17-year-old arrested in killing of 2 people in Kenosha

Um... what? My comment was based on the new law called kyles law holding prosecutors financially accountable for bringing shit trials to court

Filling it the day after kyle won in court is a troll job.

If the law has merit or not that's irrelevant to the timing and naming of the law.

Clearly it was done in reaction to this case
Many laws are filed shortly after a high profile event.
The issue is we'll known within the legal community but the everyday Joe is pretty much completely ignorant of the level of evil our prosecutors/persecutors are providing on a daily basis.
The Rittenhouse case has brought their misdeeds into the light and given a chance, however slight, to put some compensating measures in place.

I think prosecutors who play the games pulled on Kyle should be sentenced to whatever they would have put the defendant away for - you want to take the life of an innocent then your's is forfeit.
Here is yet another example of how the truth is being murdered by Marxists...

View attachment 544579

White Supremacy: a father tucking his kids into bed at night and reading them a book.

By Kaepernick's own admission, everything he is comes from white supremacy. Every opportunity. Every dollar.

And he's too stupid to see it.
Wisconsin, like other Donk dumps like Oregon and Washington, is predictably becoming an absolute shit show.

Wisconsin is not a democrat state. They often have a republican governor, have had a conservative state senate and house for years, have a republican senator and trump lost Wisconsin by less than 1%. It’s a true swing state.
I had to Google. I guess I'm supposed to know who this creature is.

Once again, their nightmare word:

Just one of the pump and dump moderately attractive Hollywood types. She should stay in her wheelhouse of being just another dumb blonde she plays so well in movies.
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As far as Hollywood celebrities go, its never the huge stars of today that are making political statements because why risk alienating half your audience? Its always the has-beens who have watched their revenue dry up over the last 5-10 years who are now starting to panic and are probably advised that at this point, any type of publicity is better than nothing.
Wisconsin is not a democrat state. They often have a republican governor, have had a conservative state senate and house for years, have a republican senator and trump lost Wisconsin by less than 1%. It’s a true swing state.
That is why Obama started resettling so many legal and illegal immigrants there, and all of the other swing states as well.
It makes sense all the Hollywood people stand behind the pedophile, they're worried the same outcome will happen to them


There's a relatively simple way to bury all the people who have come out in support of pedo JoJo. Just wait a little while until they all jump on Twitter do defend him, then point out EXACTLY what he did, followed by "why else would they support him like this unless you were worried about the same thing happening to you?". Followed by : " and why would be worried about the same thing happening to you - unless you're a pedo?" Close with a link to Occam's Razor on Wiki.
The rabbit hole goes very deep on the lunacy embraced by the left:

You really need to read thru the entirety of the above article. It lays out clearly just how off the range much of the left and most especially the BLACK left has become.

And here's the brutal truth of it all:


Author Michael Harriot, no stranger to these pages, argues that the assumption that “Black people are scary” is embedded in American law. It may simply be that Americans know the real Color of Crime in this country, though we must often pretend otherwise. Mr. Harriot recognizes that Mr. Rittenhouse didn’t shoot any black people, but still wrote an article critiquing what “reasonable” means in American law. His point is that whites automatically think blacks are dangerous, and that this emboldens them to shoot blacks.

My takeaway is that whites and blacks can’t agree even on what “reasonable behavior” means. In that case, let’s just admit Jefferson was right and that the “two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.” Our differences are simply too great.

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan:

View: https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1461775579099901952


The truth about crime in this country has been hashed out on the pages of NES before: the truth is that blacks commit the vast majority of crime - and the whole idea that white people are going around killing blacks left and right is just pure bullshit. The black on white crime rate and murder rate is ASTRONOMICALLY EXPONENTIALLY higher - than any sort of white on black crime.

All these commie blacks are pushing pure BULLSHIT. And the left is lapping it up and talking head'ing it to death on every talk show they can get on. Now they want to use the Rittenhouse verdict to probably change the law en-masse to disadvantage white people BY LAW.

Diversity + Proximity = War

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The rabbit hole goes very deep on the lunacy embraced by the left:

You really need to read thru the entirety of the above article. It lays out clearly just how off the range much of the left and most especially the BLACK left has become.

And here's the brutal truth of it all:


Author Michael Harriot, no stranger to these pages, argues that the assumption that “Black people are scary” is embedded in American law. It may simply be that Americans know the real Color of Crime in this country, though we must often pretend otherwise. Mr. Harriot recognizes that Mr. Rittenhouse didn’t shoot any black people, but still wrote an article critiquing what “reasonable” means in American law. His point is that whites automatically think blacks are dangerous, and that this emboldens them to shoot blacks.

My takeaway is that whites and blacks can’t agree even on what “reasonable behavior” means. In that case, let’s just admit Jefferson was right and that the “two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government.” Our differences are simply too great.

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan:

View: https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1461775579099901952


The truth about crime in this country has been hashed out on the pages of NES before: the truth is that blacks commit the vast majority of crime - and the whole idea that white people are going around killing blacks left and right is just pure bullshit. The black on white crime rate and murder rate is ASTRONOMICALLY EXPONENTIALLY higher - than any sort of white on black crime.

All these commie blacks are pushing pure BULLSHIT. And the left is lapping it up and talking head'ing it to death on every talk show they can get on. Now they want to use the Rittenhouse verdict to probably change the law en-masse to disadvantage white people BY LAW.

Diversity + Proximity = War


The whole Kyle Rittenhouse debacle involved Kyle ( a white kid) shooting 3 WHITE CRIMINALS.

Now that it's over - and he has been declared not guilty - the left - and blacks in particular - are working over time to turn this into some sort of whitey been oppressing the darkies thing.

The way I see it is that is ENTIRELY on them. They could have just kept their damn mouths shut, instead - they seem intent on turning a small ember into a raging forest fire.

Think you were pissed off during all of the BLM riots - just wait.

At least all the previous events they've used to bolster their cause had at least one very minimal connection to reality: there was a black man involved.

This one doesn't even have that.
Ha! The night was uneventful as he didn’t even come close to bringing it up. Surprising but I think the wives had something to do about it before the night started.

So did you wife call the other wife and say: "hey - better keep your husband in check, my husband is in his office printing shit out right now and muttering something about 'gonna stuff this right up his ass' " ???
She seems like a quality person:


Here's an idea Carly Beth - why don't YOU DO IT ..... if you think it's such a great idea?

What's the matter - scared of a 17 year old pasty faced kid with a bunch of zits?
If that's not a clear and direct threat, and inciting violence, I don't know what is. If it was one of us saying this we'd be in custody before we could shut off our computer.
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