ATF E-Forms Submission wait time

It is amazing how impatient we are when it gets close after waiting TWELVE WEEKS for a virtual permission slip.

Tell me about it....... I almost wished I didn't even go the SBR route as the project enthusiasm has faded away. Everyone was saying 4-6 weeks when I put in my form one on 3/23 now 12 weeks later I'm still waiting for an approval.
OMG ....... Just got a call from J.... at the ATF. Wow, i could barely talk... but I got my story out... he took my info and basically told me to hang in, he would check out my newly applied E form 1s and see if he could move em through.... wish me luck..

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Call, tell him you made the same mistake on the second form as well, and that you would like to re-submit both forms. It will temporarily cost you an extra $400 but it's worth it.

By the way BB... I just want to thank you. You've given me good direction and tips here more than once. I have to say, I was pretty bummed last week, thought I was done for and would have to begin the whole process again. But I read your response and kept it in the back of my head, I just couldn't do anything with it until this morning. Early AM, I got up and messed around with the e-forms, finally just giving in and reapplying, ready to wait another 3-6 months.... got to work at 9:45am, late because I was messing with the E0forms for almost 3 hours, checking out all the youtube vids again, rereading much of this thread... guys like 71monte and you... giving me a little attention..
Unbelievably, I got the return call from last week from my inspector, he couldn't have been more helpful..... no matter what happens, whether I get it this week or in 6 months...... thank you guys for the support... NES is the best!!!

oh ya, and if it happen, I may have a few questions about getting the lowers inscribed..... [grin]
OMG ....... Just got a call from J.... at the ATF. Wow, i could barely talk... but I got my story out... he took my info and basically told me to hang in, he would check out my newly applied E form 1s and see if he could move em through.... wish me luck..

Yeah, you got nothing to lose by calling. I straightened out an e-forms submission with them during their early days. Got a fast 2-day refund and resubmitted. Some agents are nice and will fix or push your items, others will hardline you and say too bad so sad, feel free to resubmit.
I have nothing BUT good things to say about the personal contact I have had with the NFA Division of the ATF. They may not always give me the answer I want to hear but they have always been courteous, patient, and tried to answer my questions honestly.
I had a form that I knew was filled out wrong but the drop down didn't allow me to choose the correct caliber. When I requested the form 20 I had forgotten and put the actual info rather than what was approved. Long story short I got a couple calls and we straightened it right out in a pleasant manner.

I would actually suggest getting the stamp on the "wrong caliber" then writing or emailing them to have them change it. You don't have to admit you did it wrong intentionally, just that the situation changed in the three months you were waiting... In my case it was bc the first upper blew up so I decided to use a different barrel on the second stamp after it had been submitted.
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Got a little more info yesterday from my examiner.. Originally when I spoke with him tues, I think it was, he pulled my other form1 and disapproved it to get my refund coming back. He told me he would check out the 2 new E-forms and pass them up the ladder to his superior for approval, might take a few days he thought... I was anxious all week checking me email, until yesterday afternoon, I couldn't take it anymore. So I called the number and low and behold got him on the phone, told him I was sorry to bother him, but could he check on my paperwork, since I understood from our previous conversation he would try to move it along.... I hadn't heard anything back.. he told me his superior was busy all week and he was sure he had not sent any approvals out but that he thought he would probably do it over the weekend or Monday..... sooooo, hope I didn't jinx my forms, but it sounds to me like I just may get a stamp or 2 any day now....

One more thing, when I was reapplying for my second SBR, I double checked the serial number on my Mckay UZI lower.... I had typed in the wrong number on my E form!! I thought a U was an iJ...... hahaha, good thing I screwed up the 1st form..

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I didn't get an email notification yet, but I checked my E-form application page and up popped APPROVAL in the column!!!!!

YEEEEEHAAAAA!!! I'm PRINTING out the approved forms as I type this!1
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That extra category means all the world doesn't it?

Congrats and welcome to the club!

No bout adoubt it!! Thanks again .... funny, I was just messing around getting my next e-form app ready, was saving it when it went back to the 1st screen and the Appoval folder was there. It wasn't there 5 minutes before when I 1st signed in.... Damn it feels really, really good!!
I picked up my Precision Point billet receivers today. I just efiled a Form 1 to make SBR [smile]

I'm guessing it will be at 5-6 months by the way things are looking lately. [sad2]
Thanks for the update Swamp (May I call you by your first name?). This means I am about a month out on my request...

Yes you may, I also have 2 more form 1's in and they were submitted 4/28 & 4/29. Those ones I can wait for today's stamp is for an mp5, I will post pics when it is done.
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