9-11 changes

Aug 10, 2005
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One of my co-workers asked me today how many guns I bought since 9-11. Well in five years I've turned over maybe 15 firearms but most were for sporting purposes. The changes that 9-11 made prompted me to buy 4 home/personal defense firearms, develop a bug out plan in case of a dirty bomb or an attack on one of the nuclear facilities in the area, stock pile food and other essentials so I won't be waiting around for FEMA or some other inept government agency to save me and my family and keep at least 4,000 rounds of assorted ammo on hand at all times. What have you done?
I didn't do any of that stuff based on 9/11. It was after seeing the effect of Hurricane Katrina, actually.
I got my Class A LTC three weeks before Katrina hit the gulf coast.

Bought my Ruger .45 eleven days after she swept thorough N.O.

The Remington 870 followed shortly thereafter.

And, I've been meaning to load up on bottled water and non-persihable food items, but I'm an incurable procrastinator. Gotta get off my duff before the SHTF.

Need some Hickory Farms beefsticks to fit in the Uncle Mike's buttstock shell holder - nutrition on the go!
One of my co-workers asked me today how many guns I bought since 9-11. Well in five years I've turned over maybe 15 firearms but most were for sporting purposes. The changes that 9-11 made prompted me to buy 4 home/personal defense firearms, develop a bug out plan in case of a dirty bomb or an attack on one of the nuclear facilities in the area, stock pile food and other essentials so I won't be waiting around for FEMA or some other inept government agency to save me and my family and keep at least 4,000 rounds of assorted ammo on hand at all times. What have you done?

We were doing that before 9/11. Then again we live out in the sticks, so we know it can take quite sometime before anything gets done.
I've always had some plans in place, but nothing really hardcore. It worked out well during the ice storm in '98?. I really didn't have any hardships being without power for several days. If it had stretched out beyond a week it would have been trickier.

Y2K kicked the defensive side of things up a little and 9/11 a bit more. Katrina actually got my wife interested in making some plans. Both for us and the pets.
I'm not sure what the overall cause was, but I'm sure 9/11 played a key part. Over the past couple of years I've slowly built up available weapons and ammo, stocked a month supply of MREs and several cases of bottled water I also got one of those Katadyn micro water filters, pretty big medical supply kit, put together bug out bags I keep in the house at the ready and put together a bug out bag for the truck. Had a LTC A restricted that I got to ALP and I now CCW all the time.

Still don't think I'm prepared enough though. No real plan on where to go if I have to displace other then parents house that's more west or to sisters house that is by the cape. In the event of a nuclear detonation, whether dirty bomb or worse, I'm screwed.

Some day I may go for chemical suits and gas masks. Wife thinks that's WAY over the top. She said if it got that bad that I should just shoot her as he doesn't want to live in that kind of world.
As foolish as it may seem after the fact, it was Y2K, my job and the potential to be away from home for a longer than normal period of time during a potential widespread emergency that promted me to really get prepared. Those preps were and still are looking like a worthwhile expenditure. Other than rotating my supplies, not much changed as far as my preps go since 9-11-01 but it certainly reinforced the need. The chaotic events of Katrina have also greatly validated my preps.
As foolish as it may seem after the fact, it was Y2K, my job and the potential to be away from home for a longer than normal period of time during a potential widespread emergency that promted me to really get prepared. Those preps were and still are looking like a worthwhile expenditure. Other than rotating my supplies, not much changed as far as my preps go since 9-11-01 but it certainly reinforced the need. The chaotic events of Katrina have also greatly validated my preps.

This is true.
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