Anyone know where to get Unicorn Droppings (primers) for non ass rape pricing?

Grafs had remington SPP for a hot minute. I didn't buy any but saw they were going for $76 per 1k shipped. Limit of 5k.

They don't ship to MA but I suppose you could ship to NH
i also got one, earlier on monday, and got confused a bit by price - then sorted it out - it was a $287 in may. a $316 now.
Yeah it's crazy, will it ever go down? Varget has doubled in price since covid. In 2019 I came home from Camp Perry with 2 jugs - think I paid $168 each.

What else is crazy is that Shooters World Precision is MORE than Varget when it's supposed to be a poor mans varget alternative... I see some in stock now. Would have to be hard up to pay those prices.
Ahh that’s right. They’re one of the few vendors who make it marginally more difficult for MA folks to buy and ship to NH (or any other free state)
I haven’t seen in stock Remington for a while. I think Larry had them last at much higher prices and 1k limit.

Hopefully our friends at MSS get some at those prices. Although the Aguila did tempt me and was a decent price. Their powder selection would allow me to spread the HAZMAT.
A vendor from CA has a bunch of SPP SRP and LPP in stock. Prices 💩💩 but no limits that I see
Remington SPP $95.50 per 1k
Getting multiple notifications for Winchester primers no longer being available. Anyone else? Im assuming it just means that particular vendor will no longer be carrying them?
Getting multiple notifications for Winchester primers no longer being available. Anyone else? Im assuming it just means that particular vendor will no longer be carrying them?
Yup, I've been getting those as well.
Yeah I’m not sure. It may have something to do with them being on backorder. If you filter by Winchester primers, their LPP LRP and SRP are on special order but they allow you to buy them now (backorder I would guess)
Yeah I’m not sure. It may have something to do with them being on backorder. If you filter by Winchester primers, their LPP LRP and SRP are on special order but they allow you to buy them now (backorder I would guess)
My paranoid brain goes to the worst case scenario like Pedo Joe f’ing around behind the scenes..and strong arming these suppliers..
so i should have been buying those cci #450s while they were at $89 level per box, you say? hmm.
i think it is a pre-election hysteria. it should pass.
so i should have been buying those cci #450s while they were at $89 level per box, you say? hmm.
i think it is a pre-election hysteria. it should pass.
Where are the do-gooders to protect us from price gougers..
Want the prices to go down? Buy less, or if backed into a corner only buy from the cheapest source. Collaborate with friends to reduce costs.
Yeah no one is buying those. Literally every other online vendor is cheaper. You’d have to be a fool to pay those prices
Yeah no one is buying those. Literally every other online vendor is cheaper. You’d have to be a fool to pay those prices
I've had good luck with the classifieds here. Through completely fortuitous circumstances, I was going a long distance from my house for something else and the poster happened to be along that route. So, instead of driving 80 miles in one direction for primers, I drove 3 miles out of my way to pick them up. I figured I would be repaid for such luck by my car breaking down, but nothing like that happened. (Knock on wood).
I've had good luck with the classifieds here. Through completely fortuitous circumstances, I was going a long distance from my house for something else and the poster happened to be along that route. So, instead of driving 80 miles in one direction for primers, I drove 3 miles out of my way to pick them up. I figured I would be repaid for such luck by my car breaking down, but nothing like that happened. (Knock on wood).
There was some primers and powder in the classifieds this morning. I see you liked the post so I suspect you’re snagging them? Lol
Real good deal. I didn’t see it until hours after it was posted
There was some primers and powder in the classifieds this morning. I see you liked the post so I suspect you’re snagging them? Lol
Real good deal. I didn’t see it until hours after it was posted
I thought about it, but I wanted to give someone else an opportunity. I liked it because i thought it was a fair price and people should get recognition for that.

Used/opened powder is dicey, so at $66.67/k i wasn’t overly enthused to drive to NH. Hopefully someone closer can pick them up.

But the classifieds definitely has deals now for primers. Well, besides the guy looking for $130/k. He got a laughing emoji from me.
I see they are opening a store next to Cabelas in Berlin/Hudson. I doubt they will sell ammo/components though. .
its so Fudd up there now, and has been for 20+ years....not a scary black rifle to be seen, used to occasionally see some deals in the used racks, but they had nothing and the reloading section would fit in a 5 gallon bucket. i was stopping to look at hunting boots, and even that is a tiny selection now
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