21 killed, 18 injured in shooting at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas

Oh yeah. I meant the female ones.
There's something gender/sexuality related going on there, and I'm not just going by the photo. But it's not relevant. Not even really helpful at this point, just part of the background the picture. Some monsters are born without empathy. I'm not getting that story here, rather a descent into madness kind of thing. I don't really want to humanize him because there clearly wasn't any humanity left in him at the end. Just trying to understand how and why it got to that point because the problem might be addressed on the supply side, supply of psychopathic monsters, in addition to the security side.
In practice, Biden is right - the second amendment is NOT absolute. If it were, I would be able to buy a select fire HK MP7, get all the 'high' capacity mags I want off the shelf of the gun shop, pick the suppressor I want, ring it up at the register, walk out the door with it and have it slung on my back and legally carry it through Times Square without getting hassled.

He's wrong. For nearly a hundred years there were no limitations.
cops watied for 90 mins before they entered it? ...So put security guards in each school won't work either. Good guys with guns won't work. What will work then?

As with other cases like this the system will be looking for someone to punish to balance the scales. Typically they trace the gun and try to find any violation of law in the chain of custody from manufacturer to shooter, so they can lay charges. Just look at previous cases - mother charged for knowingly allowing her minor son to have the guns; parents charged for not being good enough parents, and probably others.

The grandfather is reportedly a felon/prohibited person, and is already working to distance himself from the guns - stating he did not know his grandson had them in his house, obviously hoping that is enough to avoid a felon in possession charge. My guess is that the police are doing everything they can to prove gramps knew the kid had the guns - fingerprinting the gun, any gun accessories, instruction manuals, boxes, etc. I'll give 60% odds he gets charged for felon in possession.
cops watied for 90 mins before they entered it? ...So put security guards in each school won't work either. Good guys with guns won't work. What will work then?

Shut down all schools, distance/remote learning from home. Also, since there won't be anymore need for busses, fuel, electric, heating/cooling for physical schools, taxes go down, kids dont get shot or raped by transgenders in the restroom.
I have visited a high security installation where the metal detector was self-service. It was outside a locked bullet resistant door and large window and you had to do self-serve and come up with the green light before the armed individual on the other side buzzed you in, and the x ray conveyor entrance was on the entrance side and output/monitor behind the barrier. This was designed to prevent a suicidal nutso from shooting her way in by taking out the guard.

This would not work for the massive influx of students, but could work for visitors.

But, the building was non-smoking, so occasionally the guard would come out, bring his keys with him, and have a smoke. (actually saw that).
Yup..How many parents have been arrested at school board meetings for doing the exact same thing🤔🤔

exactly. I think that is what really bothers people here. It's not that the Beto Male spoke out, we would support a parent speaking out like that against CRT. It's the double standard of how pols/swells are treated vs how the average taxpayer is treated.

On the one hand, I agree with Picton. Arresting him would have been overkill. I would have liked to see, though, a couple of cops just grasp him firmly and lead him hurriedly to the door. Much like the school committee meeting.

the parents at the school board meetings might not have even been arrested, but they were certainly removed in a quick, direct fashion. I can see a reasonable cop in the school committee scenario getting the person outside and saying "Look, it's time to go home now. You made your point. If you don't let it go now, I'll have to arrest you".

the average taxpayer would have gotten the "you're leaving right now" approach instead of the Beta's "please come with me sir" approach
cops watied for 90 mins before they entered it? ...So put security guards in each school won't work either. Good guys with guns won't work. What will work then?


Years from now when the LGBT killer goes to trial, the jury needs to see this collage. When the media reports on the story, this collage must be shown. The defense attorney would argue it's prejudicial but it's not a question of whether he/she/it is guilty or not. It's determining the price they should pay.
Massachusetts allows FTF between permit holders without a 4473 and without a NICS check, at least without a prerequisite NICS check. I've heard somewhere around here that they are supposed to conduct those checks after-the-fact when you transfer through the portal, though I really wouldn't know if they actually do or not. The major difference on the ground, so to speak, is that you can't escape the NICS check in the gun store by having a permit. Clearly the argument they are making in Georgia is that because you are a permit holder, you can fill out the 4473 and be done with it because you've already been checked. Not sure whether what the Dems propose for UBCs would exclude that or not. It's not really at issue.

The question was whether Pelosi2's (Clark's) numbers might be more or less correct. Pelosi2's numbers were 83% of gunowners and 74% of Republicans. A gunowner is anybody who owns a gun, including a great many people who have never bought one and including a sizeable percentage of Democrats, especially in the South. 74% of Republicans likewise would include people who have never even bought a gun and not a few that don't even own one. Almost certainly the numbers are different in Georgia because blue states are offsetting. I'm just not seeing any reason to doubt those numbers. The other point I was making is that I don't think UBCs will make a difference because I can't remember the last mass shooter who fits the bill of having purchased their firearms FTF without a NICS check. Almost always they obtained their guns from an FFL in a legal fashion. Sometimes they should have been denied but weren't. Sometimes they got their guns from the household. I think that terrorist couple from California did a straw purchase. Stuff like that I remember. I'm just not remembering any mass shooters who bought their AR from bubba down the street in a legal FTF transaction.

Thanks for the clarification. I have to admit that I unintentionally conflated "ATF" and EFA10(?) aka portal when thinking of Massachusetts person to person transfer.
Dude, it's the internet. I just don't know anymore these days.

Regardless, we can all agree in our hopes that the good people of Texas will not want him as governator.
That is why I believe he did that. He’s getting demolished by Abbott and he knows it. And the smile on his face when he heard what happened in Uvalde must’ve been a mile wide, sick SOB.

If LEO training and inter-agency comms was iffy before COVID, depolicing/defunding (and Border surges in TX), it’s so much worse now. With a locked door, the "first on scene entry" rule got short-circuited. We won’t know if command and control was in place and working until there’s an investigation and report.

LEOs may have assigned or defaulted to perimeter control.. A bunch of unarmed parents rushing in has no upside.
And can we be done with the word"alleged" shooter, or "the suspect did ..."

It was him. He did it. Nobody is arguing it wasn't him. FU David Muir and the rest of the pussified media
It's a legal thing. The whole 'innocent' until proven guilty stuff that leads to defamation lawsuits if the news uses certain words.
If LEO training and inter-agency comms was iffy before COVID, depolicing/defunding (and Border surges in TX), it’s so much worse now. With a locked door, the "first on scene entry" rule got short-circuited. We won’t know if command and control was in place and working until there’s an investigation and report.

LEOs may have assigned or defaulted to perimeter control.. A bunch of unarmed parents rushing in has no upside.
Maybe, I know for a fact that is counter the Patrol's SOP. I taught it.
So much for all that brave LEO stuff yesterday….was this definetily while he was still inside shooting? Or was he already taken out and they had a fresh crime scene they didn’t want parents seeing?
Let's hold up just a little. I'm as heartbroken as anyone, but parents outside are not what I'd consider objective witnesses. Ever spent time in a dentist's chair with no novicane? Seems like hours when it's really 20 minutes. There will be a minute by minute breakdown of what actually happened. It will take a couple of days for the reports to make it through the channels. Anything being spoken about yesterday or most of today at the soonest will be nothing but conjecture. I watched a Tx DPS guy on the news last night, he was getting asked some pretty tough questions and he didn't really answer any of them, he didn't know yet.
Shut down all schools, distance/remote learning from home. Also, since there won't be anymore need for busses, fuel, electric, heating/cooling for physical schools, taxes go down, kids dont get shot or raped by transgenders in the restroom.

Teachers won't be able to have sexual conversations with children and you would single handedly wreck the teachers gone wild megathread. NES would suck and everyone will suffer from a malaise and just walk away from NES. Why?

But yes, home school the kids. Keep the propaganda at arms length.
In the 20s a 16 year old could go to a hardware store and pick up a Thompson, why weren't there mass shootings by kids then? Iirc it was around 1935 that the government decided to get more involved so I would say 87 years.
The thing is, there were. We just never knew about them. Back in the 20's or 30's a guy McVeigh'd a school with a bomb, killed a ton of kids. I wish I had the presentation that was used for one of the trainings I went to, it detailed every mass causality event going back to the 30's. The instructor just scrolled the screen, too many to talk about individually.
The thing is, there were. We just never knew about them. Back in the 20's or 30's a guy McVeigh'd a school with a bomb, killed a ton of kids. I wish I had the presentation that was used for one of the trainings I went to, it detailed every mass causality event going back to the 30's. The instructor just scrolled the screen, too many to talk about individually.
There will always be evil among us. And evil picks soft targets. Unfortunetily elementary schools are soft targets. I don’t know what will stop it but it ain’t Gun control. And it does suck that are schools are going to look like military checkpoints, very sad.
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