.32 caliber vs .38 caliber pocket gun

Nov 30, 2012
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I have been thinking about purchasing the new Ruger LCR .32 caliber pocket gun. Simply put, I am more comfortable with 6 rounds, rather than 5. Conversely, I am more comfortable with .38 hollow points than with .32. I am aware of the potential difficulty of obtaining .32 defensive ammo, however, I have seen it around. Ideas anyone? Thanks.
I pocket carry a Keltec P3AT in .380 just about every day and it hides nicely in my pocket. With a 6 + 1 ammo capacity it fits in what you're looking for. I've shot a .32 and a .25 Seecamp and while the .380 doesn't carry a huge punch the .32 and .25 just seem anemic to me.

I also own a S&W 642 J-Frame in .38. To me it's a fine revolver, but a little big for pocket carry. The cylinder, to me anyway, patterns in my jeans pocket which I don't really like. Stopping power is more though with the +P .38 ammo I carry in it. If you're set with going with a revolver I'd opt for the higher power .38 and carry a stripper clip.

With all the latest issues that have been happening in the world I'm starting to second guess my carry choice. Guys with high powered rifles and body armor is making my .380 seem like I'd be shooting spit wads. I've been doing more practicing for head shots just in case I'm every faced in a situation like that.
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Having owned and carried snubbies in various calibers from .22, .22 mag, 327 federal, 9mm, 32 S&W long, 38spl and 357 mag, I'll toss in my two cents. ( Come to think of it, I still have a 32 snibbie in the safe somewhere.)
First, a snubbie chambered in almost anything less than 9mm is giving up ALLOT of stopping power. Read: if you can't stop a BG with 5 rounds of 38+P, your likely going to need allot more than one extra round of 32 S&W to finish the job.
Second, 32 cal anything is going to severely limit you in ammo choice AND cost you a comparative fortune to feed over the more common calibers.
That said, I did say almost. If you can deal with the harsher firing characteristics, the 327 fed mag (essentially a 32 S&W on steroids) does give you increased ME and the extra round .
Personally, I find a good J frame chambered in 38+P or 357 (loaded with 38+P) a recipe that does not need improving upon.
.380 seems to be much easier to find in a variety of options.

As crappy of a gun it is, my Keltec P3AT is a great pocket gun.

The obvious limits to all of these options are capacity and accuracy due to small size, especially if you have big hands.
So you're trying to decided between 5 rounds of .38 vs. 6 rounds of .327 for your carry gun? My vote would be 8 rounds of 9mm in a G43 with a pinkie extension. It is smaller in every dimension, about the same weight, better caliber and more of it. Or do you have to have a revolver?
John Moses Browning carried the "baby browning"


Just sayin'
I have a walther model 9 that's very comfy to carry in the pocket....although I seldom carry it.
I prefer the 38 air weight
I too own an air weight. Enough of a gun (considering cost, ease of use, reliability and size) IMHO for basic defensive carry.

Shoots nice with +p's.

I got a pocket holster which took care (sorta) the printing issue.
I have been thinking about purchasing the new Ruger LCR .32 caliber pocket gun. Simply put, I am more comfortable with 6 rounds, rather than 5. Conversely, I am more comfortable with .38 hollow points than with .32. I am aware of the potential difficulty of obtaining .32 defensive ammo, however, I have seen it around. Ideas anyone? Thanks.

I would consider a S&W J-frame if your gonna go with a revolver. I prefer them much more than the Ruger revolvers.
I'd also consider the Bodyguard 380. They are small, light and thin. Hold 6+1 and comes with an additional 6 round mag. Shoots like a revolver with its double action only trigger. Ammo is easy to find now along with more choices of defensive loads. And it's pretty cheap. You can get them new for $269. I picked one up with a built in laser for only $60 more.
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