Am I Missing Something? K31 Price...


NES Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Am I missing something that is causing an average K31 to sell for over $800?

Total billboard import mark in a heinous location, decent but not pristine condition, not a particularly early or late S-N. What gives with this? I wish the guy well with his sale, but the pricing is getting silly for some of the K31's. New norm?
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I don't know enough about them BUT I picked up my K31 when they where cheaper than a 91/30.
The problem with k31s is most had zero interest in them until they where the best cheap surplus rifle out there. I bought mine at 289$ just a year before they where 139-169 ?
The new required import stamps are horrendous.
Recent K31 closing prices are $560 at the lowest, ~$800 at the highest, with most in the mid to high $600's. If you bought one for cheap a few years ago, you did well...
Keep an eye on that particular C&R vendor. They had some for like $400 or $450? Just last month. They sell quick though....
Darn! For $560 I might consider selling mine.
Heck, you can even come down to my private range and test-fire it with my assorted ammo. No, I don't just use GP11, far from it (18g Plastic, sabots, 110g Carbine bullets, cast, coated, plated, jacketed etc...).
I'd been looking for one for a while and Mountain is correct, they have jumped and continue to jump in prices as the months goes by. I just luckily stumbled into one by sheer accident at a decent price. B&K had one for a few days going for $695 plus tax. Lowest I've seen on GB has been in the upper $600 range with some nicer one going for over $1000.
Now I feel really dumb for not buying a couple when I first got my C&R. I just figured that with its oddball caliber the price might actually go down, like the carcano
Now I feel really dumb for not buying a couple when I first got my C&R. I just figured that with its oddball caliber the price might actually go down, like the carcano

I think the carcano doesn't do as well because it's not that great of a rifle...
Everything except mosins are ridiculous priced. I've been searching hard for something to drop money on since I got my c&r the begining of this month. I've been pretty open to anything k31, mas (barely any not butchered into .308 by century which are even selling high), m1s, garands, and 1903s all fetching incredible money. All we can do is dream of finding a deal and troll til we get it.
Everything except mosins are ridiculous priced. I've been searching hard for something to drop money on since I got my c&r the begining of this month. I've been pretty open to anything k31, mas (barely any not butchered into .308 by century which are even selling high), m1s, garands, and 1903s all fetching incredible money. All we can do is dream of finding a deal and troll til we get it.

I guess I have not totally given up on a K31, but I have been watching for a few months and finally moved on. I stumbled into a near mint Browning Citori for ~25% less $ than the going rate and pulled the trigger, so to speak, on the shotty. The Citori was a good enough deal that I can live with missing a deal on a K31 if something pops up.

I have a M44 in very nice shape with some accessories as well. I really don't shoot it since I bought the M39 and have considered selling. Maybe I should wait until Mosins are getting stupid money. Maybe a long shot but it could happen. $79 for Mosins wasn't that long ago...
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Hey there is a guy I know very well selling a K11 in 308 in the classifieds,and it's not a century junker. lol
On GB seems like they have come down a little. ~$450 - $650, with the low end in rougher condition or with a bubba job scope mount etc.

Arguably the most accurate milsurp rifle, either these or the Swedish Mausers. The K31 straight pull is great for rapid fire stages in milsurp matches.
I think the lack of ammo helps the prices from going up as the the “shooting buyers” tend to stop buying once ammo is tough to come buy.
I think the lack of ammo helps the prices from going up as the the “shooting buyers” tend to stop buying once ammo is tough to come buy.
Tons of S&B and PPU 7.5 Swiss now available from various vendors. Real GP11 is unobtanium right now.
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