A follow-up to some info about the Newtown shooting

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The tell is not a SINGLE ****ing tear from anyone. Also something I did not notice before. Watch Parker as he continues to look down nonchalantly at the notes he was handed at the beginning.

Besides myself anyone have children here? I lost a brother when I was younger, I recall burying him, and for months my mom and my entire family was distraught...I cried daily, and the tears were real...WHERE ARE THE TEARS? AND WHY ARE YOU READING NOTES!!!!!

Looks to me what we have here is a bunch of Sociopaths. I know what shock is, and I was not looking for interviews with the media. This whole thing stinks to high heaven. As the poster above notes, this is either just Dumb mother ****ers or a very well ( and bad acted ) staged event.

Of course I am a conspiracy theorist, I think for myself therefore I am.
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Guess the idiot brigade is back in full swing on NES. You and your polluting of the internet gun world with your utterly vapid posts are going to do more for painting a bad picture of the gun community than these mass-murderers do.

Guess the idiot brigade is back in full swing on NES. You and your polluting of the internet gun world with your utterly vapid posts are going to do more for painting a bad picture of the gun community than these mass-murderers do.




Whats wrong Mike you're head hurt?
No you're just an idiot nit picking peoples reactions while in a state of shock and claiming they are actors. It's the most baseless stupid thing I have ever heard, and on par with people calling for a "ban on assault weapons" based off how they look. It's just plain stupid. My head hurts over having to answer to people who say "gun owners think these people are faking their tears bla bla bla" because people like you can't think. So the entire town is in on it, right? Because they would have to be for your rediculous and stupid accusations to make a lick of sense.

No you're just an idiot nit picking peoples reactions while in a state of shock and claiming they are actors. It's the most baseless stupid thing I have ever heard, and on par with people calling for a "ban on assault weapons" based off how they look. It's just plain stupid. My head hurts over having to answer to people who say "gun owners think these people are faking their tears bla bla bla" because people like you can't think. So the entire town is in on it, right? Because they would have to be for your rediculous and stupid accusations to make a lick of sense.


You’re right, sorry for trying to contribute to the conversation and add some links for people to read or watch. Now isn’t the time to strike out at one another. We are on the same side, but I guess with your NUT JOB rant above and insults its way to late for that. Well thanks Mike you just made yourself look like a tremendous DICK in front of the community.

Like the MOONBATS we all loath you just outed yourself live and in HD, you do seem to be a bit hysterical, that in itself is hilarious. But trust me I am laughing at you not with you.
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My head hurts over having to answer to people who say "gun owners think these people are faking their tears bla bla bla" because people like you can't think.

YNow isn’t the time to strike out at one another.

Actually MJB is right, it is time we shut you guys up with this BS. Your making the gun community look ****ing returrrd. PM each other that crazy shit, or go to some conspiracy forum.
Yes. You will swallow whatever the media tells you happened, and ask no questions. Now get the **** back in line.

Ahhhh not so much. Thats why I have been defending legal gun owners since that shit went down at sandy hook.
Problem is we shut the **** up to much and they take anyway. And then we will moan all day on the internet about how our RIGHTS were taken AGAIN!.. Whatever, the failure here is that many are still Walking, Talking, Sheep and you will never change, because it is true YOU FAIL TO THINK! I have had my share of MIKES come at me, a mere wipe of the shoulder. We will see who the True Men are when the time comes. I guarantee many will cower like the pussies they are. Again we shall see...


Nothing more to add that hasn't been already said...So I will just move on as the Bigger man.
Problem is we shut the **** up to much and they take anyway. And then we will moan all day on the internet about how our RIGHTS were taken AGAIN!.. Whatever, the failure here is that many are still Walking, Talking, Sheep and you will never change, because it is true YOU FAIL TO THINK! I have had my share of MIKES come at me, a mere wipe of the shoulder. We will see who the True Men are when the time comes. I guarantee many will cower like the pussies they are. Again we shall see...

Nothing more to add that hasn't been already said...So I will just move on as the Bigger man.

Moan about our rights every chance you can, in any forum. But keep up with your conspiracy BS and your as much a threat to our rights as all the blind gun fearing sheep.

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If what you say is true, there are alternate media outlets that would carry this...Breitbart.com, Theblaze.com, etc. Now is the time to go to them while info is still coming out.
Yeah, because our government would NEVER deliberately violate the law and mislead people about it's actions!![rolleyes]

I won't even touch on Fast and Furious, but here's another fine example from the archives.


Moan about our rights every chance you can, in any forum. But keep up with your conspiracy BS and your as much a threat to our rights as all the blind gun fearing sheep.

Yeah, because our government would NEVER deliberately violate the law and mislead people about it's actions!![rolleyes]

I won't even touch on Fast and Furious, but here's another fine example from the archives.


I am well aware of scandals and violation of laws. Are you really trying to compare that to the conspiracy being suggested here? My point is there are places for that kind of talk, it shouldn't be here.
I have not made an independent decision regarding the veracity of this particular conspiracy theory. I fully recognize the importance of allowing a full, unfettered airing of all points of view though. I take a dim view of people who wish to throttle this discussion, whether I personally agree or disagree with the contents. You are the one who made reference to "conspiracy BS". I am simply pointing out that not everything is as it seems with our government.

I am well aware of scandals and violation of laws. Are you really trying to compare that to the conspiracy being suggested here? My point is there are places for that kind of talk, it shouldn't be here.
I'm just wondering where they store all the NIB Bushmasters that keep showing up at all these shootings. Do you think they have a central distribution point, or are there caches spread out throughout the country.
You are the one who made reference to "conspiracy BS". I am simply pointing out that not everything is as it seems with our government.

I agree that all is not always as it seems. I pointed out the conspiracy BS because it is posted in here......
Im not sure we want to bring to light the fact that we have this caliber in the extra killy military style rifle. They may learn the the .22 is probably responsible for a large number of murders and decide to throw that on the ban list.

That's actually what you want them to do.

Ban the most popular cartridge in probably the entire world - piss off target shooters, hunters, pretty much everybody.

It doesn't do us any good to throw one part of the gun community under the bus to save another - but if one part of the community is getting thrown under - I think they should grab a leg and pull down everybody. Because then EVERYBODY gets pissed off.

Imagine the gun buying spree if .22LR gets thrown on the ban list - and we can somehow convince the libtards to put scoped hunting rifles on the ban list as "sniper rifles"???

The Fudds need to wake up. Pulling them into the shit just might do it.

They admitted he was buzzed into the school. They also admitted that there was a new security system in the school - which I am going to assume included a video camera. If he was carrying a rifle with him - I'm pretty sure that would have lessened the chances that he would get buzzed in - ya think?

So now it's four pistols he had. So once again the story changes. How many pistols did the mother have registered to her? He carried four pistols in - what did he do - unload one on the victims and then just take out another one and keep shooting? That pretty much blows the high cap "clip" argument out of the water. Who cares about 10 round clips - just bring four guns.

Why is the investigation "so complex"? Maybe because so much of it is bullshit?
They admitted he was buzzed into the school. They also admitted that there was a new security system in the school - which I am going to assume included a video camera. If he was carrying a rifle with him - I'm pretty sure that would have lessened the chances that he would get buzzed in - ya think?

So now it's four pistols he had. So once again the story changes. How many pistols did the mother have registered to her? He carried four pistols in - what did he do - unload one on the victims and then just take out another one and keep shooting? That pretty much blows the high cap "clip" argument out of the water. Who cares about 10 round clips - just bring four guns.

Why is the investigation "so complex"? Maybe because so much of it is bullshit?

True, it's way faster to just throw down a gun when empty and grab another than even doing a mag change! Of course if he was smart, he would have just brought one of those extra killy glock assault ak47 pistols with 100 round clip and then he would have only needed one - especially with the cop killer hollow points in it![laugh]
There are many questions that are not being answered by the investigators that have been asked by other police departments. Set aside possible conflicting reports early on due to the confusion of the moment, there is no reason for other police departments to be kept in the dark. I had a conversation last week with brass from one N. Shore PD, who was chagrined by the lack of information being fed to law enforcement planners who need to evaluate what happened in New town for their own planning purposes.

My guess is that how he gained access to the school will cause someone to be embarrassed or placed in the liability hot seat. Fear of law suits by parents is the likely reason for the silence and lack of info. Once the legal actions are commenced, discovery will make much known.

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So.... we went from an AR and hand guns to an AR only, to handgunds only, back to the AR, to a Saiga 12, to a 22, then back to an AR, to 4 handguns and no AR or Saiga?
As I said after Columbine, Aurora etc., how many laws were broken? Why just focus on the gun part? I always thought murder was murder?

He could have done the same with a Ruger 10/22. These were small children and defenseless teachers in a gun free zone taught to cower in the corner.

No one wants to admit the real problems and think more stupid laws are the answer. All these people clamoring for more (gun) laws need to leave this country!!!!! If you don't like what America stands for, GTFO!

Now I'm pissed thinking about the kids and wish some one with a gun shot him painfully in the d!ck and let him bleed out while set on fire!
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