21 killed, 18 injured in shooting at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas

Well the shooter had lots of pics on social


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It doesn't even have to be somebody that skilled, just your every day patrol cop would be fine. Once they harden the schools they will not be targets anymore.
I think it would be a great retirement off ramp for our spec operators, let them continue to serve their country by using their skills to protect America’s children, one of the highest honors possible IMO, and they make some decent retirement money without having to babysit corporate slobs or run off book jungle missions for Langley in Columbia.

Depending on size of school, 1, 2, 4 or 8 man teams.

And a GIANT middle finger to the pieces of shit in DC who groom these psychopaths to kill kids for politics. You know, if that’s what’s actually happening.
Demasculating men will without a doubt make them more prone to outbursts of violence. A scared or insecure male is a violent and unpredictable one. That's a core psychology concept. The left is hell bent on pretending that male aggression is bad, etc.

As usual the left cant get out of their own way and is more interesting in burning everything down for reasons. The good news is there are very few tough or formidable leftists males. Afterall, via their dogma men are to be raised as pussbags.
I am getting a sore thumb hitting the like in your posts. Am I beyond hope?
I fell for this yesterday. Seems to be a 4chan and reddit troll move.
Maybe info will come to light later that one or more of these is the actual shooter but at this time it appears to be a troll and admitted as such by the original posters
Looks like I got sucked in. It was a link from a friend who is on TIk tok
Looks like I got sucked in. It was a link from a friend who is on TIk tok
Yeah to be fair they did a good job finding a believable look alike and generally trans and mental illness goes hand in hand.
Also I was upset and angry and was hungry for a piece of the puzzle to help make sense of someone being so deranged and this had major buffalo bill vibes
Well the shooter had lots of pics on social

Not the shooter. Those were all debunked.

I think it would be a great retirement off ramp for our spec operators, let them continue to serve their country by using their skills to protect America’s children, one of the highest honors possible IMO, and they make some decent retirement money without having to babysit corporate slobs or run off book jungle missions for Langley in Columbia.

Depending on size of school, 1, 2, 4 or 8 man teams.

And a GIANT middle finger to the pieces of shit in DC who groom these psychopaths to kill kids for politics. You know, if that’s what’s actually happening.

Your plan briefs well (and I mean that; I like it), but it's not reality. The 450k per school would be awesome, but it doesn't exist. These scores of retired special operators in the woodwork, waiting to come out and sit on school loading docks for eight hours a day? They don't exist.

It's not ideal. It's reality.
Something needs doing, schools may as well put up giant neon targets to advertise to mass killers as great places to rack up kill counts and make them famous.

Is it really so much to ask the pro LGBT teachers to learn to protect their students as well as teach them proper pronouns and what is and isn't safe to shove up their butt?

I mean, a 9 year old needs to not only understand how to crossdress, but also not be shot up like an AR500 plate on a shooting range.

So, school security is a definite must, but beyond that, seeing two consecutive weeks where 18 yr olds blew away a bunch of people, it's probably time to discuss raising the age of adulthood to 21. No voting, no smoking, no drinking, no pew pew until 21.
No military?
Even the premise of the “yelling fire” argument is flawed. You are not allowed to do it and if you do, you are liable for any consequences.

In the same light, you are not allowed to shoot up schools and if you do, you face the consequences.

Nobody has removed my vocal cords to prevent me from yelling fire or forced me to get a background check before I can use the word “fire” nobody has banned high capacity variations of the word like “conflagration”
Joe would require everyone entering rhe cinema wear a muzzle to prevent the yelling. Popcorn and Dots sales be damned
From Katherine Clark, 5th district MA.


In the last 10 days, we have experienced 3 horrific mass shootings in this country – targeting children in their elementary school, Black citizens grocery shopping, and people attending a church service. I’m furious, I’m heartbroken, but we are not powerless.

The House already passed wildly popular legislation
to institute violent history checks, close the loophole that allows guns to be sold at gun shows without background checks, and close the "Charleston loophole" to give the FBI more time on background checks.

Reasonable people, including responsible gun owners, agree on the commonsense steps we can take to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. In fact, 83% of gun owners and 74% of Republican voters support background checks on all gun purchases.

But Republicans in Congress have become the most extreme fringe of their party, who believe children murdered at school, elders murdered at a grocery store, and worshippers murdered at church is preferable to universal background checks or Red Flag laws.

Guns are the leading cause of death for children and teens in America, killing more kids than cancer, pneumonia, influenza, asthma, AIDS, and opioids COMBINED. To my Republican colleagues, I ask that if you won’t do anything - literally anything - to stop the slaughter of children in school, then why are you even in Congress?

It doesn’t have to be this way. We have the power to save lives — the House already passed the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and the Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021. If the GOP refuses to do the bare minimum to keep our families safe, they don't deserve to serve — it’s a dereliction of duty.

The time for excuses is over. I will not give up this fight.


Congresswoman Katherine Clark
Assistant Speaker of the House of Representatives

Dems doing the full-court press ...
And FU!
Your plan briefs well (and I mean that; I like it), but it's not reality. The 450k per school would be awesome, but it doesn't exist. These scores of retired special operators in the woodwork, waiting to come out and sit on school loading docks for eight hours a day? They don't exist.

It's not ideal. It's reality.
Picton is right anyone who lives in a fast moving world is not going to last long sitting in a chair on the loading dock waiting for the insurrection to begin. The person who can handle that environment won't be capable enough to handle the situation.
I am a firm believer that the internet is what is wrong with the world we live in. Instant access to anything you desire is there with the click if a button. Everyone is an attention whore regardless of their chosen path. Human nature being what it is will never change this.
absolutely, and especially social media. All you have to do is go to the comments section of even the most innocuous article.....A guy writes an article about why he thinks a Nikon DSLR is better suited to his needs than a Canon, then the comments are like "you should get cancer and die". The internet brings out people's most toxic traits as there are no consequence like the busted nose they'd get in person.

Even here on NES...people disagree and start calling each other names, piling on with stupid f***ing smiley emojis....and NES is probably one of the most polite places on the web. Everyone is probably guilty of it to some extent but it really all comes down to the anonymity/distance provide by the keyboard. Most people would never say the shit they say online IRL bc they know they'd get punched in the mouth.
Apparently police didnt move on the shooter once he was in the school and waited over an hour.

In practice, Biden is right - the second amendment is NOT absolute. If it were, I would be able to buy a select fire HK MP7, get all the 'high' capacity mags I want off the shelf of the gun shop, pick the suppressor I want, ring it up at the register, walk out the door with it and have it slung on my back and legally carry it through Times Square without getting hassled.
Picton is right anyone who lives in a fast moving world is not going to last long sitting in a chair on the loading dock waiting for the insurrection to begin. The person who can handle that environment won't be capable enough to handle the situation.
Yeah prob right.
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