9mm vs. .38 in revolvers

Go to the range and shoot them all
Only way to be sure
And if your still on 38, Get the 357.
For the weight in a snubby and versatility
I shoot 38 for practice and carry critical duty in my 357 LCR snubby
I find my Kahr PM9 much easier to shoot than my 642 and my 642 had a professional trigger job. The rear sight on a 642 is just a gutter in the top strap and basically unusable for me. The PM9 has real sights. YMMV.

With J frames I don't use the rear sight. Just kinda present the pistol, cover the target with the front sight, and squeeze. I spent a TON of time dry firing a J frame with a CT laser grip until the dot simply did not move at all.

IMHO all small guns are a compromise. You want the biggest gun you can carry.
With J frames I don't use the rear sight. Just kinda present the pistol, cover the target with the front sight, and squeeze. I spent a TON of time dry firing a J frame with a CT laser grip until the dot simply did not move at all.

IMHO all small guns are a compromise. You want the biggest gun you can carry.
I've got a laser grip on my PM9. Works for me, within the limitations of a laser.
No one is ever going to look at your pants, see a squareish outline, and think "gun".
This. I'm 5'3" 145lbs and I've carried my G45 with an ACRO on it at work and no one has said anything- even the gun guys haven't noticed it under a flannel. I carry a G26 with an SCS on it with a tight-ish t-shirt - same story.
I carried a Ruger 9mm LCR at one point. Thing was a dumpster fire and I eventually traded it for a semi. Revolvers shine as a hunting/bear defense piece in big bore calibers like 44 mag, 45 Colt, 357…etc.

Here in rural KY the Smith 65/66 is basically standard. You see a lot of Ruger GP guns and Smith 69s too.
You can always try to find a S&W 547. That's a rare 9mm revolver, but you're going to pay a pretty penny for it. I have one, but don't carry it. Back in the mid-80s a friend let me borrow his for a time and I carried it in a shoulder holster. Vintage.
In rural environments and free states where open carry is ubiquitous, definitely a good option.

There really isn't any open carry near town, it's rare. You do see the occasional tactical timmy, and sometimes it seems like someone just wanted to run to walmart and not put a jacket on. But out in the woods it seems like more than 1/2 the people you meet have an open carry revolver. I've seen some shotguns and AR pistols too. I kinda like the AR pistol for cooking at the trailhead/parking lot, bear and coyote sightings aren't uncommon at all when people are cooking at dawn and dusk. Its bad juju to bring food into your campsite. But the real reason to want a gun is the batshit insane crackheads you run into that live out there to avoid the law.
I don't personally suggest a revolver anymore for CCW. As far as imprinting, it's a matter of where you carry it. 4/8 o clock strong side carry, that cylinder will be almost 1.5 inches wide, and if you are skinny to begin with, it will show a lot more than if you are a fatty or have a bigger shirt. If you enjoy holding your frank and beans hostage, appendix carry conceals just about everything. You just look like you have a bit of a muffin top in the front. I can't appendix carry, My gut flops out too much. But I can, and have, CCW'd a .460 magnum with zero imprinting at 4 o'clock hip carry, but I have to be careful to properly squat when I bend down. Really, CCW'ing helps my posture. I recommend long shirts, Carharts are great for it because their shirts always have an extra 4 to 6" at the bottom.

The gun/caliber you should carry should be the gun you are comfortable and proficient at shooting.
I love old school revolvers

But I'd rather have a Glock 43X or a G19 on my side vs a model 36, 60, 642, or other J frame

Better grip, better site picture especially with a Trijicon or similar luminous sights, able to adjust the sights, etc etc etc.

I suppose you could say the same thing for a Sig P365 or one of its variants.

9mm vs 38 Spl, 38 Spl +P, etc?

The shots you hit with count for more than the ones that miss the target.

Even with Pachmayer grips on a J frame I think a good semi is going to be a better choice.

And as far a 9MM in a wheel gun, with moon clips I'm not taking the chance that I am going to have to reload on the fly with them, although back in the day I could reload my J frame in .38 from a speed loader or speed strips in a expeditious manner.... but not as fast as a mag reload on a semi with 3X the number of rounds in the magazine
I’m in desperate need of a revolver as I only have a couple single action .22s. Surprisingly the 9mm is more powerful than the .38 and I’ve heard it said you’re carrying extra cartridge size. Does a revolver print more or less that a semi auto. Who has what in a 9mm wheel gun? Hammered or hammer less. I do find double only revolvers far less accurate than a single action in my hands but in a situation I doubt it would matter. Is 9 the reason revolvers are scratching out an extra round in the chamber? Sorry for the multiple tangents but I hope to get one in hand in the next day or so.
I watched one of the chuckleheads (term of endearment) sell a first time gun only female a short barreled revolver and slid a couple of boxes of .357 across the counter. I’ve got $5 that says she shot a half a dozen and will never pick it up again.
Had a Ruger SP-101 in 9mm. Snappy little beast - like shooting .357's in a snub. And heavy for 5 shots. I got it in case I needed to not leave shell casings. Don't ask. I loved that it used moon clips for loading, but found with the 9mm they were wobbly, so it still took longer than a speed loader to get them all in, but dumping/retaining brass was nice.
There are subcompact 9mm pistols that probably print about the same or less than a small revolver. And have more capacity.

To answer another one of your questions I’d recommend internal hammer for a concealed revolver so it doesn’t get snagged.
I've had both internal and exposed and will take exposed hammer every day.
I have a charter arms revolver 9mm, purchased in 2013. I would NOT recommend it
Why not? Because "Charter" or because "9mm" or because the Charter uses the spring-loaded chamber lips?
9mm tiny subcompacts might be smaller but when you're slipping a gun in your pocket and going for minimal printing, nothing is as stealthy as a snubnose. But you do give up quite a bit tactically. Not going to defend yourself from a guy 80 feet away with a .38 snubby but you can possibly do it with a little Hellcat with an optic.
80 feet? No. But 75 feet if I cock the revolver and fire it in S/A.
For a DA/SA the ejector has to grab onto the rim of the cartridge, which is... sketchy.
That's where moon clips come in for the 9mm (unless using something like the Charter Arms, with it's "alternate" cartridge-holding method).
Ruger LC9s vs Ruger LCR size comparison | Handgun Hero

I used to only carry revolvers, didn't like and didn't really trust semi autos. Those days are gone and I think semis now surpass revolvers in quality, size and shootability, as well as reliability.

Revolvers are more dependable than semi autos is a myth that just doesn't fly any longer.

If you're determined to get a revolver, get the .38. Preferably, an S&W with the firing pin on the hammer. J frames are smaller, but K frames are just a little better to shoot, IMO.
I'm currently carrying a revolver. Model 10 with a 2in barrel. I'm done with the lightweight and 5-shot versions. Even from a rest, and using single action and carefully taking a shot, I don't find them to be as accurate. With the K-frame, I do alright, and if I use it in S/A mode, I'm doing better at 25yds than I do with some semi-autos. (Light, crisp pull with no travel).
I can't appendix carry, My gut flops out too much.

❤️ A man after my own heart gut!
You may know this, but don’t be afraid to buy used. I have many pre70 revolvers and semi autos in great condition. Most people buy a gun and put it away. I bought this revolver at Riley’s years ago. I got a holster and the box of ammo the guy bought originally. There were 5 rounds missing. IMG_0061_Original.jpeg
I've had one jam where the cylinder locked up and I couldn't open it either. Was shooting .32 ACP in a .327 and found the case and it having a thinner rim gave it enough space to gain momentum to impale the primer onto the firing pin. Needed my knife to pluck it off and open the cylinder and after that never bothered with .32 ACP in a revolver again.

Steel case I wouldn't call a jam, you just can't eject all the cases at once with a swing out cylinder. Poke each case out one at a time with a rod and it's good. That's fine for range time, but not in self defense, however I can't imagine who would be stupid enough to use STEEL case ammo in a revolver for self defense.

Had a similar experience where the primer backed out of the case and captured the firing pin. Thing was locked up like it had all been welded in place.

Had a squib once that bridged the cylinder and forcing cone. Something like that would brick a semi in a gunfight too I imagine.
Why is everyone so concerned with printing? Just carry whatever gun you shoot well. No one is going to care if there's something in your pocket or under your waistband.
Unless you're a spy or an undercover cop shootability should concern you more than whether or not someone might guess that lump in your clothes is a gun.
Some people have a give a f*** meter with a governor set to 2.

Decades of shitty gun culture has broken people in the northeast
I have a couple 4” K-frames with trigger jobs and those are a couple of the most accurate handguns I’ve ever had. I love those guns.

But I’ve never been able hit beans with snubnose revolvers. I’ve had a 642, a 2” SP101, a 2.5” K-frame. I sucked with all of them. The K-frame snubbie at least was comfortable to shoot with .38s, but of course it isn’t a pocket gun.

The 642 was painful for me to shoot with .38 +P. As a result, I didn’t practice much with it and therefore I sucked with it.

I find my 9mm PM9 to be more comfortable for me to shoot, more accurate, and faster to reload. In addition, it conceals better than my 642 did.

If you want a range toy, then get a 4” K-frame. You’ll love that gun. But you won’t love practicing with a snubbie on the range. So don’t buy a snubbie as a range toy. Buy one if you are committed to carrying it and you realize it will be a challenge to become competent with it.
What are the advantages of exposed hammer vs internal hammer?
able to shoot SA/DA

Some people will bring the trigger back with their thumb and then pull the trigger, with a 642 you don't have that option and that was one of the reasons I don't have one.

Now the lack of a conventional hammer does have some positives, to hammer sticking in your side, and if you are going to pocket or purse carry it is easier IMHO to get out without snagging something.
Ah, I see. I wasn’t thinking shooting SA would come into play in a defensive scenario but I can see the point of wanting to have it in case that comes into play some how.
SA really helps when you have a snubnose 1.75 inch revolver and you need to defend yourself from a guy with an AR rifle 50 yards away.
I carried an LCR38 for many years before switching to a P365 for a bit and ultimately ending up with a Glock 43. All have been pocket carry guns. Here are my $0.02:
  • I went with a .38 revolver instead of 9mm because a) I didn't want to deal with moon clips, and b) .38 has put a ton of bad guys in the dirt over the last century - even if it's subpar to 9mm from this platform, it will still get the job done.
  • Revolver is easier to carry. It's noticeably lighter and the cylinder breaks up the shape of a gun in the pocket.
  • Revolver is not easy to shoot. The sight (yes, one - just the front) sucks, the recoil is unpleasant even with wadcutters in a 13oz gun, and the trigger is obviously much heavier and longer than a semi-auto's (despite the LCR having a fantastic DA trigger for a snubbie).
  • I once faced three dudes with two big dogs and that's when the lightbulb went off that five rounds and slow reloads aren't the ideal solution.
  • My G43 is heavier and blockier but not exactly difficult to carry. Kydex holster is a must, imho - I like Vedder but prefer Alabama.
  • G43 starts off as 6+1, so already 40% more capacity than the LCR. Mine has a +2 extension that barely adds any grip length; in fact the tiny added length is nice because it creates room for my pinkie.
  • Mags are much faster and easier to reload with than a speed loader or speed strip. It's not even close.
  • I can shoot plates at 25y with the G43. Not so with the LCR. Sights and triggers are in different leagues.
  • 9mm is cheaper than .38spl
  • All of my snubbie revolvers are for cosplaying as a 1950s detective now, if I'm being honest. They're cool as hell but I don't carry them. I carry the G43 almost every day (sometimes I'll go with a larger belt gun but that's another topic).
Ah, I see. I wasn’t thinking shooting SA would come into play in a defensive scenario but I can see the point of wanting to have it in case that comes into play some how.
There have been a couple court cases (probably very rare) where it was a negative. The DA claimed that the defendant cocked the hammer and then accidentally shot the decedent.

Back when I shot IDPA, one year I competed with a 4” K-frame. There was only one stage where I cocked the hammer manually (the targets were clay disks) and I regretted it. It would have been far faster to simply shoot it DA. Shooting a stage in IDPA goes by quite quickly; the time to cock the hammer seemed like an eternity to me. I have a hard time envisioning a defensive situation where I would want to cock the hammer.

If you really are going to carry a revolver, my recommendation is to either get a DA only revolver (like a 642) or consider having a gunsmith remove the hammer spur. IMO, at best the hammer does nothing for you, and at worst it makes snagging more likely and could, in a very rare case, increase the risk of legal complications.
I carried a model 60 with a bobbed hammer. I could carefully use it single action by pulling the trigger partway, then gully cocking with my thumb. Maybe not the safest idea but it worked fine. And it drew from a pocket like a hammer less.

Damn, now I wanna carry a revolver again.
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