Micro 9 suggestions?

So, if she likes your Seecamp, what about a S&W Bodyguard 2.0? Less snappy than a 9mm, but can get one with a safety, just as an added feature? I definitely wouldn't do a Glock dropped in a purse, otherwise I'd suggest a Glock 42. Nicer shooting than the G43. (Yes, I read micro-9, but you mentioned she takes your Seecamp).
Last thing I want to deal with is being single again.. then having to break in, train and also, “right size” a girl that can boob or thigh carry a full size 1911.. some of those potential pictures.. are enticing or horrifying..
Good point. More expensive grocery bill too.
You guys would purse gun a chambered striker pistol? Lol?
Never, I’m not a homo.

OP: Go with the P365 and tell her to IWB like a normal person. It is the least micro option of the above, best capacity, and shoots better than the other single stack options. Next question.
With her hand in her purse that can shoot pretty frikken well?

Thinking that you'll just have your hand on the gun in case something goes down is the same as thinking you can ride a moto without a helmet and put it on if there's about to be a crash.

Takes both hands to draw from a purse. Which means you can't defend yourself or make space while you draw. If you get knocked over the purse isn't where you left it.
Hammer back safety on 1911 in a purse carry situation. Seems too complicated.
I would feel better with no safety point and shoot.

It would be viable. But I just don’t see her practicing enough to make it viable.
She'll still need a holster to properly and safely purse carry any pistol. Dumping a loaded pistol into a handbag and fishing around for it (with unfettered access to the trigger) is a recipe for disaster - manual safety or not.
If shes not picking her own gun she's never going to carry it.

Seen this movie too many times, that thing will shelf rot.

*drops mic*

This is likely very true.

But it is somewhat easier for me to buy the “wrong one” in order for her to reject it, and that will inspire her to “correct me” by picking the “right one”.
Why does it need to be a micro if she is going to purse carry?
Most women carry a purse that already weighs 79lbs. What difference does an extra pound or two make.?
Get her whatever she shoots best. But also get her a handbag designed for a firearm that keeps it separate. Last thing she wants is for someone's kid to go rummaging through her bag for a piece of gum and pull out a G19.
These are wicked nice.

Holy crap.. never heard of a db9.. if Glock and a high point hooked up… might be good. But wow. Double bagger butt ugly.
It’s for a woman… it does not pass the “it’s cute” test..

Seecamp may be anemic… but passes the “cute” test.. she liked to shoot my G26, PPS got a “meh”… so that may make the 43 the easiest sell.
I have a Diamondback 380, it’s a Glock knockoff, extremely reliable and inexpensive. That’s why I suggested the DB 9
My GF shot my P365 and could handle it, it wasn't pleasant for her as it's a bit snappy. She prefers a slide racker attachment to run the slide on my G19 and it's pretty hard for her on the P365 but do-able. G26 and Taurus G3c are a little larger but were easier for her to handle. G43x would probably be a good match, less snap than the 365 but almost the same size.
I have a TON of guns. She has shot most. She likes the G26. But that is just too big. She loves my 1911s. But again. Too big too heavy. M&p 340… right size. Shot once, will Never touch it again. . S&W hump back, too heavy. Sig 238. just not a fit. So, my seecamp is the one, she’d take. But it is just not enough.

Someone else mentioned the 938. While purse carry is not a great idea, a cocked & locked SA hammer fire is a colossally bad idea. I have seen "satchel" type carry bags for women which have a cross the chest strap, that's about the only "bag" carry I'd recommend and even then, you might as well get a belly band instead. With either a revolver or a striker fire gun.
Holy crap.. never heard of a db9.. if Glock and a high point hooked up… might be good. But wow. Double bagger butt ugly.
It’s for a woman… it does not pass the “it’s cute” test..

Seecamp may be anemic… but passes the “cute” test.. she liked to shoot my G26, PPS got a “meh”… so that may make the 43 the easiest sell.
I was going to vote g26, if in a free state. Not fully "micro" but no need to carry an extra mag with it.
This is likely very true.

But it is somewhat easier for me to buy the “wrong one” in order for her to reject it, and that will inspire her to “correct me” by picking the “right one”.
Then go with an lc9 most people hate it and you will only spend like 180 bucks before she wants something else. It won’t go off in a purse believe that haha
I have a TON of guns. She has shot most. She likes the G26. But that is just too big. She loves my 1911s. But again. Too big too heavy. M&p 340… right size. Shot once, will Never touch it again. . S&W hump back, too heavy. Sig 238. just not a fit. So, my seecamp is the one, she’d take. But it is just not enough.
Last year I I bought a KelTec p32 (.32 cal) and a Ruger LCP (.380). These are by far a couple of the smallest and lightest semi's on the market. Great for the gym, wearing shorts or pocket carry. Pair them with a Sticky Holster or a DeSantis Nemesis and it disappears

The Keltec is 6.9 oz unloaded
The Ruger is 9.6 oz unloaded

The p365, G43 or G26 are huge compared to the Keltec or Ruger.
The smaller caliber makes them easy shooters
If she's like virtually all women out there (there could be a few that are not like this) she has WAY too much inside said purse. Meaning it will take too long to dig out the pistol when needed.
My point exactly. Unless she is going to buy a purse designed for CCW, purse carry isn't going to help in most situations.
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