Are our troops dumb? Ask Kerry.

Kerry's office said the senator had misread his prepared remarks. They said he had intended to say, "Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush.
So, he's as stupid as, say, someone who mispronounces "nuclear" as "nuke-u-lar"?

And before the flames fly, I am NOT dissing President Bush here... read what I said carefully.
What was said.

Kerry's office said the senator had misread his prepared remarks. They said he had intended to say,

Sure, this could be easily confused by anyone.

I'm NOT a Kerry fan but if you look at the TV tapes from this segment of the he was reading the script..he if loosing his train of thought..then continued on to make the stupid and insensitive comment at the end.
Received this email today... it sums up Kerry pretty well:

Lowell Ponte
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2006

"I apologize to no one," snarled Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, the failed 2004 Democratic Party presidential standard-bearer, as he struggled on Halloween to remove the foot he had once again stuffed into his own mouth.

(Having grown up speaking French in an elite private Swiss boarding school, the haughty Mr. Kerry probably was tempted to invoke the Edith Piaf theme song of post-Nazi-collaborationist France: Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, "I regret nothing.")

Kerry's latest faux pas came during a campaign appearance in Southern California. "You know," he told a group of college students, "education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

President George W. Bush promptly called Kerry's remarks "insulting and shameful" and said that America's soldiers in Iraq deserve an apology. Former Navy pilot and Vietnam Prisoner of War Senator John McCain of Arizona called on Kerry to apologize.

Mr. Kerry responded by claiming his bizarre statement was "a botched joke about the president and the president's people," intended to impugn President Bush, not our troops, for lack of diligence and intelligence.

Kerry, who aspires to be the Democratic presidential candidate again in 2008 (after being outsmarted and beaten in 2004 by Bush) now says, in effect, that he was merely implying he is smarter and better educated than the President.

The facts show otherwise. Both Kerry and Bush attended Yale University, but Bush got slightly better grades than Kerry. Bush then earned a Harvard MBA.

During the Vietnam War, both Naval officer Kerry and Air National Guardsman Bush took military intelligence tests. These tests measured Bush's I.Q. a few points higher than Kerry's. (Kerry, a lifelong master at excuses, claims this happened only because he had been drinking heavily the night before he took the test, which itself shows a profound lack of intelligence.)

Kerry's pretensions of being a military hero were dashed by truth-telling Swift Boat veterans who served with him in Vietnam.

Kerry's anti-war activism made him a darling of the anti-American Left. But Kerry's lies about his fellow soldiers, used as leftwing propaganda, encouraged his new comrades to keep fighting. Kerry thus prolonged the Vietnam War, and this killed thousands more Americans.

Kerry's accusation that our troops in Iraq are "terrorizing" people has given aid and comfort to our Islamo-fascist enemies. Kerry's attacks encourage Islamists to keep up their own bloody "Tet offensive," killing Americans to tilt our elections to the cut-and-run Democratic Party.

Ironically, Kerry modeled himself and his career path on President John F. Kennedy. But Kennedy committed the first 17,000 armed U.S. troops into a Vietnam War Kerry sought fame by opposing.

Kerry continues to prate that President Bush should either have avoided Iraq or committing far more military force there. But the liberal press has taken care not to mention Kerry's hypocrisy. Senator Kerry, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, voted to authorize Mr. Bush's actions but then voted against the supplemental appropriation to supply our troops with sufficient weapons, body armor and other necessities.

During the 2004 campaign Kerry was caught on camera telling one audience that he had voted for the war before he voted against it. He was and is, therefore, the perfect poster boy for untrustworthy Democratic leadership.

As a newly elected United States Senator from the nation's most liberal state, Kerry rushed to Nicaragua to embrace Marxist dictator Daniel Ortega days before Ortega flew to Moscow to pledge his allegiance to the Soviet Union.

But despite Kerry's long service as a rubber stamp second vote for his state's senior Democratic Senator Edward M. Kennedy, he has been a failure as a lawmaker. No landmark piece of legislation or policy achievement carries Kerry's name.

Senator Kerry chaired rigged hearings in 1991 to give Communist Vietnam a clean bill of health concerning American POWs, ending U.S. efforts to free any who remained, and this opened the way for companies to do business with that dictatorship. A year later, Communist Vietnam awarded a contract worth almost a billion dollars to John F. Kerry's cousin and his company.

If Democrats win control of the U.S. Senate on November 7, capitalism-hating Kerry would likely become chairman of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee where he is now Ranking Democrat. He might also become chair of Senate subcommittees on Oceans, Fisheries, and the Environment (overseeing Global Warming) and on East Asian and Pacific Affairs (overseeing U.S. policy towards China, North Korea, Japan and Taiwan, among other nations).

Kerry's only significant life achievement, and the source of his political status, is that he seduced two incredibly wealthy women into marrying him. The first, a Massachusetts Brahmin, he courted at her family's palatial villa in Italy. He separated from her but continued to live on her money. Kerry then found an even richer wife, the African-born heiress to her deceased Republican Pennsylvania Senator husband's Heinz ketchup fortune of more than half a billion dollars.

When in private, John and Teresa Heinz Kerry reportedly speak French, not English. A globalist, Kerry once told a grieving mother to be proud her American soldier son had died while, at President Bill Clinton's orders, wearing the blue beret of the United Nations.

In 2004, backed with truckloads of cash from his wife and from a front man for the theocratic, nuclear-weapon-seeking rulers of oil-rich Iran, Kerry came close to being elected President.

The good news about Mr. Kerry's latest slip of his forked tongue is twofold. It has probably eliminated any chance that he could be re-nominated or elected President in 2008. And, as he selfishly put his own ego and ambition above the interests of his party, Senator Kerry's contemptuous remarks about our soldiers and President reminded the American people just how loony Left today's Democratic Party has become.

Haughty John Kerry may have cost his party one or both houses of Congress on November 7.
"Of course, now Senator Kerry says he was just making a joke, and he botched it up. I guess we didn't get the nuance. He was for the joke before he was against it," Cheney said.
Well said, Mr. Cheney!

And Pilgrim, great minds think alike - I posted this picture also in the Off Topic forum about the same time you posted this here! [grin]

"I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member or American who was offended," he said in a written statement.

"As a combat veteran, I want to make it clear to anyone in uniform and to their loved ones: My poorly stated joke at a rally was not about, and [was] never intended to refer to any troop," he said.

In the statement, the four-term senator continued to assert that the GOP was using the gaffe to distract voters from its own shortcomings.

"It is clear the Republican Party would rather talk about anything but their failed security policy," he said. "I don't want my verbal slip to be a diversion from the real issues. I will continue to fight for a change of course to provide real security for our country, and a winning strategy for our troops."

This guy just needs to go away...

I like the last part. People weren't upset about the comment, it's just the Republicans trying to make a diversion... [rolleyes]
"I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member or American who was offended," he said in a written statement.

Once again, the non-apology apology: I'm sorry you people were so stupid you couldn't understand my nuanced and sophisticated humor. IOW, I'm sorry I have to live in a world filled with cretinous louts like you.

Dear Sen. Kerry,

Thanks for destroying what little hopes I had for Democrats in the election with your abject douchebaggery.


Suicidal moonbat
I hope that's a real picture....
Just heard on ABC News (the picture accompanied the piece) that they're a southern Indiana group. Seems to be real!

Once again, the non-apology apology: I'm sorry you people were so stupid you couldn't understand my nuanced and sophisticated humor. IOW, I'm sorry I have to live in a world filled with cretinous louts like you.

Exactly what I thought, Ken. It was a total non-apology. He is such an effete snob I can't stand it [puke]

Dear Sen. Kerry,

Thanks for destroying what little hopes I had for Democrats in the election with your abject douchebaggery.


Suicidal moonbat
Number9, you're finally seeing the light! [wink] [smile]
Last edited:
Sent to me from a shooting friend out in the Great NorthWet.

Nov. 1, 2006

Senator Kerry,

Damn you. You are a bumbling idiot. My son, Cory, left the Computer Engineering Program at West Virginia University, a superlative educational institution, to volunteer to serve in the United States Marine Corps. He made it to Recon in less than one year, completing over a dozen schools, finishing with top scores in every single one of them. Cory, along with every Recon Marine, was/is a brilliant young man. They all volunteered - there is no draft as there was when you were in the Armed Forces. Cory, along with 3 other Recon Marines, died as the result of an IED explosion in May, 2006. These men, along with their peers, are superior in intellect. How dare you dishonor them by your careless words. You are a stupid, self-absorbed, fool.

I am not speaking as a member of any political party - in fact, I support more democrats at this juncture than republicans. But I loathe the disdain you display for my son and those whose magnificent service was given for something they held so dear to their hearts -

I pray that your political future is doomed. You are a detriment to every democrat with whom you associate. If in deed, your words were, as you say, intended as a joke, then you are heartless. My son's life is certainly more than a joke. He and these almost 3,000 young men and women who have died with him, are much more valued and loved than to be used as pawns in your own petty political pundits.

You were not misunderstood. You were clearly heard and understood by us all. You were on national television. You are utterly disrespectful of our sons and of us, their families. I will work tirelessly to bring you down. You discredit every member of the Armed Forces. Not only are these troops more savvy than ever before in history, so are their commanding officers, many of whom have advanced educational degrees. You, John Kerry, are nothing but scum. Spare us from the further desecration of our troops and the superlative military minds that truly do serve our nation. Remove yourself from the limelight and step down from office, NOW.

VERY sincerely,

Mrs. Danna Swain Palmer, Proud Mom of Fallen Marine,

Cpl. Cory Leonard Palmer, USMC, Recon

May 10, 1984 - May 6 - 2006
Well folks, I sent an e mail to the Jr Senator from MA back when this all happened.

Today 12-07-06 I finally was answered.

In part he states
First, it was a dumb joke and I slipped up,
dropped a couple words, and made it worse. I
take responsibility for my misstatement.

Later he states
American troops have done a remarkable job in
Iraq and Afghanistan, and all of America
should be proud of their selfless service to
our country. I have had the opportunity to
visit with our soldiers abroad and was always
impressed by their high level of
professionalism, dedication and skill.
As a combat veteran, I was dismayed that my
misspoken joke about the President was taken
as an insult to our troops. I would never
intend to do anything but praise our troops.
My poorly stated joke was not about and never
intended to refer to any service member. I
personally apologize to any service member,
family member, or American who was offended.
I was also disappointed that my comments
detracted from the real tragedy; the
inadequate planning for the war, insufficient
body armor, and no real plan for success. I
will not be dissuaded from pressuring the
Administration to find a direction in Iraq to
get the policy fixed and bring our troops
home from an Iraq that's stable.

Thank you again for writing me with your
concerns. Be assured that I am committed to
our troops and their families, and will
continue fighting for their safety and well

My emphasis added bold above.

Well, he is a true political machine. Notice he states "From an Iraq that is stable"

If that is the case why does he consistently state in public we need to pull out??

Well, at least I got an answer[hmmm]
He needs to go crawl back into his hole and stay there.[angry] Friggin asswipe.[angry]

As long as he runs for office he will be around just like his big brother Ted. That is the political climate of the Commonwealth of MA as determined by the Sheeple.

Until we close our borders and do not allow any more Dems from the other States to continue to invade, those born here will have to continue to suffer. After the last election, I am strongly considering not answering any more Census surveys so I will be dropped from the voter list. That will also keep me from getting Jury Duty every three years.[thinking]
I never ever voted for him or Kennedy for anything and I never will.

I have no idea what the people of this commonwealth see in either of them. I think Kennedy gets the sympathy vote because of his brothers.
Oh, trust me I don't get it either why they are continually elected into office. God knows I vote against them EVERY chance I get.[smile]
After the last election, I am strongly considering not answering any more Census surveys so I will be dropped from the voter list. That will also keep me from getting Jury Duty every three years.[thinking]
If you want to avoid jury duty, you'd better get rid of your car and driver's license, too. They use RMV data too...
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