7 Dead in Santa Barbara Shooting

This didn't take long:



And then there's this other douche:


With Ted kennedy at room temperature, there are few in the senate as despicable as blumenthal. Guys just a creep.

And these gun control twit just don't get it. If Sandy Hook didn't get it done for the anti's, nothing ever will. They've lost the issue forever nationally, they just don't understand that yet.
nope. just a metro pretty boy with small pecker complex, with no social skills, who can't understand why women aren't throwing themselves at him.

There's more of these guys around than you think. [shocked]

This guy is not just a run-of-the-mill narcissist. Obviously. He had no clue about social interaction. He had no idea what beauty was, no idea what rage is, no concept about what is "appropriate" behavior and inappropriate, no empathy. He was supposedly diagnosed with Asperger Sundrome. He was delusional; he didn't see reality of situations; he believed that inanimate landscapes had special meaning and that this meaning was shared by others.

He believed that women should be put into concentration camps and starved to death and he would relish watching them all die from his special tower.

No, he wasn't just another pretty boy. He was a typical Democrat.

I guess that answers that question.

It is a bit refreshing that he is no longer poisoning our airwaves with bullshit though. I mean, someone had to go read his twitter to find out what he thinks.

I call that a win.

Oh, and someone shot up Brussels, huh?
It might make us look bad to the people that already hate us anyway. To us, it reinforces the fact that law abiding gun owners make us safer. If one of us CC was around, that dickwad wouldn't have killed as many. Instead, for him it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Amen. But, of course, you can say the same thing about almost ALL of these shootings.

Interestingly enough, some states and counties are considering allowing teachers to carry. What a GREAT idea, huh?

Gee, wish we'd thought of that.... [laugh]
Spoiled Hollywood Leftist Elliot Rodger Mass Murder in Isla Vista at UCSB


Curiously, American media outlets like the Chicago Tribune, NPR, CNN, and NBC LA have refused to name the suspect, even though he posted his rant justifying the mass murder before it took place on social media video sites YouTube and Liveleak.

This is incredibly bizarre behavior by a mainstream media that is very quick to speculate on the identity of suspects in high-profile crimes with even the flimsiest of evidence (for example, slandering Olympic Park hero Richard Jewell as the suspect in Eric Robert Rudolph’s 1996 Summer Olympics bombing, and claiming that the Sandy Hook shooting was carried out by Adam Lanza’s brother). Here, they seem to have circled the proverbial wagons around this son of Hollywood royalty in a protective measure.

Likewise, the Facebook pages and Twitter feeds of Michael Bloomberg-funded citizen control cult Moms Demand Action/Everytown for Gun Safety and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) remain mute on the killings, when such crimes are generally exploited immediately for public relations purposes by these groups.


I hate being cynical, but it appears that the gun control groups and the mainstream media are more interested in protecting the image of their progressive Hollywood allies than they are telling the story of what happened last night.
I just read a bunch of the predictable comments to several of the news reports. I swear these people wouldn't care if he had run his beemer into a crowd and killed a dozen, but because he used a gun...

Amen to this, too. But I actually got the Anti's / Libs / Cambridge-type Pinheads I work with to shut the f**k up (at least briefly) when they were on their soapboxes the last couple of days ("Guns are bad! Guns should be banned! Seven innocent people!!) by me saying "Yeah, but you don't give a sh*t about the other TWENTY SEVEN"...

They replied "Huh? What twenty seven?"

"The twenty seven innocent people that are killed EVERY DAY by drunk drivers. But that's "acceptable" to all of you because you ALL drink, and hey, what the hell, drinking is "good times!" "Life's a party!!"...and drinkers WILLINGLY, and not at gunpoint either, drive to bars and have "a couple of beers" and then you hop behind the wheel. And now you have a deadly weapon in your hands, the steering wheel. But you all don't preach about that. Nope, instead you blame guns-guns-guns. Your cars and pickups kill FAR more people than my guns, yet you don't say a word about it. Why??

Cuz your dead innocents don't matter to you, as long as you can have a good time, right? Weekends were made for Michelob, right? Even if you kill 27 innocent people a day, right? RIGHT??"

(Total silence. Nobody's talking to me now - again. Gee, what a shame!)

Isn't that POS Lautenberg six feet under?

ETA: confirmed

[laugh] yes, yes he is. But Christie called a special election and Cory booker won it when Christie could have appointed at least a moderate R to fill out the term until '14. These Rino's always think they can be friends with lib's, christie's finding out now that ain't the case.
I'd add Schmuer, Gillibrand, Feinstein, Boxer, Harry Reid, Jack Reed, Markey, Warren, Durbin, and Lautenberg to that list.

Oy, I had a brain block. You can add McCaskill from Missouri, Hagan from NC, Udall of CO, Levin of MI, Leahy of Vt, Sheehan, Tim Kaine of VA, the other CT senator (that dough boy). Wow is that a list of suck.
This will be completely lost on the media and will be used as rally cry for even more insanity (Feinstein is scheduling the presser now).

He posted a bunch of videos in the last few days, kid needed some help.

But, of course, Feinstein could have stopped him if she were on scene...because SHE has a license to carry. (Gun for me = Good! Gun for you = BAD!!")
Funny how this guy gets all the attention, while there was a quadruple shooting with 3 dead in Myrtle Beach that barely gets a mention.

3 dead, 1 wounded in shooting at oceanfront motel in Myrtle Beach, SC


Maybe because the victims were all black and it happened during Black Biker Week, so the killer(s) are likely black too.

Sorry, no hot blond sorority babes got killed, so nothing to see here, move along.
Funny how this guy gets all the attention, while there was a quadruple shooting with 3 dead in Myrtle Beach that barely gets a mention.


Maybe because the victims were all black and it happened during Black Biker Week, so the killer(s) are likely black too.

Sorry, no hot blond sorority babes got killed, so nothing to see here, move along.

"nothing to see here, move along...."

You know the NRA has everything to do with knives too.

That's the NKA:

He was very ill and his family knew it.

I have to agree. I've read through most of his "manifesto." He doesn't come right out and say so, but it's clear that his family knew he had some issues. They went out of their way to see that he went to special schools. He was seeing a therapist. He had a "social counselor" that met with him every two weeks. He wouldn't take a "menial" job because that was beneath him. He knew innately that he was better than most other people. He raged at anything that interfered with the way he thought his life should be. He got mad when his father had some financial troubles because it would affect his lifestyle. His parents were divorced, and he urged his mother to marry a "rich guy" so he could have the life he "deserved," because he was so special.

The funny part is that his mother urged him to explore writing, since he had a talent for it. Reading his manifesto, I have to agree. He was no Hemingway, but he could write. He never pursued it, because after he investigated it he found that it took years to become a successful screenwriter and he didn't want to wait that long. Plus, screenplay writers didn't make that much money...at least not the kind of money he thought he deserved.

Aspergers? Maybe. Psycopathic narcissist? Definitely.
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