Side note about wadcutters, if you carry them for defense, that perfect hole it makes doesn't close up after you shoot someone, they'll bleed like a pig.
Yeah, Dr. Gary Roberts has found that FMJs create a crush path that’s actually smaller than the diameter of the bullet because the cone pushes a good bit of tissue aside instead of crushing it. The wadcutter’s edge allows the bullet to create a crush path the diameter of the wadcutter meplat.
Anyone ever see the Paul Harrell video where he shoots the meat target with all kinds of JHP and then the SWC? The SWC did as much damage as the high priced JHP. This was done with his 1911. I miss watching his videos.
Those are fun videos, but it’s important to note that dead tissue does not behave the same as living tissue. SWC are better than FMJ though. Realistically, both SWC and JHP still need to hit the vitals or CNS. The JHP will just create a slightly larger wound path because the expanded diameter is slightly bigger.
My 38 go to fun target reloads are FMJ full wadcutters, medium power. Looks like a paper hole punched through the target. I've never shot in competition with them