ATF eForm 1 mega thread. Process and approvals!

Ha maybe that’s what mine will be like, I sent it to the local chief of police and the firearms licensing officer was the one that called
Do you ever put anything telling them to call the atf? I just say this is what I got going on and if you have any questions please direct them to the atf and give them their number.
looking for an answer from someone who has done it.
In NH, sending the info to the Sherriff instead of the local Chief.
It turns out my Chief is a bit of a dick, and I'd prefer to not be sending him anything, buy I don't want to do anything questionable.
I know what the instructions say, just looking for someone who has gone this route and didn't, or did, have any problems.
Do you ever put anything telling them to call the atf? I just say this is what I got going on and if you have any questions please direct them to the atf and give them their number.
I have not, this is the first time they have called. I'm not concerned, nothing I'm doing is illegal and nothing to hide...
Two of the three were approved this morning. Still waiting on the noveske
When I submitted two eform1’s they were 15 min apart. One came in on Friday then the other on the following Monday. I think they probably just went to two different examiners.
When I submitted two eform1’s they were 15 min apart. One came in on Friday then the other on the following Monday. I think they probably just went to two different examiners.
The two that were approved this morning were approved 6min apart from each other. They were also the last two of the three submitted. Strange I’m still waiting on the first one but oh well. Hopefully it’ll be within another week at most. I still need to order some parts for that build anyway. All I have is the lower, upper, barrel, and bcg.
JCV and OCB, are your recent trust approvals one shot trusts or do either of you have other responsible people in your trusts? I had heard that the single person trusts move fast but the ones with other responsible people tend to take longer.
Sorry I didn't see your question sooner. I am the only responsible person on my trust (but it wasn't a one-shot), and for the SP5 I SBR'd in March I was able to use the 24 month exemption letter.
looking for an answer from someone who has done it.
In NH, sending the info to the Sherriff instead of the local Chief.
It turns out my Chief is a bit of a dick, and I'd prefer to not be sending him anything, buy I don't want to do anything questionable.
I know what the instructions say, just looking for someone who has gone this route and didn't, or did, have any problems.
I'm sure you can notify the Sheriff. I always send mine to the Commonwealth AG, I've been doing it this way for 30 years and probably 100 stamps and I've never had an issue. I'd be willing to bet Silencer Shop and all of the big chains use the NH Attorney General.
I have not, this is the first time they have called. I'm not concerned, nothing I'm doing is illegal and nothing to hide...
Just an update, chatted with them today, they just wanted to make sure I understood that even though I have a tax stamp that I still need to comply with current MA AWB rules based on when the lower was purchased. Great for them to reach out and just share information to help educate the public, I guess they have had instances where it did not accurately comply due to the builder being uninformed
looking for an answer from someone who has done it.
In NH, sending the info to the Sherriff instead of the local Chief.
It turns out my Chief is a bit of a dick, and I'd prefer to not be sending him anything, buy I don't want to do anything questionable.
I know what the instructions say, just looking for someone who has gone this route and didn't, or did, have any problems.
I have 4 options here in MA and I suspect you have the same options

local chief of police
county sherif
head of state police
state attorney general

We always use the colonel of the state police for any forms we are involved in as it works for everyone regardless of location.

This is not MA specific but how Forms work. Chief law enforcement officer. It depends on unit of jurisdiction and you can pick.
Had one approved today, submitted it 7/23, but the paper prints lagged...

Question, I had planned on making it an 11" (and submitted it as an 11"), if I want to change it to 8" what is the process if any? I don't mind leaving it as an 11"... just curious.
Had one approved today, submitted it 7/23, but the paper prints lagged...

Question, I had planned on making it an 11" (and submitted it as an 11"), if I want to change it to 8" what is the process if any? I don't mind leaving it as an 11"... just curious.
I submitted one with paper prints 7/27, still waiting.

Is there a way to tell if they received them or have processed them? I had the shop that did my prints mail them, didn’t send them myself.
I submitted one with paper prints 7/27, still waiting.

Is there a way to tell if they received them or have processed them? I had the shop that did my prints mail them, didn’t send them myself.

I was supposed to get a tracking# from the dealer, I did not... I think they sat on them for a week+

Otherwise, no, not to my knowledge.
Had one approved today, submitted it 7/23, but the paper prints lagged...

Question, I had planned on making it an 11" (and submitted it as an 11"), if I want to change it to 8" what is the process if any? I don't mind leaving it as an 11"... just curious.
This one is open to some interpretation. I have never informed the ATF of any change to an SBR, whether it be overall length or barrel length. Some people feel that it's appropriate to send a letter telling them you have made the change in length, this will be a one way letter, the ATF will not provide any feedback or acknowledge the change. My opinion, you have your approved stamp, do with it what you want and don't self report to the ATF. In the end, you have to decide your level of risk but this risk is very low.
This one is open to some interpretation. I have never informed the ATF of any change to an SBR, whether it be overall length or barrel length. Some people feel that it's appropriate to send a letter telling them you have made the change in length, this will be a one way letter, the ATF will not provide any feedback or acknowledge the change. My opinion, you have your approved stamp, do with it what you want and don't self report to the ATF. In the end, you have to decide your level of risk but this risk is very low.

I kinda figure if its under 16" whether it's 1.0" or 15.9" its an SBR, what I would assume what they care about is that you have a stamp/engraving/correct SN etc...

Not that its off by a few inches. But this is the Government after all...
This one is open to some interpretation. I have never informed the ATF of any change to an SBR, whether it be overall length or barrel length. Some people feel that it's appropriate to send a letter telling them you have made the change in length, this will be a one way letter, the ATF will not provide any feedback or acknowledge the change. My opinion, you have your approved stamp, do with it what you want and don't self report to the ATF. In the end, you have to decide your level of risk but this risk is very low.
Correct. There is NO risk as there is NO requirement to notify the ATF of the current configuration. The only time you need to notify the ATF about a change in your SBR is if you PERMANENTLY put it into a non SBR configuration so want it removed from the registry.
Yes. We have multiple customers with post 8/1 submissions that have gotten approvals. All submissions had notes in the Form 1 along the lines of "Lawfully possessed in MA on 8/1"
They didn’t ask for proof? Assume this includes post 7/20/16 “copies and duplicates”?
They didn’t ask for proof? Assume this includes post 7/20/16 “copies and duplicates”?
The ATF previously determined that 7/20/16 was irrelevant. They stopped processing forms for a number of weeks and then went back to business as usual. That date means nothing to anyone.

The real question was did we have an 8/1 issue. So right now we do not. They continue to process post 8/1 submissions on 8/1 guns.
The ATF previously determined that 7/20/16 was irrelevant. They stopped processing forms for a number of weeks and then went back to business as usual. That date means nothing to anyone.

The real question was did we have an 8/1 issue. So right now we do not. They continue to process post 8/1 submissions on 8/1 guns.
Thanks. More so meaning under the new law which has a 7/20 date in it, I’m assuming they’ve talked to the state about this like they did in 2016.
So I have just recently joined the tax stamp game, just got my second one back. I'm aware I have to keep a copy with the firearm, my question is what part? The whole front page that has the actual stamp in the top right?
So I have just recently joined the tax stamp game, just got my second one back. I'm aware I have to keep a copy with the firearm, my question is what part? The whole front page that has the actual stamp in the top right?
Without googling the exact language, you are only required to produce a stamp when requested by the ATF, not produce one immediately, I never carry stamps. If you ever have an ATF agent asking to see a stamp I'm willing to bet you are about to be properly f***ed for something much bigger. I bought my first NFA item in 1994 and I've never interacted with anybody the ATF asked to see a stamp, it practicality doesn't happen, unless you messed up bad.

That said, if you want to carry a stamp you only need to carry a copy of the stamp page, that is your permission slip. The other option is to set up files on your phone or on a shared drive with all of your stamps. On a shared drive you will have access on all of your devices. I have a two main folders, Form 1s and Form 4s. Form 1s are just a bunch of SBRs I've made. In the Form 4 folder I have sub folders for SBRs, Silencers, Machine Guns and Destructive Devices. Then I drop the stamp in the proper folder.

The only exception I have is when I fly with an NFA item I print a copy of the stamp to shove in the case. This is my built in defense against the potential of an overzealous TSA dude. I have never had an issue with TSA to be fair.
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