Texas Schoolbook Suppository.

But all that information, with the exception of the hd video, has been available since three days after the shooting.

They are trying to put the sausage back in the casing. f*** them.

Interesting, caught a bit of him recently on the Rekieta streams...
Friday night I was charmed to spot the tail end of Andrew's appearance on Laura Ingraham.


The left is a wounded animal now and I expect them to lash out. Want to bet besides rioting there is a new disarmament legislation push in Congress and blue fiefdoms?
Because this wasn't enough disarmament for anyone:

I meant whoever proposed the law
You're really doubling-down on opining about stuff you haven't even read there...

The Boston Globe ran a poll on the verdict of the trial. 80 percent agree with the Not Guilty findings.

Herald readers actually…
Shhh! He's on a roll.

…I suspect Globe readers would have somewhat different results…

Here is yet another example of how the truth is being murdered by Marxists...

View attachment 544579
Repeal the NFL's antitrust exemption;
that'll realign pay scales to more proletarian levels.

Rhetoric question I know.

But it doesn’t necessarily mean they are guilty of assault. I mean I think they are, but they’d argue exactly what the prosecutor was saying. They were acting in good faith to stop who they believed to be an active shooter. ...

Let's try an experiment:
Let's plant an "active shooter" with some "blanks"...
...at the next Antifa rally.

See how many riot/loot/burners rush towards the sound of gunfire.

See how many of them beat a hasty retreat.

View: https://twitter.com/ScottAdamsSays/status/1462455692346884104?s=20

I'd argue before 2016, but I still agree with the sentiment.

Anyone who starts out their comment stating that they are 'highly educated' immediately gets discounted in my book. Nonetheless, I am happy that she discovered how she has been lied to and if she is as highly educated with a reasonable perspective as she claims, I would hope she looks into her media's biases more and not just treat this as a one-off oversight.
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Dude, WTF? I was only commenting on the article and asking if you had read it. It is Sunday morning. Hopefully you've been to the range, had a stack of hot cakes and are reading the Sunday paper wearing your slippers. No need to get personal [laugh]
Ranges are open on Sunday mornings?

Let's try an experiment:
Let's plant an "active shooter" with some "blanks"... ...at the next Antifa rally.
Double jeopardy? No problem for communists!

BLM Calls for Federal Murder Charges Against Rittenhouse

Black Lives Matter activist Troy Gaston told Breitbart News that the federal government should file murder charges against Kyle Rittenhouse.

Double jeopardy? No problem for communists!

BLM Calls for Federal Murder Charges Against Rittenhouse

Black Lives Matter activist Troy Gaston told Breitbart News that the federal government should file murder charges against Kyle Rittenhouse.

Low/no information idiots... [hmmm] [banghead]
Double jeopardy? No problem for communists!

BLM Calls for Federal Murder Charges Against Rittenhouse

Black Lives Matter activist Troy Gaston told Breitbart News that the federal government should file murder charges against Kyle Rittenhouse.

It's not double jeopardy if the charges are federal, not state.

They're fools, of course. There's no reason why the feds should try anything about this case, and there never was.
It's not double jeopardy if the charges are federal, not state.

It is but that hasn’t stopped them yet. The system is corrupt. The concept of dual sovereignty or really, the concept the federal government has any authority whatsoever outside or the specific authorities given in the Constitution is, inconsistent with said Constitution.
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It is but that hasn’t stopped them yet. The system is corrupt. The concept of dual sovereignty or really, the concept the federal government has any authority whatsoever outside or the specific authorities given in the Constitution is, inconsistent with said Constitution.

Yeah, but that ship sailed long ago, sadly.

Regardless, no federal murder charges are coming against Kyle. We can rest easy on that score.
It is but that hasn’t stopped them yet. The system is corrupt. The concept of dual sovereignty or really, the concept the federal government has any authority whatsoever outside or the specific authorities given in the Constitution is, inconsistent with said Constitution.

See also: Double Jeopardy Clause § Petite policy
Yeah; get right back to us when you've actually read the actual article.


By now the Donks must be contemplating what congressional hearings
are going to be like after one or two houses of Congress get flipped next year.


Cognitive dissonance from over half a century
of being told that no mere mortal can run a bolt-action rifle
from the 6th floor of the Texas Schoolbook Suppository.


Friday night I was charmed to spot the tail end of Andrew's appearance on Laura Ingraham.


Because this wasn't enough disarmament for anyone:

You're really doubling-down on opining about stuff you haven't even read there...


Shhh! He's on a roll.


Repeal the NFL's antitrust exemption;
that'll realign pay scales to more proletarian levels.


Let's try an experiment:
Let's plant an "active shooter" with some "blanks"...
...at the next Antifa rally.

See how many riot/loot/burners rush towards the sound of gunfire.

See how many of them beat a hasty retreat.

Um... what? My comment was based on the new law called kyles law holding prosecutors financially accountable for bringing shit trials to court

Filling it the day after kyle won in court is a troll job.

If the law has merit or not that's irrelevant to the timing and naming of the law.

Clearly it was done in reaction to this case
Um... what? My comment was based on the new law called kyles law holding prosecutors financially accountable for bringing shit trials to court

Filling it the day after kyle won in court is a troll job.

If the law has merit or not that's irrelevant to the timing and naming of the law.

Clearly it was done in reaction to this case
Snap quiz:
  1. Who filled the law?
  2. Where was it filled?
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