American Blackout

Its so-so.
Too much cheesy drama and lack of enthusiasm for survival when the shit hits the fan.

Half of me wishes it would happen and the other half of me knows it would suck after a day. I just want to know what a city like NYC would do in the circumstances, or better yet...sunny gun free Chicago! Hahaha
The powers back on....and just like that people are not at each others throats......hahaha

Ya right. You still have a ways to go before the logistics of replenishing food/water start rolling out.
Remember, no cameras outside the bunker so your family can't see the neighbors jack you up lol
I personally thought it was well done for those who don't have an effing clue. Anything shown in the show I have been prepared for over 10 years, but its always nice to open up the eyes of the folks who buy swordfish for $13.00 lb and wonder why they got sick when they ate it warm lol. I also learned to never let ANYONE in your circle that has not been tried and tested. IMHO.
I found it to be a complete waste of my time but if it helped a few sheep lose the wool then I guess it was worth it...
Prepper fails:

1) Telling Hippie Boy everything as soon as he arrived.
2) No one on watch 24/7 - especially after the first encounter with the neighbor (that Hippie Boy told they had stuff).
3) Going to the bunker and giving up the compound with all the water & fuel without a fight.

Not a bad show - just have to add a shortwave at minimum and a HAM at best to my stash.
I lived in New York for the both the black outs of 1965 and 1977. For the later one I was living in upper Manhattan. It didn't take 20 minutes after the lights went out for the store windows to start being smashed and for the looting to begin. Even with just a 12 hour outage the world started falling apart. And even here in the suburbs with the ice storm of October of 2011 people got very restless and angry after just a day or two without power.

In Hawaii school children are trained in preparedness in case of a tsunami. The same goes for earthquakes in California. As part of their assignments they're supposed to develop family survival kits.

It should be required that everyone in this country provide the resources needed to survive on his or her own for at least 7 days without any outside help. That means by providing food, water and shelter. Those who fail to prepare for themselves and their families are the ones who will become the troublemakers in the aftermath of any event that disrupts the normal routine.
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I agree with aeromarine, once the power goes out and it's tolerable out (not like the Ice Storm 2008), it's not going to take very long for the trouble makers in society to do what they do.

The only thing that prevented this in 2008 was the outright impassable streets and too cold out for people that spend their time in hoodies and have pants down to their knees. If it had been a grid failure and been summer with night time temps in the 70s - Fitchburg would have burned to the ground.
I was upset when I first saw this thread because I missed it. But after reading through it doesn't seem like it was all that great. Are there any other movies out there anyone has watched that they would recommend?
It was kinda meh for me, has a lot of stupid horror film scenes in it. like the stupid woman hearing a sound then going to investigate all by herself, that worked out great for her. if people watching paid attention at least it showed a few things that may have seemed like a good idea but turned into bad ideas in the end.
It was kinda meh for me, has a lot of stupid horror film scenes in it. like the stupid woman hearing a sound then going to investigate all by herself, that worked out great for her. if people watching paid attention at least it showed a few things that may have seemed like a good idea but turned into bad ideas in the end.

I learned to NOT get a scratch on my arm if I'm stuck in an elevator. [grin]
I think NH would fare pretty well in a 10-day power outage. I lost power for 5 days, none of my neighbors tried to eat me.

Well if America went dark for ten days the cities would burn after day three when ebt was no longer working.
All depends what day of the month it hits. If the 1st of the month, the country burns in hours. If it's around the 16th, then pretty much all EBT/SNAP benefits for the month were already exhausted nationwide, so we have a couple of weeks before EBT becomes an issue in most states.
What would be the worst possible date for an extended nationwide grid-down? My vote goes to the last Thursday in May. Schools are still in session, weather is starting to warm up, paychecks/benefits are coming tomorrow...
I learned that i need a lot more batteries for my video camera so i can tape a bunch of useless stuff.
Also, dont put an unarmed kid on overnight watch.....
Prepper bro failed letting the young'n take the dark watch. A few cheap, strategically positioned, harbor freight driveway alarms would have been an improvement as well.
A better movie would have been the adaptation of the book "One Second After" that came out in 2009 by William Forstchen. one of the best books I ever read and would make a hell of a better movie than American Blackout did.
I learned to NOT get a scratch on my arm if I'm stuck in an elevator. [grin]

I didn't catch the whole, trapped in the elevator thing. Was there something about a 25' space to get to somewhere from the elevator car? Floors are stacked one on top of the other in every building I've ever seen. Doors are one after another going up and down in an elevator. I own an elevator and it isn't rocket science to figure out how to unlatch the elevator car door and then a door on the nearest floor. If your midway between floors you can open the lower door and jump down or the upper door and climb up.
A better movie would have been the adaptation of the book "One Second After" that came out in 2009 by William Forstchen. one of the best books I ever read and would make a hell of a better movie than American Blackout did.

That book was so good I'm afraid a movie won't do it justice, but yes... a well done movie of that would be fantastic. Getting immersed in that book certainly motivated me to bolster some preps.
That book was so good I'm afraid a movie won't do it justice, but yes... a well done movie of that would be fantastic. Getting immersed in that book certainly motivated me to bolster some preps.

I agree, it was by far the best book I have read in many years. Opened my eyes a lot more than they were. I was told when I bought the book that I couldn't put it down once I started reading it, what I was told was correct.

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