As for the 6.5 Grendel shooting flatter than a 308, I doubt it.Certainly not flatter than my 308 loads lobbing 155 grain Palma match bullets at nearly 3K fps. There is no way any 6.5 bullet, regardless of how good its BC may be, is going to match my load's trajectory when going nearly 400 fps slower.
Now if you want a 6.5 mm terror, look no further than the 260 Remington and the 6.5X55 Mauser. Altough neither will work in an AR, they will work in any bolt action. The 260 will also work in AR-10 sized rifles, and it is possible the 6.5X55 will too. While many consider the 6.5x55 pokey, they do so considering only the anemic factory loads meant to avoid blowing up old surplus M96 Swedish Army rifles. When you handload the 6.5x55 to the same pressure limits as 308-based loads, it is a screamer with something like the Sierra Match King 123 or Match King 142.
Sorry man. According to the stats I've been reading, you are wrong. The 6.5 Grendel stays supersonic well out past 1000 yards and the .308 does not. Even though the .308 is faster with more energy at short distance the 6.5 overtakes it and beats it in longer distances with FAR less drop. Also the 6.5 Grendel is less effected by wind than the .308 and has far less recoil and noise.
If I want to hit stuff reliably at 600-1000 yards should I go with the AR-10 in .260 Rem or a bolt action? There certainly is a big price difference and I read somewhere the .260 Rem loses about 150 fps in an AR-10 compared to the same length barreled bolt action..
Anyone know how much .260 costs over 6.5 Grendel? BTW, both fit in .223 AR-15 and .308 AR-10 mags respectively so pre or post ban crap isn't a problem if I want to go semi-auto.
The other 6.5 rounds like the 6.5 Ackley Improved and the 6.5 X .284 are real barrel burners from what I hear, and you really have to roll your own in those calibers.
I don't know what to do.