Any Intro to High Power coming up?

Small Arms Firing School (SAFS) taught by the CMP is outstanding. $50 for all day including a match with their match rifles and ammo provided is a steal.

A CMP Garand clinic is also a good way to learn fundamentals.

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That at sounds like a stellar deal, actually. Any idea offhand (hah, pun!) if there are any happening around MA this year or perhaps where I could find that info?

Small Arms Firing School (SAFS) taught by the CMP is outstanding. $50 for all day including a match with their match rifles and ammo provided is a steal.

A CMP Garand clinic is also a good way to learn fundamentals.

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Reading rifle is having their clinic May 13th.
Pembroke has their clinic on the 27th it's a "garand" clinic but it applies all the same.
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Reading rifle is having their clinic May 13th.
Pembroke has their clinic on the 27th it's a "garand" clinic but it applies all the same.
Figures...I'm working both of those days. Thanks though!

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That at sounds like a stellar deal, actually. Any idea offhand (hah, pun!) if there are any happening around MA this year or perhaps where I could find that info?
I briefly looked around for a class and didn't find anything. Gonna research a bit more today.
Figures...I'm working both of those days. Thanks though!

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I briefly looked around for a class and didn't find anything. Gonna research a bit more today.

pembroke has thier M1 clinic/match 1 sunday each month now through november.

here is all i could find on cmp in MA you could search a NRA schedule also.
Title and Sponsor
Cape Ann Sportsman Club 2017 Clinic
Cape Ann Sportsman Club May 07 2017 Gloucester MA CMP Clinic Inquire by email
Cape Ann Sportsman Club 2017 Clinic
Cape Ann Sportsman Club Aug 27 2017 Gloucester MA CMP Clinic Inquire by email
Cape Ann Sportsman Club 2017 Clinic
Cape Ann Sportsman Club Oct 15 2017 Gloucester MA CMP Clinic Inquire by email
Cape Ann Sportsman Club 2017 Clinic
Cape Ann Sportsman Club Jul 09 2017 Gloucester MA CMP Clinic Inquire by email
Old Colony Sportsmen's Association 2017 As-Issued Military Match
Old Colony Sportsmen's Assoc May 21 2017 Pembroke MA Garand, Springfield, or Vintage Military Inquire by email
Old Colony Sportsmen's Association 2017 As-Issued Military Match
Old Colony Sportsmen's Assoc Jun 11 2017 Pembroke MA Garand, Springfield, or Vintage Military Inquire by email
Old Colony Sportsmen's Association 2017 As-Issued Military Match
Old Colony Sportsmen's Assoc Jul 09 2017 Pembroke MA Garand, Springfield, or Vintage Military Inquire by email
Old Colony Sportsmen's Association 2017 As-Issued Military Match
Old Colony Sportsmen's Assoc Aug 06 2017 Pembroke MA Garand, Springfield, or Vintage Military Inquire by email
Old Colony Sportsmen's Association 2017 As-Issued Military Match
Old Colony Sportsmen's Assoc Sep 10 2017 Pembroke MA Garand, Springfield, or Vintage Military Inquire by email
Old Colony Sportsmen's Association 2017 As-Issued Military Match
Old Colony Sportsmen's Assoc Oct 15 2017 Pembroke MA Garand, Springfield, or Vintage Military Inquire by email
Old Colony Sportsmen's Association 2017 As-Issued Military Match
Old Colony Sportsmen's Assoc Nov 05 2017 Pembroke MA Garand, Springfield, or Vintage Military Inquire by email
Reading Rifle & Revolver Club EIC Service Rifle Match
Reading Rifle & Revolver Club Jun 11 2017 Reading MA EIC Competition Inquire by email
Reading Rifle & Revolver Club EIC Service Rifle Match
Reading Rifle & Revolver Club Jul 01 2017 Reading MA EIC Competition Inquire by email
Reading Rifle & Revolver Club EIC Service Rifle Match
Reading Rifle & Revolver Club Aug 06 2017 Reading MA EIC Competition Inquire by email
Reading Rifle & Revolver Club EIC Service Rifle Match
Reading Rifle & Revolver Club Aug 27 2017 Reading MA EIC Competition Inquire by email
Title and Sponsor Dates City State Type Registration

although its a basic intro class you will get the feel for the flow of a HP match and we will get you started.
You could also shoot one of the club guns and thier ammo or bring your service rifle.

Another option if you have a decent zero check out the league shoots at reading. I dont get there to often 1 or 2 times a year but they are VERY helpful.
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is it worthwhile to check out the intro course even if you're pretty familiar with the 'process' (aka course of fire, etc.) of the matches?

anyone take the course that got something out of it in the way of technique that already knew how to shoot decent?

i know my score could use some serious love from the CMP Garand match I did a few weeks ago, but I'm just wondering if what I need is more practice or actual instruction.
If you're in Milford reach out to the Hopkinton Sportsmen's Association. They have a HighPower team and they are looking for new shooters to join. They had an excellent intro class last year and talking with some of the members recently they want to hold another one.

If you are interested contact Jay Shapiro: or 508-868-8048. Jay's a good guy and many on the team are very good at teaching new shooters.
is it worthwhile to check out the intro course even if you're pretty familiar with the 'process' (aka course of fire, etc.) of the matches?

anyone take the course that got something out of it in the way of technique that already knew how to shoot decent?

i know my score could use some serious love from the CMP Garand match I did a few weeks ago, but I'm just wondering if what I need is more practice or actual instruction.

You would want to take something more like readings marksmanship to expert high power clinic.
If you think your already a OK shooter just work on positions and fundamentals and sling use.
I only shoot the reading league NRA high power and CMP I don't "practice" I learn something every time and keep getting better. Not practicing off hand really hurts my scores. Last match I did "ok"
Kept 8 out of 10 in the black but dropped into a 5 and a 6 ugghh
If you're in Milford reach out to the Hopkinton Sportsmen's Association. They have a HighPower team and they are looking for new shooters to join. They had an excellent intro class last year and talking with some of the members recently they want to hold another one.

If you are interested contact Jay Shapiro: or 508-868-8048. Jay's a good guy and many on the team are very good at teaching new shooters.
Awesome thanks!
That at sounds like a stellar deal, actually. Any idea offhand (hah, pun!) if there are any happening around MA this year or perhaps where I could find that info?

I will look for the link when on a computer, but SAFS will be held in mid September at the CMP New England Games. Camp Ethan Allen is an beautiful location too. Yes, it's a stellar deal. The fee doesn't come close to covering the cost. SAFS is one of the programs that Garand sales fund.
To Crossfaced,
Note how you have received lots of help. Assuming you follow through and get into highpower competition I can tell you now there is not a better bunch of folks you can get to be associated it and what you just received will just be the start.
As soon as you can get to Camp Perry to shoot for a week. I think a week of solid shooting at Camp Perry is worth five years of experience gained in local matches.
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