Anyone own a VZ.52 Semi Auto Rifle?


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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I'm currently looking at a VZ.52 Semi Auto rifle manufactured by AYM. I've not seen this rifle before but it's an early model Comblok semi auto in 7.62x45. It' also comes with an attached folded blade bayonet. Very interesting design. Looking to see if anyone has one of these and/or what folks know about it.

This is a pic of the model I'm looking at. It's not the exact rifle but condition and configuration is the same.

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They're an interesting rifle, mine shoots well enough, but the ammo is almost unobtanium and stupid money when you do find it. Either reload, or look for the VZ.52/57 they made toward the end of the run that shoots 7.62x39. The 52/57 will be more expensive, but if you actually want to shoot it often worth every penny.
An interesting rifle, although I've not had the chance to shoot one. I know there's a shop that's re-barreled them in 6.5 Grendel, but I had too much money tied up in other things around the time of the MA ban to purchase one.

Edit: I can no longer find the link to the rifle, but apparently there's at least one outfit out there that's done bad/dangerous conversions - Prexis VZ 52-new barrels
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An interesting rifle, although I've not had the chance to shoot one. I know there's a shop that's re-barreled them in 6.5 Grendel, but I had too much money tied up in other things around the time of the MA ban to purchase one.

Edit: I can no longer find the link to the rifle, but apparently there's at least one outfit out there that's done bad/dangerous conversions - Prexis VZ 52-new barrels

Reminds me that there are conversion kits for optimists to LocTite in an insert converting a x45 chamber to an x39.

Cartridge Conversion Kit, New Reproduction

I've been hoping someone who does know how make a barrel turns out some 7.62x39 VZ 52 barrels someday. Not reloading x45 ever again would make me happy.
Had one and sold it a few years ago.
7.62X45 ammo is scarce and if found,is the dirtiest most corrosive ammo I've ever shot.
Google-fu will show you how to make reloadable boxer primed brass from 6.5 Carcano
It ejects forward and to the left.
The gas system is a work of art.
The trigger looks like a Garand trigger.
Often times the 57 with the camber insert would eject the insert along with the case.
You can read for days here. The Czech Weapons Board

I thought it was a cool gun.
I wanted one briefly, after I bought my Vz58 and did some research about the Czechs and their weapon development. The urge passed quickly. But I know a lot of the design features of the [awesome] '58 have their roots in the '52.

It's analogous to the SKS: mostly interesting because of what came after it.
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