Are we next?

What firearms and magazines are affected by this county wide ban? Over 60 firearms are specifically listed as being illegal, including the deer rifle popular in many Midwest states, the SKS with a detachable magazine. Popular self defense weapons like the Mossberg 500 pump, and popular target shooting semiautomatic AR-15 are also illegal. In addition, all magazines that can hold more than 10 shells are banned.

How does this garbage even happen???
Does anybody find it odd that most large cities with crime problems have a liberal law making majority?
"The Ordinance specifically bans any semiautomatic shotgun that has a fixed magazine with a capacity in excess of five rounds. Since shotgun shell rounds can be obtained in sizes as short as 2 inches, the ordinance can be construed to ban all common semiautomatic shotguns."

Jesus. I'm sure the argument that if your shotgun was loaded with 2" shorts it would fail to feed woul get a myriad of sympathy by the officers and the courts taking your home defence gun away [rolleyes]

" An arguable interpretation of the word “shroud” as used in the Cook County Ordinance would include the standard forearm or stock that allows normal two handed shooting."

What a mess! Somthing has GOT to give!

-Weer'd Beard
I see this, and more, coming soon in Massachusetts. I hope we can convince our senators and state reps to oppose such legislation, but I'm sure it will be proposed.

God save us from fools.
Cook county has had a full handgun ban for awhile now. This is
just frosting on the turd that is chicago and it's suburbs.

Our side screwed up royally a long time ago by not writing incredibly tight pro-2A amendments into each state's constitution - written in such a way that no judge could rule in favor of gun control or anti-hunting bullshit.

they do...


"Art. XVII. The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority and be governed by it."

they just choose to completely ignore it.
Legislation like this always brings up the interesting question:

If a law like this was passed in your state, what would you do? Would you turn them in? Hide them? Would you politely tell the police knocking at your door to go screw themselves? Fight back? Move?

Someone, somewhere is going to draw a line in the sand and when it gets crossed it ain't gonna be pretty.
they do...


"Art. XVII. The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority and be governed by it."

they just choose to completely ignore it.

Well, it's worse than that... I believe the MA SJC ruled that it didn't apply
to individuals. So not only do they ignore it's premise, but the court
here also ignores it.

correct, and if I read this correctly, that too is a violation of the state constitution,

"Art. IV. The people of this commonwealth have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent State, and do, and forever hereafter shall, exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right which is not, or may not hereafter be, by them expressly delegated to the United States of America in Congress assembled."
Does anyone know if this law was immediately challenged, including seeking a preliminary injunction prohibiting enforcement of the law until the suit could be decided?

disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV. I'm sure a real lawyer will soon correct my mis-guided notion.
Ever since the crooked politicians took the county back from the mob, it's been a mess. You can't begin to describe the corruption unless you use a word stronger than endemic.
I lived out that way during my teens.
Yes, there actually is someplace worse than Massachusetts.
Good Ole Illionois.
First it was Morton Grove, Illionois, some years back and their Violent Crime has been rising ever since. If I remember right, it was Lake City, Fla that made it MANDATORY everyone WOULD own a firearm for protection.
Won't be long. I remember walking the Back roads in Vermont, growing up and Chuck hunting all of the fields and pastures, along the way. Usually there would be a couple of us, armed with a Lever Action 30-30 and maybe a .303 British or a M-1 Carbine or whatever we had. Never was stopped, never was frisked, never had a F.I. filled out on us. Just a few years ago, I was walking home from a gravel pit a mile down the road and I was stopped by a Trooper. I got the 3rd degree and I was adament in not answering his imposing questions. I refused to give hiim answers other that who I was and where I lived and where I had been. Call me stuborn, but after a few exchange of words, he did drive off. Point was, I was stopped in the first place.
Vermont has no real laws to speak of, and it is not ILLEGAL in most places to walk into a store with a gun on your hip. Happens frequently during Hunting Seasons.
Bernie Sanders won his first term because he ran against a Peter Smith who was in FAVOR of imposing Gun Laws. Now look at Bernie, he voted for the Brady Bill, Voted for the Assault Weapon Ban, voted for the Fienstein Amendment and so forth. Yup! we are going down one at a time.....
OH NO!!!

I hate seeing stuff like this. [sad2]

I gotta get up to Maine real quick!

That's assuming Maine isn't right behind Mass. I'm sure the mayors of much of York and Cumberland County (as well as the liberal Majority that has been moving away from the big cities for decades) are in total agreement with Menino, Bloomberg, what other Bolshevik govenors are on this filthy council on crushing the 2nd ammendment.

It hurts me saying that, but frankly the writing is on the wall, at least with Greater Portland, and any place where you start seeing Mass, New York, Connnecticut, and Rhode Island refuges showing up (or worse yet lots of "Summer People")

-Weer'd Beard
You know what also gets me? I watched a show a few years back where an old lady was pleading for help, because the Gangs had taken over her neighborhood and drugs were being sold in front of her home. Next segment they were talking to the Police Chief and he was stating how they needed more officers to twart the problem.

HMMMMM, it was the failure of the Poice force in the first place and then in order to undo what was done by failure, they want More police to do it. Meanwhile the non gun owning Politicians hear the Police Pleas and insitute Gun Control Laws. Don't the idiots know that Gun Control Laws are like NO TRESPASSING SIGNS. Only Honest people read and abide, the ones you are aiming at could give a damn less.
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That is some scary stuff. One question. Doesn't the Constitution protect private property? Wouldn't legally purchased firearms be viewed as private property? I can see them getting away with making a ban on future purchases of "Assault weapons" (trust me I don't agree with it) but forcing people to turn them in! It seemed to me the Clinton administration was smart enough not to go that far.
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