Best line I ever heard was:
I came in a private and you better f***in believe I’ll go out as one too!
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Best line I ever heard was:
We had an E4 in our troop, generally a good soldier who, for some reason, was walking back to the barracks with a glass of milk in his left hand and a sandwich in his right.
As luck would have it, the neighboring Troop Commander was walking by. He was a USMA grad, short, and went ballistic at all kinds of ”machts nichts“ events. The Specialist decided to salute him with his “sandwich hand.” Soo wish I had a camera….
Captain Ballistic starts dressing down this poor kid. He is in my Troop - but not my Platoon. Do I rescue him, or watch the show?
Troop loyalty won out (Didn’t like this Captain anyway). So I walked up, saluted, and stated, “He’s my responsibility, Sir.” He launches into me, to which I reply, “I’ll address it, Sir.” About five times…
Finally, his tiny, angry little body gave out and he left. This same Captain went on to become a West Point TAC - and got relieved.
We rarely had officers around at stations, so it never was much of an issue, but whenever someone made warrant we felt obligated to break their balls about it by any means possible, including making sure to salute any time their hands were full. Otherwise, colors was the only time it was a sincere gesture.I once was passing one of our pilots who had both hands full when I was an E4. Normally I'd have been an ass to him, but this Lt was genuinely a good guy and former enlisted, so I popped out a crisp salute and said "Morning Sir, carry on!" to let him know that I wasn't going to be a dick about having my salute returned, and kept walking. Some senior NCO with nothing better to do decided to start busting my chops about my choice of words - the same words that this Lt would have said if he saw me starting to stand up to salute him - thinking I was just being a smart ass. As I kept arguing, the Lt put his stuff down and came over and asked what was going on. The E7 (may have been E8 or E9) started telling him how he was correcting me for being disrespectful, blah blah blah. The Lt begins chewing out the NCO, starting with "First of all, where the hell is YOUR salute?" and then going on an on.
One more episode from before universal cameras, LOL.
One day I walked into the 2nd Marine Division HQ as a GySgt (E-7), got commissioned and walked out as a brand new CWO-2.... whenever someone made warrant...
Sad but true
This is glorious. 46%
The thread has more videos of the interview, it's awesome.
More proof that no one understands Navy ranks, even the Navy.I was walking out of dental one morning after a mandatory checkup (as a corporal), while walking down the sidewalk to the parking lot I had the rising sun behind me. I see a squid walking towards me in khakis with super shiny blown out gold blurs on his collar, and I could not make out rank to save my life. I said to myself "Derek, no f***ing way you're saluting a chief petty officer.... just play the odds"
I simply said "Good morning" to the squid and continued walking. He promptly returned a "good morning" back at me. Then as we passed each other I now see it's a LT Commander, and think "Well he must have known the lighting conditions are shit and let this one slide"....
Nope. About two steps past him he barks at me "Hey Marine you don't salute Navy officers!?!?"
I turn quickly towards him, bang out a salute and said "No sir, good morning sir" Literally trying to not to let my grin out, I am pretty sure he could tell I was amused which only made things worse. He then asked for my CO's name and said he would be talking to him.
I saw my CO later that day, told him the story and he said to me "I really hope he calls me"![]()
Sadly he did not call my CO.