ATF E-Forms Submission wait time

I guess I'll be waiting. Here's a question, those recent yellow triangles over the last few months. How are people filing form-4 eforms? I didn't think that option was live.
I guess I'll be waiting. Here's a question, those recent yellow triangles over the last few months. How are people filing form-4 eforms? I didn't think that option was live.

Probably bogus data. Nfatracker is only as reliable as the data people enter, and sometimes people misunderstand what they're entering or misclick.
Yeah you don't want to see the graph of the paper versions. Plus most people who use computers file with a trust and efile.

mlaboss is correct re/ NFA Tracker info. Since it is self reported data, you have to account for user error.
A little bummed, but hope I can fix it .... just got my email... Disapproved.... INCOMPLETE FORM, RESUBNIT WITH TRUST NAMEAS THE APPLICANT IN 3B.

I put my name and address... ok, so I'm trying to go into the online form and I can't find a way to redo it and resubmit... any help here appreciated...
A little bummed, but hope I can fix it .... just got my email... Disapproved.... INCOMPLETE FORM, RESUBNIT WITH TRUST NAMEAS THE APPLICANT IN 3B.

I put my name and address... ok, so I'm trying to go into the online form and I can't find a way to redo it and resubmit... any help here appreciated...

Well that sucks so you left the field where it states "Trust Name" blank? I just downloaded my in process form and 3B on mine states my Trust name and address.
If you have a trust that is what goes under name. The only time your actual name appears on the form is if you pay with a personal credit card and obviously that would go in the payment section only.

Technically "you" don't have a trust, the trustees do and you just happen to be a trustee...
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How do I correct it... the form won't let me.. guess I'll have to call someone tomorrow... was hoping I would be able to make the correction online... and resubmit..
How do I correct it... the form won't let me.. guess I'll have to call someone tomorrow... was hoping I would be able to make the correction online... and resubmit..

When mine was disapproved because of caliber (pre-populated dropdown box was only choice) I spoke directly to my inspecting agent, and they said I couldn't alter or fix it once disapproved. Needed to resubmit all over again. Got ahead and try to talk to them, maybe they'll change their mind.
A little bummed, but hope I can fix it .... just got my email... Disapproved.... INCOMPLETE FORM, RESUBNIT WITH TRUST NAMEAS THE APPLICANT IN 3B.

I put my name and address... ok, so I'm trying to go into the online form and I can't find a way to redo it and resubmit... any help here appreciated...

I made the same mistake on my first form one. The ATF returned my fee and I had to reapply, it only took a month after I reapplied to get my stamp
Thanks John, I did one of the youtube vids too... watched it ten times.. the problem is I listen to the Sandman talk, he said to put your name there, where it was supposed to be my trust name... I'm so pissed right now, cause it looks like I am fuct... for 2 form 1's!!

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That's why I researched on how to fill out the form correctly. I followed a step by step youtube video.

and yes I researched for weeks, paid for a lawyer and still fuct it up!! and I did it step by step, back and forth to the video..
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Thanks John, I did one of the youtube vids too... watched it ten times.. the problem is I listen to the Sandman talk, he said to put your name there, where it was supposed to be my trust name... I'm so pissed right now, cause it looks like I am fuct... for 2 form 1's!!

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and yes I researched for weeks, paid for a lawyer and still fuct it up!! and I did it step by step, back and forth to the video..

Call, tell him you made the same mistake on the second form as well, and that you would like to re-submit both forms. It will temporarily cost you an extra $400 but it's worth it.
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