I am not saying Arken is sh*t, I don't own one.
it is not shit, but it is silly to hear comparisons with razors and nightforces. it is an amateur class decent cheap glass, with turrets that work and a decent simple zero stop.
the good thing is - it works, as a lot of products in that price category simply don't. but it is not a razor, c'mon.
i shot it at 1000yds there at granby, had no issues to see the target fine, and ep5 shows bullet holes at 300 on white paper, it is all i care about.
better scopes do exist, but they cost more. if you catch me at harvard you can look yourself at it, and bring your better glass to compare, but it better be on a cloudy bleak day at 300, as otherwise it is all mute.
so i actually have 6 arkens now, and bless those who can have 6 razors - i can`t justify that. to have all rifles on same scopes with same turrets that feel the same - to me it has its benefits.
ps. they raised price to $600 on ep5 from $564, so with 25% off it is now $460 instead of $423, which keeps moving it closer and closer to a viper pst2 on sale, which is, i think, a dumb move for arkens. but, whatever.
the last epl4 i got just now before price hike for $340, and in that price range there is nothing at all that compares to it and features it has.