• I'll be there. HOORAH!

    Votes: 135 66.2%
  • Nope, I can't make it.

    Votes: 58 28.4%
  • I give up, not worth it anymore

    Votes: 11 5.4%

  • Total voters
Not sure of the time, but the other meetings were at 10:00, I think.

It wouldn't hurt to get there by 8:30 or so.

Anyone riding in on the MA Pike to the Riverside GREEN LINE station from central MA, who might want a rider, or need a ride?

Do we have anyone bringing bullhorns tomorrow. I know MichaelJR mentioned bringing a few, but I haven't been able to get in touch with him to confirm. Anyone have one they are willing to bring?

How about air horns and cowbells?

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I want to chime in here. The source of a monster headache, my QD disaster, has (collectively between all of the threads) hundreds of thousands of views. Quite literally. Was it a disaster? Sure, but all worked out in the end.

This, however, will not work out. It speaks wonders that people were concerned about being able to get their gear....yet there are things happening tomorrow that could pave the road to make sure another QD disaster could never happen, not in part due to a valiant effort, but because beacon hill would have smashed the proverbial suck hammer on our rights. Mark my words, NotTom will not be the group buy god anymore, 5 years from now and group buys will be a distant memory if we start down this road. Don't be confused, I'm not looking for a damn ounce of attention here, I'm trying to point out the absolute absurdity that this thread, which is an attempt to fight one of the biggest threats to our 2A rights in MA history, has under 10,000 views. Under 10,000. Rights, gone. I've had more people view my PROFILE than this thread.

It's seriously disappointing guys. I hope you all change your direction by tomorrow morning, because things are not looking good for us.

Sleep on it, whatever you have going on tomorrow can probably wait a few hours. I'm missing some seriously important class time to get there. Get a baby sitter, call in sick, ask for a class rundown from the professor, do whatever you have to do. We only get one shot at this. I assure you, the stakes are quite a bit higher than 150 bucks for a receiver....

- - - Updated - - -

Do we have anyone bringing bullhorns tomorrow. I know MichaelJR mentioned bringing a few, but I haven't been able to get in touch with him to confirm. Anyone have one they are willing to bring?

My buddy will be there with a few. One of them is CRAZY loud and super clear. He's been at this for a while, all his gear is professional protester quality haha
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anyone else struggling to keep it to 3 minutes?

Don't worry about it the didn't stop anyone at 3 minutes and the antis just rambled on about stupid shit and had absolutely no point and they never stopped them. If it's 5 minutes of good information that they need to hear than have at it[thumbsup]

Not sure of the time, but the other meetings were at 10:00, I think.

It wouldn't hurt to get there by 8:30 or so.

Anyone riding in on the MA Pike to the Riverside GREEN LINE station from central MA, who might want a rider, or need a ride?

How about air horns and cowbells?


We are shoving off from Westfield at 6am and picking up ggboy at exit 9. If you need a ride send me a PM and we will get you there.
We will have six attending from Maspenock Rod and Gun in Milford. Only one of us is reflected in the poll numbers above. Three will be speaking and we went through our testimony tonight. Looking forward to it.
We will have six attending from Maspenock Rod and Gun in Milford. Only one of us is reflected in the poll numbers above. Three will be speaking and we went through our testimony tonight. Looking forward to it.

Good to hear! Lets jam the aud tighter than a sardine can!
I scanned the JCPSHS Schedule for tomorow and dont see it.

But- anything that Chow-Dong Diaz, Sniffling Suck Ass Stone Creamer, Rest Stop Tim Toomey, Eileen D-Bag Donahue support, is fiercely opposed.

The bill is from Martha and makes it easier for prosecutors to get wiretap orders. It broadens the set of crimes which wiretaps are available in Massachusetts. Those crimes would be changed to include firearms offenses. If it comes from Martha, it's defacto crap.

The term “designated offense” shall include the following offenses: murder or manslaughter, except under chapter 90 or 90B or section 13 ½ of chapter 265; any violation of chapter 94C; the illegal use, possession or carrying of a firearm, sawed-off shotgun, machine gun, assault weapon, large capacity weapon or covert weapon as defined by section 121 of chapter 140; any license violation under sections 121 to 131P, inclusive, of chapter 140; arson; assault and battery with a dangerous weapon; bribery; burglary; child enticement in violation of sections 26C and 26D of chapter 265; money laundering in violation of chapter 267A; embezzlement; enterprise crime in violation of chapter 271A; extortion; forgery; gaming in violation of sections 38, 39, 40, 41 and 43 of chapter 23K and sections 16 A and 17 of chapter 271; human trafficking in violation of sections 50 through 53 of chapter 265; kidnapping; larceny; lending of money or things of value in violation of the general laws; mayhem; perjury; prostitution; rape as defined in sections 22, 22A, 22B, 22C, 23, 23A, 23B, 24 and 24B of chapter 265; robbery; subornation of perjury; any violation of sections 13B, 13D or 13E of chapter 268 and sections 29A , 29B and 105 of chapter 272; any felony under chapter 269; any violation of this section; being an accessory to any of the foregoing offense and conspiracy or attempt or solicitation to commit any of the foregoing offenses.
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If my life were not fifty shades of ****ed I would be there. Testimony has been sent.

To those that are struggling with the 3 minute mark; try your best to keep it to that. They will cut you off anyway. The most effective speakers that drew the most attention, questions (and applause) were short and concise, spoken with conviction while looking at the panel not down at their notes.

There seem to be more womenfolk on here lately. Call in sick if necessary. It is imperative that we are a united, balanced front. If your spouse/gf is even halfway supportive of the cause make her read your testimony for you. The message will be clearer to all in that auditorium if it is not just men.

Be galvanized by your fellow patriots sitting beside you in that room. You are doing your part. Things will change if we keep up the momentum.

Good luck to all.
After pulling 16-hr days 4 days straight, my largest 'potential customer' needs me tomorrow morning. Sorry I can't make it tomorrow.

Thank you in advance for all who are going tomorrow!
I'm out, I fractured 2 ribs Sunday. I can't drive anywhere.

Look for my two buddies though, Pinky and Chin. Give them a good old fashioned NES welcome. (the nice version.)

After pulling 16-hr days 4 days straight, my largest 'potential customer' needs me tomorrow morning. Sorry I can't make it tomorrow.

Thank you in advance for all who are going tomorrow!

Man thats a bummer.....next time.....there will be a next time.
Heading out soon, remember real change comes from society. Until your rights are more important than a day of work or whatever other reason,, nothing will change. Our rights mist be moved to the forefront again. Nothing else mattered to the founders than freedom. See you all there.
Went into work early this morning so I am able to leave work at 8 but have to be back by 1, thankfully only a mile away. Praying for a large turnout.
Heading out from Taunton soon. My buddy couldn't make it last second. Last minute but if anyone wants to carpool from the area PM me.
I'm really disappointed, but I have bow out. Got a staff member out and don't have the coverage to be out from work. [sad]

Thanks to those who are representing me. I really appreciate it.

God speed everyone.

Sent from state prison using contraband cell phone.
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