50% off ammo coupon in Dick's flyer

I'm new to buying ammo. How can you do better than buying one, getting one free from a big box retailer? I need to buy 500 rounds of .223 for a training class. Do you think I could do better by giving my local dealer a chance?
No way. The 200 round bulk packs are Dick's the way to go. I think
it comes to $90/400. Maybe cheaper online, or using wolf steel, but
definitely the cheapest stuff in stock.

OK, if I go to Dick's, what .223 ammo should I look for to use with my AR15 in training. Brand, style? What should I absolutely stay away from? I don't mind paying a little more so I'm not clearing out jams all day, but I would like to use that coupon!!!
2 x 50 rd .223 @ 19.99 each = 38.98
4 x 20 rd .223 @ 7.99 each = 31.96

Total pre coupon = 70.94
Total post-coupon = 35.47.
Cost / rd: $0.197, or $0.206 with tax.

I didn't notice until I got home.

Wow. You must have got the same cashier who was selling cases for the same price as a box. It was supposed to be buy one then get 50% off the second box, not 50% of the total sale.

Score for you.
I brought my girlfriend with me so she could buy six boxes - and I could buy six boxes. I had her get six boxes of the Remington green box .40 S&W - which the cashier screwed up and charged her 50% off on every box (it's only supposed to be 50% off when you buy one box at regular price - which averages to 25%)

I then bought 2 boxes of the same Remington, 2 boxes of the yellow box UMC 200 count .223, and 2 boxes of the Ultramax 250 count box 9mm lead .

The Remington .40 is definitely a good deal - the .223 is a great deal at like .26 1/2 cent per round - but the Ultramax 9mm was only so -so when I figured it out later - I probably should have gotten something else that was a better deal. Still not bad - I just wish Dicks was closer to me so I didn't have to drive so far - putting one in Nashua would be great - I could hit the place every day they have a sale like this.
I think that's a good deal, but not a great one.
+1, I have seen better deals, but nothing recent. It was good enough for me to jump on it.

No way. The 200 round bulk packs are Dick's the way to go. I think
it comes to $90/400. Maybe cheaper online, or using wolf steel, but
definitely the cheapest stuff in stock.


I paid $105 for 400 rnds with coupon.
Just got back from Dicks. Place was empty. Stood at ammo counter for about 10 minutes. Thumb up my ass. Not a lot to choose from, from what I could see. Nobody around. Turned around and walked out.

The Wonger
The guy at the ammo counter in West Springfield said they just got a decent size shipment in - still out back so I don't know if it's available for sale yet or if they put it out according to some sort of schedule.

Still got 2 bulk packs of .223 UMC for a hair over $100, and will be going back for some other calibers over the next day or 2. No cashier screwups today, she and the floor manager seemed baffled that the coupon would work on such a large package of ammo, yeah, that's why it's called a "bulk pack"...
I just got back from Northeast Trading and was treated like a valued customer, given advice, invited to come back anytime for any help if I ever need it. Kevin and Ted are great.

The place was packed and there were people on duty running the show.
Just got back from Dicks. Place was empty. Stood at ammo counter for about 10 minutes. Thumb up my ass. Not a lot to choose from, from what I could see. Nobody around. Turned around and walked out.

The Wonger
Maybe they saw you with your thumb up your ass and decided to see how long you'd stand there. [grin]
I've waited about 10 minutes with both of my hands on the counter. I don't think they dispatch an employee to the hunting area unless they absolutely have to.
Best Regards.
.22 at Dick's

Does anyone know if they carry anything other than the Rem. UMC in terms of plinking ammo? I'd love to get some more WWB but I'll settle for UMC if it's all they have

I think it depends when you go and to which location. At Dick's in Dedham, they carry that awful Remington .22 Thunderbolt. I will never buy it again! They have carried CCI, Federal, Winchester all good grades of .22 ammunition. When they have a sale, I'll try almost any kind of .22 at least once.
I will never buy the Thunderbolt again.
Best Regards.
I've got 4 or 5 boxes (500 rd) of the Thunderbolt. The stuff isn't great but I don't get THAT many problems with it... No more than the Federal Bulk stuff from Wally world. I bought it from Dicks when it was on sale. That said, while it hasn't been horrible, I'll probably pick up the Federal stuff at Walmart just cus it's closer next time.

ETA: Speaking of 22... Does anyone know where to pick up some 22 Long CB rounds for a decent price? I hate the thought of supporting the Gun Room again, but they're the only place reasonably close that carries it... That stuff aint cheap! 8 bucks for 100 rds of .22. ouch. Any guidence is appreciated.
Can I ask what's wrong with the .22 Thunderbolt? Maybe the deal I just got on a box somewhere else wasn't so good after all?

I had problems with it. It smoked too much and left a lot of residue that I don't normally get with other brands. I experienced several stuck rounds. Again, switching to another brand resolved my firing issues on the spot. If Thunderbolt works for you, use it. It is not unusual for a particular firearm to be "choosey" about the brand of ammunition it is fed.
Best Regards.
Home defense shotgun rounds at Dicks?


I recently got a 12 gauge skeet gun. If I was to use it for home defense, what's a good round? Might me something worth picking up "only" 6 boxes on this special.

the dicks stores i went to said that the remington .223 umc mega packs dont qualify for the 50% off!

oh well...i bought them any way cause even at $70 for 200 rounds thats a great price...i did get the 50 round packs for 50% off though

i figure i bought so much 9mm for $10 for 500 rounds a few weeks ago that payin full price for .223 would even out
the dicks stores i went to said that the remington .223 umc mega packs dont qualify for the 50% off!

oh well...i bought them any way cause even at $70 for 200 rounds thats a great price...i did get the 50 round packs for 50% off though

i figure i bought so much 9mm for $10 for 500 rounds a few weeks ago that payin full price for .223 would even out

Funny I was able to use it for the same ammo in Attleboro.
the dicks stores i went to said that the remington .223 umc mega packs dont qualify for the 50% off!

oh well...i bought them any way cause even at $70 for 200 rounds thats a great price...i did get the 50 round packs for 50% off though

i figure i bought so much 9mm for $10 for 500 rounds a few weeks ago that payin full price for .223 would even out

Hmm... care to let me in on where you found the 500 rds of 9mm for $10 bucks?! [smile]
Cuda, do a little Advanced Search here. Clerks with single digit IQs mis-charging people for ammo . . . and in at least one case, arguing with the customer who tried to correct her a few times.
Funny I was able to use it for the same ammo in Attleboro.

they told me that the mega packs didnt count as 1 box of ammo...tried it at 2 different dicks locations and got the same story...no biggie

ill be goin back later today and tomorrow to clean them out of the rest of their 50 round boxes

i ended up getting 900 rounds of ammo for a lil less than $300...considering that $300 is the cost of about 500 rounds in any other store around here i feel i made out!
Have the clerk run two mega packs through checkout with the coupon for shits and giggles. That's what mine did and the coupon worked. Explain to the minimum wage clerk that if the bulk packs weren't part of the deal, the coupon would not work - no more than it would if you bought two sweatshirts and tried to use the coupon.

You can also get uppity with them, tell them you spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars a year at their store for ammo, supplies and the like and if they're going to dig in their heels over their own coupon for a lousy $35, you'll just take your business to the local gun shop or to the Cabelas in Hartford when they open and follow it up with with a very nasty letter to the home office, wherever that may be. Get red enough in the face and they'll probably take care of you.

Besides, you're buying ammo and they're probably afraid of you.
Besides, you're buying ammo and they're probably afraid of you.

yes they definitely are...although a few cute girls have asked me if i own REAL guns and when i tell them yes...not the airsoft ones that the lil punk behind me is buying... they ask if i can take them shooting...filth dragons

my days are stressful enough dealing with people im not gonna go through all that hassle with some idiot behind the counter with a name tag to save a few bucks...ill just make out in the end in a few weeks when they offer their handgun ammo for sale again
the dicks stores i went to said that the remington .223 umc mega packs dont qualify for the 50% off!

oh well...i bought them any way cause even at $70 for 200 rounds thats a great price...i did get the 50 round packs for 50% off though

i figure i bought so much 9mm for $10 for 500 rounds a few weeks ago that payin full price for .223 would even out

Worked for me in Saugus. I picked up 4. I hope it isnt crap.
...You can also get uppity with them, <snip> and follow it up with with a very nasty letter to the home office, wherever that may be. Get red enough in the face and they'll probably take care of you. ...

Abusing minimum wage earners who have no say in creating corporate sales policies is pretty low. [hmmm]

Besides, you're buying ammo and they're probably afraid of you.

This speaks volumes about you. [frown]
I disagree; however part of this is my own fault (read on).

You have a coupon which plainly states 50% off, it bears no restriction or limitation concerning a "bulk pack". You try to explain rationally to a cashier that the coupon is valid for the item you are purchasing but they seem to think otherwise because it's "a lot" of ammo. The cashier certainly does not create corporate sales policy but they also are not empowered to interpret it as they see fit. If the coupon is for 50% off a box of ammo, what concern is it of the cashier's if the box contains 5 rounds, 20 rounds, or 200 rounds? The bulk pack is not 10 boxes of 20 rounds, it is 10 "trays" of 20 rounds, not packaged for individual sale. But again, I will certainly grant them leeway as they cannot be expected to know everything about every item in the store. However, my understanding of the inventory control and sales computer programs at the stores are such that if an item is ineligible for use with a particular coupon, the discount will not be reflected when that item is scanned and totaled. So this should make it very easy for a cashier: scan the items. Scan the coupon. Close out the sale. Is the discount reflected?

Store managerial staff is a different story. Rereading my original post, I erred in not indicating that the manager is the one to whom you would need to kick it up a notch if they decide to dig in their heels and not honor their advertised pricing. I apologize if it appeared that I would escalate to a cashier; that was not my intent. Should a cashier become obstinate over the eligibility of a certain item for discount they are no more authorized to make any override decisions than they are to interpret corporate policy. In this case the floor (or store) manager needs to be addressed and the very simple language printed on the coupon pointed out. Looking at mine, there are no limitations on one large box of ammo. The coupon does read, "Some exclusions may apply. See store for details." There was nothing posted in the local store that excluded the bulk pack. The employee at the ammo counter did not know of any limitation on a bulk pack. If a manager were to point out something in writing excluding the bulk pack I would be disappointed but deferential to the exclusion.

However, should a manager claim that a bulk pack should be excluded since it's a lot of ammo or too deep a discount without some sort of documentation to back him up I would be upset. This is the time that I would remind the manager that I spend hundreds of dollars in his store, that I feel his interpretation of the discount is incorrect, and that if he is prepared to be unyielding about $35 then I will be inclined to bring my continued business elsewhere and express my displeasure to a higher level.

This speaks volumes about you.
Please don't presume to analyze my nature or character. You know me no better than I know you, and I would consider it presumptuous to pass judgment on your character not having ever met you in person. The plain truth of the matter is that even though people may work in a sporting goods store, it does not mean that they understand the nature of shooting sports or the mindset of a firearms enthusiast. Many are laboring under false and preconceived notions embedded by the news media and various political bodies with their own agendas. The end result is that they do not understand the nature of firearms and therefore fear it. While they may not bat an eye at a person who comes down the checkout line with sports bras, fishing hooks, or a set of golf balls they question and fear, yes fear a person who places a box of ammunition on the counter. Even more so someone who places many boxes of ammunition, or a really big box of ammunition. It is an irrational and misplaced fear but a fear nonetheless. I have purchased many boxes of ammo, (as have most people on this forum) and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has witnessed a checkout clerk's hands visibly shake when picking up a box of ammo, or even poking it back towards me with a pen so as not to touch it.
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