• I'll be there. HOORAH!

    Votes: 135 66.2%
  • Nope, I can't make it.

    Votes: 58 28.4%
  • I give up, not worth it anymore

    Votes: 11 5.4%

  • Total voters
Buckhunter156 and I are heading out at 6am from exit 3 to be there tomorrow. Making a stop on the way to pick up tundra02 and then ggboy. There really is no excuse not to attend.

Let em give me a ****ing ticket. Any LEO who is looking to give out tickets is a ****ing traitor. We have a god damn license, we jumped through the hoops AND IT'S not a prohibited area at the state level(retarded as those are) so **** them! We're bringing the "protect our children and the 2nd amendment" banner so they'll know where I stand on top of the S&W shirt that'll print and my NRA hat.

- - - Updated - - -

Buckhunter156 and I are heading out at 6am from exit 3 to be there tomorrow. Making a stop on the way to pick up tundra02 and then ggboy. There really is no excuse not to attend.

Let em give me a ****ing ticket. Any LEO who is looking to give out tickets is a ****ing traitor. We have a god damn license, we jumped through the hoops AND IT'S not a prohibited area at the state level(retarded as those are) so **** them! We're bringing the "protect our children and the 2nd amendment" banner so they'll know where I stand on top of the S&W shirt that'll print and my NRA hat.
If it's like the others than yes. Either leave the little friend with a friend you trust outside or give the written testimony to someone else you know who's going in.

Gotcha. After 13 years of carrying I don't like being unarmed anywhere, let alone Boston. I did manage to do 10 days in Ireland unarmed though... twice.

See you all there.
Gotcha. After 13 years of carrying I don't like being unarmed anywhere, let alone Boston. I did manage to do 10 days in Ireland unarmed though... twice.

See you all there.
GOAL and a few others are collecting testimony but you would have to get it to them today or tomorrow most likely, if you don't want to go inside
I am living like a free man just by being present and giving testimony. I am giving testimony alongside people I don't know, but feel as if they are brothers and sisters in spirit because they know what's at stake.

Yes, Im giving up precious vacation time, something I don't really have as I attempt to rise in my company. I am giving up time better spent with my son and it burns my ass that I have to go to the goddamned state house, unarmed as it were, so as to remind my elected representatives of what their job is and why they are wrong in even discussing the laws on the docket.

Our rights might be absolute, but their right to attack, attempt to change or make otherwise fungible how we exercise/if we exercise those rights is too. They will never stop fighting us, so we have no choice but to stand and fight back. Someone far better than myself once said

"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing"

I am a good man. I am a good man standing up with other good men and women so that evil, and make no mistake, these proposals are evil, cannot triumph. I don't know about you, but I want MY triumph, OUR triumph to come at the sacrifice of my time and energy, as opposed revolution.

We are living in dark times and Im not just referring to the fight we have on Friday. If Ive taken away anything from being involved in this and other rallies, its that the despair has to stop - if you don't want to be a part of the fight or are too overwhelmed, then don't bother. This is a bit different than what Ive said before, but seriously, if you think its all a waste of time and effort, go seal yourself off in your bunker and wait for the mall ninjas.

Im not going out without a hell of a fight and I want to use the arsenal of intellect and solidarity that exists here on the board and with others passionate about preserving our rights.

Well, given the options on the poll, the third was the one that best fit for me. I have not given up, however, I am unwilling to waste precious time and energy doing something the will have absolutely no effect. Carrying concealed at a rally or going disarmed so you can gain entry into the state house (which is publicly owned property) does nothing. Showing that you are willing to comply with every single bullshit law on the books so you can have the honor of groveling at their feet and begging for your rights to not become more restricted is retarded.

You want liberty? Live like it. Don't wait for the government to grant freedom and liberty - it can't. It can only take them away, and they do it with your consent, as evidenced by your willingness to follow all their rules in the first place.

Asking permission to live as a free man implies that you either don't know how freedom works, or you are too chickenshit to just live like a free man. Just do it. If they start kicking doors or otherwise clamping down on people who live as if they are free, then shoot back. The rest of us should in turn show up armed and arrest the *******s responsible, starting with the PDs who execute the warrants, and working our way to the state house. If there is no willingness to even live as a free man now, what the **** would you do with freedom if it could even be granted in the first place?
Well, given the options on the poll, the third was the one that best fit for me. I have not given up, however, I am unwilling to waste precious time and energy doing something the will have absolutely no effect. Carrying concealed at a rally or going disarmed so you can gain entry into the state house (which is publicly owned property) does nothing. Showing that you are willing to comply with every single bullshit law on the books so you can have the honor of groveling at their feet and begging for your rights to not become more restricted is retarded.

You want liberty? Live like it. Don't wait for the government to grant freedom and liberty - it can't. It can only take them away, and they do it with your consent, as evidenced by your willingness to follow all their rules in the first place.

Asking permission to live as a free man implies that you either don't know how freedom works, or you are too chickenshit to just live like a free man. Just do it. If they start kicking doors or otherwise clamping down on people who live as if they are free, then shoot back. The rest of us should in turn show up armed and arrest the *******s responsible, starting with the PDs who execute the warrants, and working our way to the state house. If there is no willingness to even live as a free man now, what the **** would you do with freedom if it could even be granted in the first place?

Lead the way and I shall stand shoulder to shoulder with you.

But then again, I highly doubt you or anyone here is even remotely willing to put their ass on the line like that, or they would have already.

In the meantime ill try the much more diplomatic route because as far as I can tell, arresting and shooting politicians isn't exactly the current course of action. It's kind of hard to take someone seriously when they say everyone is too chicken shit when they in fact have done zero to even attempt our liberties are staying put.
You want liberty? Live like it. Don't wait for the government to grant freedom and liberty - it can't. It can only take them away, and they do it with your consent, as evidenced by your willingness to follow all their rules in the first place.

If you live in MA your liberty is rapidly contracting.

While you're parading around pretending to be a free man politicians are working very hard to erode your liberty further.

You can espouse all you want about what you're going to do when doors start getting kicked but I have to ask.

Why don't you work to prevent that from happening?

A defeatist attitude leads to only one thing.
Those who comply and beg for their liberty have the defeatist attitude, which is why they have lost already and are not free.

I don't think its safe to say that everyone showing up to the rally is "complying'. As HK said -

In the meantime ill try the much more diplomatic route because as far as I can tell, arresting and shooting politicians isn't exactly the current course of action.

A percentage of the people showing up on friday will probably "not comply" with any BS stuff that is passed.
Well, I am living as a free man. I don't play by their rules and don't ask permission. My one 'sin' in that regard was to finally get my LTC, which I kind of regret, as I am now on their radar (things you do for family).

As far as this rally goes, I would definitely lead the way in making it an open carry event, rifles included. But, leading the way makes no difference when people are too chickenshit to follow though. Just a handful won't do, we would need the same turnout as the first rally, but all of us with slung rifles and simple signs that say things like "WILL NOT BE INFRINGED" & "WE WILL NOT COMPLY". So, when we have a couple thousand willing to do this, AND actively resist with force any attempted arrest or assault, I will be there. Hell, PM me so we can meet if you are willing to do this or if you know anyone else willing.

Nothing scares tyrants more than a free people; they know that when people are free, their reign is coming to an end. The only effective way to combat tyranny it to simply be free. A couple thousand people with slung rifles and holstered sidearms cannot be ignored like the crowd carrying concealed and/or disarming to enter the state house bring an argument and testimony that falls on deaf ears.

In MA, we won't get political results like in CO; were are too far gone politically. Why? Because gun owners in MA will pretty much vote for whoever the R on the ballot is. That's how we got Scott Brown, and that's how we got Gabe Gomez and no liberty-minded people on the ticket.

Wanna be a force to be reckoned with? Be a force with the obvious capability to bring the noise should we be opposed. We outnumber the tyrants and we need them to be VERY uncomfortably aware of that fact.

You are 100% correct. I just wish we could muster up enough people with the cajones to actually be effective. Voting doesn't work, we talk about it here time and time again and yet people think voting will work here. It might help to hinder the erosion of our rights, but with enough time, the liberals WILL take them...piece by piece. I'm tempted to OC my ar15 upper at the rally, since its not considered a gun (the lower is). Any takers?
You want to do something about MA laws that will really make a difference? Move.

Look at all of the people on here that have moved north recently. I am beginning to lose track it's so many.

Best decision I ever made.
You want to do something about MA laws that will really make a difference? Move.

Look at all of the people on here that have moved north recently. I am beginning to lose track it's so many.

Best decision I ever made.
every state has unjust laws that require noncompliance to be free
You want to do something about MA laws that will really make a difference? Move.

Look at all of the people on here that have moved north recently. I am beginning to lose track it's so many.

Best decision I ever made.

Ugh, if only it were that easy. You make it sound like that's it, just throw the boxes in the back of the car, drive 45 minutes north and its free, easy living till the day you die.

Except some of us already own property here and are rooted by it, we have families and businesses and careers that demand we live near Boston. Or how about the fact I grew up around here, my family has been here since before the revolution and my family fought for freedom in the 1700s and running just aint in my blood. Furthermore who's to say it won't spread, because it will. I promise you that, it will. Slowly but surely you will find that your neighbors suddenly are freaked about you owning guns and wamo it's like dominos. Besides, I love NH, but they have their own issues as well, sure you can own any gun you want but let's not kid ourselves into believing its some utopic libertarian paradise, I'm sure there are some people out west who would soundly laugh at your idea of freedom.

All in getting at us running does nothing, eventually whatever you are running from will catch you, and usually by then you are so tired and weak from running, your easy pickins......
You want to do something about MA laws that will really make a difference? Move.

Look at all of the people on here that have moved north recently. I am beginning to lose track it's so many.

Best decision I ever made.

A fight for freedom anywhere is a fight for freedom EVERYWHERE. How much longer do you think NH will hang on if MA goes even more FR than it is now?
I lived in NH when I was a student at Saint Anselm. Ive been back many times over the years as I still have friends and family up there.

If you think the encroachment of progressivism is limited to the MA border, you have a rude awakening ahead of you.
120. Growing. I like it.

Im thinking Im going to get there early. Do my time taking care of the little one at night and likely not sleeping because that's what I do when Im amped....and the ampage has been going on since I started talking to more of you about this and feeling as if this is where I was meant to be and that this is where we are all meant to make our stand.

I hope its more than 120 and I have a feeling it will be. I want to see us outshine, outshout, outspeak and out maneuver the MAIG folks, the moms demand action crowd and anyone else that shows up.

Lets leave our interpersonal disagreements alone. MakeMa messaged me and said we might disagree, but we're all on the same team. I couldn't agree more.

If you're not going, try and write up testimony -- even if its a page and a paragraph.

If you're not going, tell your elected officials about us, what we're doing - if you want, put him in touch with HK or myself - and yeah, I know its your BBQ, brother but Im not letting you do it alone.

We need to stand, fight and be defiant with our words and our passion - its greater even in small numbers than all their puffed up statistics, browbeating and innate ability to use dead children as cheap props to make their point.

We are better than that. We are better than them.

Its for this reason I expect that we will emerge victorious, intact and with a greater presence in the commonwealth than before. After this however, we NEED to come together in some fashion. I suggest that NES members think LONG and hard about what their rights mean to them -- most of you already know and already have the necessary convictions. The rest, the fence sitters, those who don't attend protests or aren't political, need to reconsider what stake you have in this fight and for once, choose sides.

After this is over, I want to see some real consensus on building a strong voice for gun rights within the commonwealth. If that involves coordination with the NRA, GOA etc, so be it, but we need to strike while the iron is hot. Good speeches and loud rallies are great and motivating, but we need to let the pols and more importantly, the public, know that we aren't going anywhere and we aren't giving up the fight to preserve and restore our rights.

This can't end on Friday - no matter how well we do, we need to keep the fight going and take it to their doorsteps in the future.

NES, and anyone else watching, its time to fight back. Its time to get organized and goddamn it, its time to fight like our very futures depend on it, because quite frankly, they do.

Give em hell!!!!!
Well I heard back from one if the larger pro 2a groups. They're on board. Little last minute but with nearly 700k at their reach, ill take the publicity.
Make_MA_2a.... I'd be down for a separate open carry event if we can orchestrate it in a way that won't hurt us politically. I brought it up in the past and it had minor interest and major opposition.

The key here is to not make backwards progress. I understand the "I won't comply" sentiment, HOWEVER, it would be nice to not have the very real threat of incarceration held over our heads for doing something that is lawful under the constitution, and that is what we are trying to keep from happening.

I like all of your optimism. Fact of the matter is, out of the 60 bills pending in MA, something is going to pass. Hate to break it to you.

I didn't run from anything. I was smart.

And yes, it is that easy. I grew up in MA my whole life. My family is there, my wife's family is still there, etc. We packed and moved overnight. My wife lost her job what she was doing, and we had to make sacrifices. Done.

Is moving to NH going to save me from anything? Nope. At least it gets me the **** out of MA and dealing with their bullshit though.
I like all of your optimism. Fact of the matter is, out of the 60 bills pending in MA, something is going to pass. Hate to break it to you.

I didn't run from anything. I was smart.

And yes, it is that easy. I grew up in MA my whole life. My family is there, my wife's family is still there, etc. We packed and moved overnight. My wife lost her job what she was doing, and we had to make sacrifices. Done.

Is moving to NH going to save me from anything? Nope. At least it gets me the **** out of MA and dealing with their bullshit though.

Keep in mind, of the 60 many of them are bills we should be supporting. It's not 60 anti gun bills.
If it's like the others than yes. Either leave the little friend with a friend you trust outside or give the written testimony to someone else you know who's going in.

Or you can do what I did . . . I USMailed 4 copies of my testimony today. They will have it in hand by tomorrow or Friday. One each to the Committee Chairs and one each to my own State Rep and State Senator.

There is no magic in handing it in in person vs. USMailing it in to the Chairs. Email will probably be ignored, so that is not a good option.

You want to do something about MA laws that will really make a difference? Move.

Look at all of the people on here that have moved north recently. I am beginning to lose track it's so many.

Best decision I ever made.

I agree with you. For some it is more difficult than for others. So for some of us it will take a bit longer and some advance planning, but my plan is "exit stage left" and it could be as early as next year.
I'm not trying to be a dick or keep going at this, but, lets just say 15-20 years from now, it bleeds from MA over to NH and more liberal dems get voted in, and at first the pass a few laws that are, meh, but before you know it, it starts looking like MA of 1990 or so, then what do you do then? Honest question, where do you go or what do you do?
I'm not trying to be a dick or keep going at this, but, lets just say 15-20 years from now, it bleeds from MA over to NH and more liberal dems get voted in, and at first the pass a few laws that are, meh, but before you know it, it starts looking like MA of 1990 or so, then what do you do then? Honest question, where do you go or what do you do?

Its a loaded issue deserving of its own thread.
I'm not trying to be a dick or keep going at this, but, lets just say 15-20 years from now, it bleeds from MA over to NH and more liberal dems get voted in, and at first the pass a few laws that are, meh, but before you know it, it starts looking like MA of 1990 or so, then what do you do then? Honest question, where do you go or what do you do?

We won't be around in 20 years, so it's not an issue.

You think you will exist in 20 years? Look around.
Make_MA_2a.... I'd be down for a separate open carry event if we can orchestrate it in a way that won't hurt us politically. I brought it up in the past and it had minor interest and major opposition.

The key here is to not make backwards progress. I understand the "I won't comply" sentiment, HOWEVER, it would be nice to not have the very real threat of incarceration held over our heads for doing something that is lawful under the constitution, and that is what we are trying to keep from happening.

Let's make it happen. They can't arrest everyone, especially when OC is not technically illegal.
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