Any statistics on denials/unsuitables in Boston?

Dec 21, 2016
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I have LTC appointment coming up...have a few dis cons, an open container and one assault charge from college days all drop/reduced. Not a federally prohibited person. Everything but the assault was CWOF and I got assault dropped to harrasment violation thanks to witnesses.

Should I attempt to get my LTC in Boston or should I just cancel the appointment? No time to talk to any more lawyers unfortunately but I have in short in the past and noone really knew the definitive answer. Kind of need to decide today if I'm going to cancel...
If you were not convicted of a crime for which you COULD have received a sentence of 2 years, then you should not be statutorily prohibited but "Suitability" can always come into play, even with a clean record.

Disclaimer, Not a lawyer and not 100% certain. Others will no doubt have more detailed advice.

Good luck.
No time to talk to any more lawyers unfortunately but I have in short in the past and noone really knew the definitive answer. Kind of need to decide today if I'm going to cancel...
can you cancel and reschedule to give yourself a little bit more time to talk to somebody? it would be a shame to give up, a lot of times there's a simple solution. as one worries about this stuff, small problems seem to amplify.
can you cancel and reschedule to give yourself a little bit more time to talk to somebody? it would be a shame to give up, a lot of times there's a simple solution. as one worries about this stuff, small problems seem to amplify.
Short answer, talk to Jason Guida Attorney Jason A. Guida

BEFORE your appointment. Will save a lot of headaches.

I spoke with him a while ago- he wasn't sure I'd be denied but wasn't sure I'd be approved... I did not at the time have the $750 retainer to spend unfortunately for his further help.

Assuming I get denied is that really the end of the world? Can I re-apply if I end up moving to a green town, and assuming can get approval it's not really a big sweat? Maybe Len would have some thoughts on this...
I would cancel appointment,and get some legal advice before I would try to get my LTC,or you can toss the dice,and go for it.If you get it all the power to you.If you don,t then someone like Len will tell you why you should have spent a little money on a lawyer before you aplied.
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I spoke with him a while ago- he wasn't sure I'd be denied but wasn't sure I'd be approved... I did not at the time have the $750 retainer to spend unfortunately for his further help.

His prices went up. Used him a couple years ago for family member who had one incident as a minor but did not have any documentation on it. He researched it and helped write up all the answers to the application as well as some talking points for if asked stuff.

The problem with denial is you must disclose that when applying again.
His prices went up. Used him a couple years ago for family member who had one incident as a minor but did not have any documentation on it. He researched it and helped write up all the answers to the application as well as some talking points for if asked stuff.

The problem with denial is you must disclose that when applying again.

Yea- but then assuming I lived in the place like New Hampshire that denial wouldn't really matter at all right?
I would cancel appointment,and get some legal advice before I would try to get my LTC,or you can toss the dice,and go for it.If you get it all the power to you.If you don,t then someone like Len will tell you why you should have spent a little money on a lawyer before you aplied.

Short of retaining a lawyer I have done my due diligence- and spoken to many lawyers and professionals in the industry about my situation...Many say I should be OK but it's not definitive from any of them. I'm worried the decision may be a political one- ie, evan doesn't think citizens should have guns, and my arrests make this a layup as far as denials go. I might show up to my appointment and show the officer my dockets and ask them what they think before I continue...That might be the move...
Short of retaining a lawyer I have done my due diligence- and spoken to many lawyers and professionals in the industry about my situation...Many say I should be OK but it's not definitive from any of them. I'm worried the decision may be a political one- ie, evan doesn't think citizens should have guns, and my arrests make this a layup as far as denials go. I might show up to my appointment and show the officer my dockets and ask them what they think before I continue...That might be the move...

I don't think the police officer who takes your application will be willing to read your dockets and express an opinion. All he does is enter your info in the computer and take fingerprints.
Yea- but then assuming I lived in the place like New Hampshire that denial wouldn't really matter at all right?
Negative. While you don't need a license in NH, if you do decide to apply (there or anywhere else) you will have to disclose that you were denied IIRC.
I don't think the police officer who takes your application will be willing to read your dockets and express an opinion. All he does is enter your info in the computer and take fingerprints.

You know what you're probably right. So in this case, Evans, or would it be Mcdonnough would see all these arrests and probably just say "denied" I'm assuming? It's tough to not get a face to face interview with the chief or mcdonnough because I am about as professional as it gets. Maybe F boston and I'll hold off til I move to green town (this decision happened last time I was going to apply as well)
I don't think the case might be if your dealing with a green town,or not.It's more like what's in your record,and how do they have to go about dealing with it.
I don't think the case might be if your dealing with a green town,or not.It's more like what's in your record,and how do they have to go about dealing with it.

Maybe. As far as convictions go? One assault reduced to harassmant. The rest dismissed. Called tbis morning and cancelled. The woman andwering the phone couldn’t have been nicer, and empathetically said the next openings for appointments are in August.

Sucks! Might never apply in Boston unless I end up not moving in the next year or 2. Honestly it would have been a restricted license anyway which I am not crazy about, so hopefully I can move to a green town in next year or 2 and take it from there.
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