And Then There Were Two...

Nov 14, 2005
Boston Area
Feedback: 21 / 0 / 0
Somehow got one, then suddenly I got another... Springfield Armory XD in 9mm subcompact in OD Green last week, and XD in.40S&W service size this week.

i thought these were banned in MA?

No handguns are "banned" in Mass! (Don't give them any more ideas!)

Not being on the "list" just means that a FFL can't sell them (unless they can prove they were in MA prior to 199X (8? can't remember...). If your FFL said they were "banned" or "illegal", get a new FFL! Then go read through the gun laws forum.

Nice pistols by the way!
really so with my class A I could get one of these with a High Cap mag? about how much?

You could get one with a Class A, but you can't get any high cap mags for it. There have never been any high-caps which would be pre-ban in this state, so therefore you would only be able to get 10 rounders.
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